School of Journalism
Journalism majors may not register for more than nine semester hours in journalism in one semester or summer session. The director or associate director may make exceptions to this rule for seniors who need additional journalism courses in order to graduate on time.
Any student enrolled in a journalism course who does not attend the first class meeting or laboratory session may be dropped from that course.
In addition to the prerequisites given below, several policies described in this catalog and specifically those listed in the section Special Requirements affect registration in journalism courses.
Because prerequisites are subject to change, students should consult the Course Schedule before registering.
The information in parentheses after a course number is the Texas Common Course Numbering (TCCN) designation. Only TCCN designations that are exact semester-hour equivalents of University courses are listed here. Additional TCCN information is given in Appendix A.
Journalism: J
Lower-Division Courses
J 301F. Fundamental Issues in Journalism.
Examination of major issues facing the news media in a democratic society and the exploration of digital technology on the future of news gathering, including ethics, institutions, effects, and standards of journalistic performance. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Journalism 301F and 310 may not both be counted.
J 302F. Digital Storytelling Basics.
Restricted to journalism majors. Introduction to multiple technologies for digital delivery of text, photos, audio, and video news across journalism platforms. Includes a module on grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Students must pass the grammar, spelling, and punctuation module to pass the course. Three lecture hours and three laboratory hours a week for one semester. Journalism 302F and 315 may not both be counted.
J 303F. Graphic Design for Online and Print.
Overview, design, and production of materials for online and print storytelling. Subjects include design principles, visual perception, typography, manipulation of images and photographs, and page design for media platforms. Three lecture hours and two laboratory hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: Journalism 303F, 319, 336.
J 310F. Reporting: Words.
Restricted to journalism majors. Reporting, writing, and editing skills for print, online, and broadcast. Three lecture hours and three laboratory hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: Journalism 310F, 320D, 322D. Offered on the letter-grade basis only. Prerequisite: Journalism 301F (or 310) and 302F (or 315) with a grade of at least C in each.
J 310K. Visual Literacy.
Introduction to the visual concerns of message design and interpretation, including their bases in theories of visual perception, semiotics, and media practice. Three lecture hours a week for one semester.
J 311F. Reporting: Images.
Restricted to journalism majors. Photography, video, and design for print, web, and broadcast, including design principles, visual perception, typography, manipulation of images, and photographs. Three lecture hours and three laboratory hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: Journalism 311F, 318C, 321C. Offered on the letter-grade basis only. Prerequisite: Journalism 301F (or 310) and 302F (or 315) with a grade of at least C in each.
J 313S. Topics in Texas Sports and Media.
Introduction to various contemporary and historical issues, emphasizing interdisciplinary perspectives and critical discourse. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Communication 310 and Journalism 313S may not both be counted unless the topics vary. May be repeated for credit when the topics vary. Prerequisite: Varies with the topic.
J 318. Photography I.
Intensive training in basic digital and black-and-white photography; darkroom techniques; and fundamental approaches to producing images. Three lecture hours and four laboratory hours a week for one semester. Journalism 318 and 325 may not both be counted. Prerequisite: Journalism 316 with grade of at least C, and a major in journalism or consent of instructor.
J 119S, 219S, 319S, 419S, 519S, 619S, 719S, 819S, 919S. Topics in Journalism.
This course is used to record credit the student earns while enrolled at another institution in a program administered by the University's Study Abroad Office. Credit is recorded as assigned by the study abroad adviser in the School of Journalism. University credit is awarded for work in an exchange program; it may be counted as coursework taken in residence. Transfer credit is awarded for work in an affiliated studies program. May be repeated for credit when the topics vary.
Upper-Division Courses
J 320F. Covering Law Enforcement and Courts.
Restricted to journalism majors. Specialized reporting, research, and writing skills for investigating and covering incidents and issues occurring in law enforcement, public safety, and criminal justice. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Journalism 310F and 311F with a grade of at least B in each.
J 321F. Reporting on City and County Government.
Restricted to journalism majors. Basic beat reporting skills to navigate city and county governments, and conducting reporting, research, and writing on issues and people at the local level. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Journalism 310F and 311F with a grade of at least B in each.
J 322D. Broadcast Newswriting and Radio Reporting.
Examination and practice of writing news for broadcast and of basic broadcast reporting skills. Students write, report, edit, and produce a radio news program on deadline. Two lecture hours and four laboratory hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Admission to the broadcast news area of concentration.
