This is an archived copy of the 2016-2018 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

Suggested arrangement of courses: computer engineering

Electrical and Computer Engineering Curriculum - Primary Technical Core:  Computer Engineering

First Year
First TermHoursSecond TermHours
E E 3023E E 319K3
E E 3063M 408D4
M 408C4PHY 303K3
RHE 3063PHY 103M1
UGS 302 or 3033Visual and performing arts or social and behavioral sciences3
 16 14
Second Year
First TermHoursSecond TermHours
E E 4114E 316L, 316M, 316N, or 316P3
M 427J or 427K4E E 3123
PHY 303L3E E 3133
PHY 103N1GOV 310L3
Visual and performing arts or social and behavioral sciences3M 340L3
 15 15
Third Year
First TermHoursSecond TermHours
E E 333T3Secondary technical core (mathematics)3-4
E E 351K3Secondary technical core laboratory4
Primary technical core (mathematics)3Secondary technical core requirement3
Primary technical core laboratory4Primary technical core requirement3
Primary technical core requirement4Primary technical core (elective)3
 17 16-17
Fourth Year
First TermHoursSecond TermHours
E E 364D3E E 464C, 464G, 464H, 464K, or 464R4
American history3GOV 312L3
Secondary technical core requirement*4American history3
Primary technical core electives6Primary technical core elective3
 Approved elective3
 16 16
Total credit hours: 125-126

* 3 credit hours needed if choosing a secondary electrical engineering technical core.

EE Option: Primary Technical Core (mathematics) is 4 hours and one Primary Technical Core Requirement is 3 hours

CE Option: Primary Technical Core (mathematics) is 3 hours and one Primary Technical Core Elective is 4 hours