This is an archived copy of the 2016-2018 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

Preprofessional and Professional Coursework

The following courses are required. The course sequence given here shows the usual order in which courses are taken to fulfill prerequisite requirements and illustrates the feasibility of completing requirements for the degree within six calendar years. Students who depart significantly from this sequence may need more time to complete their coursework, because most courses are taught only once a year and because in a given semester the scheduled meeting time of a preprofessional or professional course may conflict with the times of core courses or professional electives.

First Preprofessional Year
First TermHoursSecond TermHours 
BIO 311C3U.S. history3 
CH 3013Social and behavioral sciences core course3 
M 408K or 408N4BIO 311D3 
RHE 3063M 3163 
UGS 302 or 30313CH 2042 
 CH 3023 
 16 17
Second Preprofessional Year
First TermHoursSecond TermHours 
CH 320M3BIO 226L2 
PHY 302K3U.S. and Texas government3 
PHY 102M1U.S. history3 
U.S. and Texas government3Visual and performing arts core course3 
BIO 3253CH 220C2 
E 316L, 316M, 316N, or 316P3CH 320N3 
 BIO 326R3 
 16 19
First Professional Year
First TermHoursSecond TermHours 
PHM 381M3PHM 287DB1 
PHM 387M3PHM 281L2 
PHM 287DA1PHM 181P1 
PHM 187P1PHM 281N2 
PHM 180K1PHM 388M3 
PHM 180P1PHM 188P1 
PHM 287N2PHM 281D2 
PHM 281C2PHM 480D4 
PHM 480C4  
 18 16
Second Professional Year
First TermHoursSecond TermHoursSummer TermHours
PHM 282E2PHM 190P1PHM 386H3
PHM 195Q1PHM 390N3 
PHM 195P1PHM 182F1 
PHM 384L3PHM 182P1 
PHM 685D6PHM 685E6 
PHM 284M2PHM 184P1 
PHM 392P3PHM 184N1 
PHM 282C2PHM 186Q1 
 PHM 289P2 
 PHM 282D2 
 20 19 3
Third Professional Year
First TermHoursSecond TermHours 
PHM 183F1PHM 284E2 
PHM 183G1PHM 394F3 
PHM 185P1PHM 295R2 
PHM 287H2PHM 385H3 
PHM 685F6PHM 186P1 
PHM 385G3PHM 282R2 
PHM 283C2Professional Elective(s)4 
Professional elective(s)2  
 18 17
Fourth Professional Year
First TermHoursSecond TermHoursSummer TermHours
PHM 693E6PHM 693S6PHM 693C6
PHM 693N6PHM 694C6 
PHM 693P6PHM 694E6 
 Note: The order in which students take the fourth-year internships is at the discretion of the College of Pharmacy.  
 18 18 6
Total credit hours: 221

 Students should consider enrolling in a First-Year Signature Course that also satisfies the global cultures flag requirement.