J 322F. Navigating State Government.
Restricted to journalism majors. Training and instruction in specialized reporting, research, and writing skills as applicable to covering state governments. Analysis of enduring issues and politics at the state level. Fieldwork at the Texas Capitol and state agencies. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Journalism 310F and 311F with a grade of at least B in each.
J 323F. Education Reporting.
Restricted to journalism majors. Covering school districts and higher education to produce stories that humanize the bureaucracy of public education and compellingly depict issues, structures, and policies. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Journalism 310F and 311F with a grade of at least B in each.
J 324F. Business and Financial Reporting.
Instruction in how to conceptualize, source, and prepare news reports on global financial markets, commercial transactions, and company performance. The course is global, with the United States a subset of the material covered. Hands-on course during which students produce multiple news packages for publication. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Journalism 324F and 349T (Topic 2: Business Journalism) may not both be counted. Prerequisite: Journalism 310F and 311F with a grade of at least B in each.
J 325F. Covering Politics.
Restricted to journalism majors. Specialized research, reporting, and writing skills to cover political issues, candidates, and campaigns. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Journalism 325F and 349T (Topic 16: Politics and the Press) may not both be counted. Prerequisite: Journalism 310F and 311F with a grade of at least B in each.
J 326F. Reporting Sports.
Restricted to journalism majors. Contemporary professional skills and techniques in sports journalism. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Journalism 310F and 311F with a grade of at least B in each.
J 326S. Advanced Topics in Texas Sports and Media.
Critical assessment of various contemporary and historical issues, emphasizing interdisciplinary perspectives. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Communication 320 and Journalism 326S may not both be counted unless the topics vary. May be repeated for credit when the topics vary. Prerequisite: Completion of at least sixty semester hours of coursework and a University grade point average of at least 2.25.
J 327. Feature Writing.
Practice in researching, reporting, writing, structuring, and editing feature stories and news features for the print media. Identifying and contacting appropriate freelance markets regarding queries and stories. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: Journalism 327, Latin American Studies 322 (Topic 4: Feature Writing), Mexican American Studies 374 (Topic 6: Feature Writing). Prerequisite: Journalism 320D with a grade of at least C, and admission to a journalism area of concentration.
J 129S, 229S, 329S, 429S, 529S, 629S, 729S, 829S, 929S. Topics in Journalism.
This course is used to record credit the student earns while enrolled at another institution in a program administered by the University's Study Abroad Office. Credit is recorded as assigned by the study abroad adviser in the School of Journalism. University credit is awarded for work in an exchange program; it may be counted as coursework taken in residence. Transfer credit is awarded for work in an affiliated studies program. May be repeated for credit when the topics vary.
J 330F. Television Reporting and Producing.
Restricted to journalism majors. Basic television news gathering skills, including shooting and editing videotape, planning and executing visual storytelling, and writing and producing news packages. Students assist in the production of a television news program. Two lecture hours and four laboratory hours a week for one semester. Journalism 330F and 353D may not both be counted. Prerequisite: Journalism 310F and 311F with a grade of at least B in each, and consent of instructor.
J 330G. Creative Nonfiction for Magazines and Books.
Restricted to journalism majors. Reporting and writing skills for narrative nonfiction, including writing book proposals, magazine pitches, and sample chapters. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Journalism 330G and 359T (Topic 6: Narrative Storytelling) may not both be counted. Prerequisite: Journalism 310F and 311F with a grade of at least B in each.
J 331. Web Publishing.
Advanced skills in Web design and in publishing multimedia content. Emphasis on collaborative work in creating an ongoing Web information product. Three lecture hours and three laboratory hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Journalism 320D and 321C with a grade of at least C in each, and admission to a journalism area of concentration.
J 331F. Entrepreneurial Journalism.
Restricted to journalism majors. Creating for-profit and nonprofit journalistic enterprises in the news media ecosystem; the impact of digital technology on the news industry, with emphasis on changes to business and distribution models, and ways people consume and produce news and information; and projects and prototypes that include business plans and content planning. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Journalism 331F and 359T (Topic: Entrepreneurial Journalism) may not both be counted. Prerequisite: Journalism 310F (or 320D) and 311F (or 321C) with a grade of at least B in each.
J 331G. Audio Storytelling.
Restricted to journalism majors. Examination and practice of writing news for podcast. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: Journalism 322D, 331G, 359T (Topic 7: Podcasting). Prerequisite: Journalism 310F and 311F with a grade of at least B in each.
J 332F. News Editing for Online and Print.
Restricted to journalism majors. Advanced multimedia editing and production techniques. Emphasis on news judgment, language use, editing of textual elements, and use of digital software for print and web publication of text, audio, and visual imagery. Three lecture hours and three laboratory hours a week for one semester. Journalism 332F and 330 may not both be counted. Prerequisite: Journalism 310F and 311F with a grade of at least B in each.
J 332G. Explanatory Journalism: Storytelling in a Digital Age.
Restricted to journalism majors. Examination of the evolution of long-form explanatory storytelling from print and film to new forms of Web-based and interactive storytelling. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Journalism 332G and 359T (Topic: Explanatory Journalism: Storytelling in a Digital Age) may not both be counted. Prerequisite: Journalism 310F and 311F with a grade of at least B in each.
J 333F. Data-Driven Reporting.
Restricted to journalism majors. Electronic document retrieval and manipulation; spreadsheet and database management; and Internet skills. Includes collaborative work on major investigative projects. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Journalism 333F and 338 may not both be counted. Prerequisite: Journalism 310F and 311F with a grade of at least B in each.
J 333G. Advanced Visual Journalism: Photo.
Restricted to journalism majors. Explores intensive photographic reportage and documentation using the camera as a tool of investigation and interaction. Emphasis on creation of photo stories, photo essays, and feature stories, with editing and page layout. Three lecture hours and three laboratory hours a week for one semester. Journalism 333G and 355 may not both be counted. Prerequisite: Communication 316 or Journalism 316 with a grade of at least C; and Journalism 310F and 311F with a grade of at least B in each.
J 334. Multimedia Journalism.
Review of online reporting techniques, advanced multimedia skills, and current issues in new media. Three lecture hours and three laboratory hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Journalism 320D and 321C with a grade of at least C in each, and admission to a journalism area of concentration.
J 334F. Oral History as Journalism.
Restricted to journalism majors. Instruction in the use of oral history to generate journalistic coverage. Modules include concepts and methods of gathering oral history; illustration of the techniques using the Vietnam War as a topic; and generating oral history-based coverage focusing on the Mexican American experience. Three lectures hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: Journalism 334F, 349T (Topic 7: Oral History as Journalism), 395 (Topic 20: Oral History as Journalism). Prerequisite: Journalism 310F and 311F with a grade of at least B in each.
J 334G. Advanced Visual Journalism: Video.
Restricted to journalism majors. Explores intensive video reportage and documentation using the camera as a tool of investigation and interaction. Emphasis on creation of video news and feature stories. Three lecture hours and three laboratory hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: Journalism 334G, 370K, 371K. Prerequisite: Communication 316 or Journalism 316 with a grade of at least C; and Journalism 310F and 311F with a grade of at least B in each.
J 335. Narrative Journalism.
Students develop and produce a publication, focusing particularly on underrepresented groups and issues. Three lecture hours and three laboratory hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: Journalism 335, Latin American Studies 322 (Topic 11: Latino Community Journalism), 322 (Topic 11: Narrative Journalism), Mexican American Studies 374 (Topic 4: Latino Community Journalism), 374 (Topic 4: Narrative Journalism). Prerequisite: Journalism 320D with a grade of at least C, admission to a journalism area of concentration, and consent of instructor.
J 335F. Magazine Writing and Production.
Restricted to journalism majors. Instruction in and supervised practice of magazine writing and production. Laboratory hours include production of a magazine online and in print. Three lecture hours and two laboratory hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: Journalism 335F, 349T (Topic 15: Magazine Production), 359T (Topic 2: Magazine Production). Prerequisite: Journalism 310F and 311F with a grade of at least B in each.
J 335G. Advanced Television Reporting and Producing.
Restricted to journalism majors. Advanced writing and reporting skills for the collaborative production of television news programs on deadline. Students assist in producing a television news program. Two lecture hours and four laboratory hours a week for one semester. Journalism 335G and 372D may not both be counted. Prerequisite: Journalism 330F (or 353D) with a grade of at least C; Journalism 310F and 311F with a grade of at least B in each; and consent of instructor.
J 336F. Social Media Journalism.
Restricted to journalism majors. The role of journalism in emerging digital social networks, examining current and traditional theories about social media as a form of journalism. Practice in the use of live chatting, tagging, geotagging, wikis, Twitter, Flickr, and digital avatars as news-gathering techniques. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Journalism 336F and 349T (Topic: Social Media Journalism) may not both be counted. Prerequisite: Journalism 310F and 311F with a grade of at least B in each.
J 336G. Producing Social Documentaries for Television News.
Restricted to journalism majors. Instruction in the production of social documentaries for television, with emphasis on social issues often ignored by television news. Includes production of a twenty-minute long-form story. Three lecture hours and three laboratory hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Journalism 310F and 311F with a grade of at least B in each; Journalism 331G or 359T (Topic 7: Podcasting) with a grade of at least C; and consent of instructor.
J 337F. Long-Form Feature Writing.
Restricted to journalism majors. Advanced instruction in reporting and writing long-form narratives, including lessons in analyzing story-telling tools, strategies, and techniques. Examination of narrative strategies and techniques across different media platforms. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Journalism 337F and 374D may not both be counted. Prerequisite: Journalism 310F and 311F with a grade of at least B in each.
J 337G. Opinion Writing.
Restricted to journalism majors. Examines opinion writing and commentary in traditional print and evolving online formats. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Journalism 310F and 311F with a grade of at least B in each.
J 338F. Advanced Visual Design.
Restricted to journalism majors. Advanced exploration of principles and processes of visual design, including design principles, visual perception, typography, image making, uses of color, printing techniques, and publication design. Three lecture hours and three laboratory hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: Journalism 338F, 359T (Topic 3: Advanced Visual Design), 395 (Topic 5: Advanced Visual Design). Prerequisite: Journalism 303F (or 319) with a grade of at least C, and Journalism 310F (or 320D) and 311F (or 321C) with a grade of at least B in each.
J 339D. News Documentaries and Public Affairs.
Study and practice of researching, writing, and producing short-form and magazine documentaries for television. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Journalism 320D with a grade of at least C, and admission to a journalism area of concentration.
J 339F. Investigative Reporting.
Restricted to journalism majors. Emphasis on determining what an investigative story is, finding investigative stories, and basic tactics in pursuing such stories. Three lecture hours and three laboratory hours a week for a semester. Journalism 339F and 359T (Topic 5: Investigative Reporting) may not both be counted. Prerequisite: Journalism 310F and 311F with a grade of at least B in each.
J 339S. Research in Texas Sports and Media.
Same as Communication 330. Supervised research with a faculty member; research may consist of an individual project or assisting a faculty research project. Hours to be arranged. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Completion of at least sixty semester hours of coursework, a University grade point average of at least 2.25, and consent of the department.
J 340C. Topics in Journalism, Communication, and Culture.
Issues concerning minority or nondominant groups within the United States. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Some topics may require additional laboratory hours. May be repeated for credit when the topics vary. Prerequisite: Varies with the topic and is given in the Course Schedule.
Topic 4: Leadership, Management, and the Media. Prerequisite: Admission to a journalism area of concentration.
J 340F. Covering the Global Economy.
Restricted to journalism majors. Examines the enduring financial, economic, and business issues journalists confront in covering the global economy. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Journalism 310F and 311F with a grade of at least B in each.
J 340G. Reporting Asia: A Foreign Correspondent's Framework.
Restricted to journalism majors. Explores dynamic ways of looking at, thinking about, and reporting the world, and establishes a framework for analyzing how the news media cover key events, issues, and processes that shape our lives in a global society. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: Journalism 340G, 349T (Topic 17: Reporting Asia), 395 (Topic 17: Reporting Asia). Prerequisite: Journalism 310F and 311F with a grade of at least B in each.
J 340J. Documentary Tradition of Latin America.
Contemporary social, professional, and intellectual concerns with the practice of journalism. Study of still photographic and video documentary work by Latin Americans about Latin America. Production of photographic essays on Latin American culture. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: Journalism 340J, 349T (Topic: Documentary Tradition in Latin America), 395 (Topic 4: Documentary Tradition of Latin America). Prerequisite: Journalism 310F and 311F with a grade of at least B in each.
J 341F. Understanding African Americans and the Media.
Restricted to journalism majors. Examination of documentaries and films, readings and discussions, writing and research assignments, and group projects to increase understanding of the historical context of African Americans in United States society. Focuses on evaluating media representation and coverage of African Americans. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Journalism 341F and 340C (Topic 2: African Americans and the Media) may not both be counted. Prerequisite: Journalism 310F and 311F with a grade of at least B in each.
J 341G. Reporting China: A Foreign Correspondent's Workshop.
Restricted to journalism majors. Contemporary social, professional, and intellectual concerns with the practice of journalism. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Journalism 341G and 349T (Topic 18: Reporting China) may not both be counted. Prerequisite: Journalism 310F and 311F with a grade of at least B in each.
J 341J. Minorities and the Media.
Issues concerning minority or nondominant groups in the United States. Survey of minority communication problems, including alienation, fragmentation, and media and Internet access. Criticism and feedback for minority groups based on racial/ethnic background, age, sex, disability, social or economic class, and sexual orientation. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: Journalism 340C (Topic 1: Mass Media and Minorities), 341J, Latin American Studies 322 (Topic 10: Minorities and the Media), Mexican American Studies 374 (Topic 22: Minorities and the Media), Urban Studies 354 (Topic: Mass Media and Minorities), Women's and Gender Studies 340 (Topic 21: Minorities and the Media).
J 342F. Women and the News.
Restricted to journalism majors. Historical and contemporary exploration of women and the news. Examination of the role of women in producing news and the construction of women within news texts. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Journalism 340C (Topic 5: Women and the News) and 342F may not both be counted. Prerequisite: Journalism 310F and 311F with a grade of at least B in each.
J 342G. Reporting the World: A Critical Examination of the United States News Media.
Restricted to journalism majors. Dynamic ways of looking at, thinking about, and reporting the world, both abroad and at home. Establishes a framework for analyzing how the news media cover key events, issues, and processes that shape our lives in a global society. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Journalism 342G and 349T (Topic 19: Reporting the World) may not both be counted. Prerequisite: Journalism 310F and 311F with a grade of at least B in each.
J 343F. Journalism and Religion.
Restricted to journalism majors. Critical examination of how religion traditionally has been covered in the United States, and guidelines for developing individual thinking and reporting on religious issues. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Journalism 340C (Topic 3: Journalism and Religion) and 343F may not both be counted. Prerequisite: Journalism 310F and 311F with a grade of at least B in each.
J 343G. Exploring Digital Media and Society.
Restricted to journalism majors. Examines the connection between new media and society through a variety of theoretical and practical perspectives to explore the implications of the use of technology and new media in influencing community, social relationships, and public and private spaces, as well as the profession of journalism. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Journalism 310F and 311F with a grade of at least B in each.
J 344F. Reporting on Gender and Sexuality.
Restricted to journalism majors. Instruction on how to cover controversial issues around gender and sexuality. Review of the sociology of gender and sexuality, with a focus on political, economic, and cultural implications. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Journalism 310F and 311F with a grade of at least B in each.
J 344G. Urban Journalism.
Studies of basic city functions and how to detect urban dysfunctions before crises become news. Topics include infrastructure decay, traffic congestion, poverty and homelessness, digital divides, school dropouts, conflict and crime, riots and protests, obesity and disease, recreation, and pollution. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Journalism 310F and 311F with a grade of at least B in each.
J 345F. Social Issues Reporting.
Coverage of social issues such as immigration, health care, and child welfare. Examination of stereotypes, how they affect reporting, and how they change as student reporters encounter new subjects. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Journalism 310F and 311F with a grade of at least B in each.
J 345G. Human Rights Journalism.
Exploration of the role of journalists in exposing human rights abuses. Modules include case studies from El Salvador, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Rwanda, Bosnia, Sudan, Israel, and Russia, as well as the legal and moral obligations of journalists as witnesses to atrocities and genocide. Examination of the Bush Administration's global War on Terror and the legacy confronting the Obama Presidency. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Journalism 310F and 311F with a grade of at least B in each.
J 346F. Reporting on the Environment.
Instruction and supervised fieldwork in environmental coverage. Topics include interviewing, elements and structures of good environment writing, the concepts of scientific certainty and uncertainty, and communicating complex science to lay audiences. Issues covered include climate change, energy, air and water quality, and sustainability. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Journalism 346F and 349T (Environmental Journalism) may not both be counted. Prerequisite: Journalism 310F and 311F with a grade of at least B in each.
J 346G. Domestic Issues and Global Perspective.
Comparative reporting and covering social issues from global and intercultural perspectives. Proper positioning of the United States globally in terms of recession, food, health care, education, energy consumption, and climate change. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Journalism 310F and 311F with a grade of at least B in each.
J 347F. Reporting Latin America.
Foreign reporting and international news production processes, with special emphasis on Latin America. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: Journalism 347F, 349T (Topic 4: International Reporting), 395 (Topic 4: Documentary Tradition of Latin America). Prerequisite: Journalism 310F and 311F with a grade of at least B in each.
J 347G. Cultural Survey of Photography.
Development of photojournalism and commercial, documentary, amateur, and art photography, including historical processes, the evolution of stylistic trends, and the careers of major photographers. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: Journalism 347G, 362E, 387P. Prerequisite: Journalism 310F and 311F with a grade of at least B in each; and Communication 316 or Journalism 316 with a grade of at least C.
J 347S. Magazine Management.
Study of the business of launching and maintaining successful publications. Three lecture hours and two laboratory hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Journalism 320D and 327 with a grade of at least C in each, and admission to a journalism area of concentration.
J 348F. Covering the Latino Community in the United States.
Challenging and developing views of the contemporary Latino community and other underrepresented people in the United States. Topics include a history of ethnic groups in the United States and their politics, education, organization, immigration, culture, power, and media. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Journalism 348F and 349T (Topic 10: Covering the Latin Community in the United States) may not both be counted. Prerequisite: Journalism 310F and 311F with a grade of at least B in each.
J 348G. The Business of Sports Media.
Examination of the business of sports-related media, including over-the-air television, cable, satellite television, print, radio, social media, and internet-based media, and the impact of such media on sports presentation and development, professional franchises, colleges, and conferences. Emphasis on how the business of sports media generates revenue and content, and the business models for each type of media, the challenges to such models, and the likely future changes to them. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Journalism 348G and 349T (Topic: The Business of Sports Media) may not both be counted. Prerequisite: Journalism 310F and 311F with a grade of at least B in each.
J 348S. Media Management.
Print and broadcast management and planning in operations, personnel, content, marketing, finance, technology, and regulation. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Admission to a journalism area of concentration.
J 349F. Reporting Public Health and Science.
Restricted to journalism majors. Specialty reporting to help news consumers understand complex health and medicine issues. Considers the lack of critical perspective, balanced reporting, and grasp of fundamental issues that afflict much health reporting. Focuses on the latest reporting techniques and narrative skills to illuminate an intellectually demanding field that also includes public health policy. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Journalism 349F and 349T (Topic: Reporting Public Health and Science) may not both be counted. Prerequisite: Journalism 310F and 311F with a grade of at least B in each.
J 349G. Sports Journalism.
Restricted to journalism majors. Contemporary professional skills and techniques in covering sports and athletics, including interviewing coaches and athletes, reporting, the business side of sports, ethical issues for sports journalists, and writing sidebars and color stories. Three lecture hours and three laboratory hours a week for one semester. Journalism 349G and 359T (Topic 1: Sports Journalism) may not both be counted. Prerequisite: Journalism 310F (or 320D) and 311F (or 321C) with a grade of at least B in each.
J 349T. Topics in Journalism.
Contemporary social, professional, and intellectual concerns in the practice of journalism. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Some topics may require additional laboratory hours. May be repeated for credit when the topics vary. Prerequisite: Admission to a journalism area of concentration.
Topic 1: Senior Seminar. Capstone experience in analysis of current journalism issues. Students complete a major research project. Additional prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
Topic 5: Broadcast News Practices and Analysis.
Topic 8: Alternative Media. Journalism 349T (Topic 8) and 395 (Topic 22: Alternative Media) may not both be counted.
Topic 9: Covering Technology and Innovation.
Topic 11: Editorial Column Writing.
Topic 14: Latino Policy Issues.
Topic 20: Video Journalism for the Web.
Topic 21: Writing for Magazines and Specialty Publications.
Topic 22: Writing for Online Publications.
J 350F. Media Law.
Required for all journalism majors. Examination of legal rights and restrictions for online and print journalism, including Constitutional guarantees, libel, invasion of privacy, and contempt of court. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Journalism 350F and 360 may not both be counted. Prerequisite: Journalism 310F and 311F with a grade of at least B in each.
J 351F. Journalism, Society, and the Citizen Journalist.
Restricted to journalism majors. Social and ethical responsibilities; and legal rights and restrictions, including Constitutional guarantees, libel, invasion of privacy, and contempt of court. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Journalism 351F and 349T (Topic 13: Journalism, Society, and the Citizen Journalist) may not both be counted. Prerequisite: Journalism 310F and 311F with a grade of at least B in each.
J 352F. Ethics in Journalism.
Restricted to journalism majors. In-depth examination of the ethical choices individual journalists face and the ethical implications of how news media operate in a larger social and political framework. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: Journalism 352F, 349T (Topic 12: Ethics in Journalism), 395 (Topic 23: Ethics in Journalism). Prerequisite: Journalism 310F and 311F with a grade of at least B in each.
J 353F. Historical Perspectives in Journalism.
Restricted to journalism majors. Evolution of journalism and mass media, including the social, economic, and political factors that have contributed to changes in news gathering and distribution. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Journalism 353F and 366E may not both be counted. Prerequisite: Journalism 310F and 311F with a grade of at least B in each.
J 359T. Topics in Journalism, Skills, and Techniques.
Contemporary professional skills and techniques in the practices of journalism. Three lecture hours and two to four laboratory hours a week for one semester, as required by the topic. May be repeated for credit when the topics vary. Prerequisite: Admission to a journalism area of concentration.
Topic 4: Advanced News Editing.
J 360F. Internship.
Restricted to journalism majors. Internships to be arranged by student and approved by instructor. Internship hours to be arranged. Journalism 331K and 360F may not both be counted. Offered on the pass/fail basis only. Prerequisite: Journalism 310F and 311F with a grade of at least B in each.
J 160G. Journalism Practicum.
Restricted to journalism majors. Internship hours to be arranged. Journalism 131P and 160G may not both be counted. Offered on the pass/fail basis only. Prerequisite: Journalism 360F.
J 361F. Reporting Texas.
Restricted to journalism majors. Students work as online reporters, photographers, and editors for the School of Journalism's Reporting Texas website. Three lecture hours and three laboratory hours a week for one semester. Journalism 361F and 359T (Topic: Reporting Texas) may not both be counted. Prerequisite: Six semester hours of upper-division coursework in journalism with a grade of at least B in each course.
J 363. Theories of Mass Communication.
Comparative survey of perspectives, research, and theories on communication through the mass media; theories on media effects and the construction of social reality, especially regarding the news media. Three lecture hours a week for one semester.
J 364E. The Mass Media and Society.
Readings, lectures, films, guest speakers, and panel discussions on the function, role, and responsibility of the mass media in modern society. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Admission to a journalism area of concentration, or consent of instructor.
J 367E. Journalism in Latin America.
Same as Latin American Studies 322 (Topic 14: Journalism in Latin America). Study of the practice of journalism in Latin America. Survey of the region, including historical, political, economic, cultural, ethnic, and geographical aspects. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Upper-division standing and a major in journalism, or consent of instructor.
J 370K. Advanced Photojournalism.
Explores intensive photographic reportage and documentation using the camera as a tool of investigation and interaction. Emphasis on creation of photo stories, photo essays, and feature stories, with editing and page layout. Three lecture hours and four laboratory hours a week for one semester. May be repeated for credit when the topics vary. Prerequisite: Journalism 355 with a grade of at least C, and acceptance into the photojournalism area of concentration; or consent of instructor.
Topic 1: Advanced Photo Editing and Design. Taught abroad; location may vary by semester. Only one of the following may be counted: Journalism 370K (Topic 1), 370K (Topic: Advanced Photojournalism in Czechoslovakia), 395 (Topic 2: Advanced Photo Editing and Design).
Topic 2: Documentary Video.
Topic 3: Picture Editing.
J 371K. Photographic Illustration.
Principles of studio lighting, theory and practice of contemporary color, location lighting, and the production of portfolio-quality work, as applied to advertising, photographic illustration, and photojournalism. Three lecture hours and four laboratory hours a week for one semester. May be repeated for credit when the topics vary. Prerequisite: Journalism 355 with a grade of at least C, and acceptance into the photojournalism area of concentration; or consent of instructor.
Topic 1: Location Lighting.
Topic 2: Studio Photography.
J 373D. Advanced News Reporting.
Study of community and institutional news sources; reporting on courts and city, county, and state governments; emphasis on fact-finding and skill in writing; in-depth reporting of significant events. Three lecture hours and six hours of laboratory reporting a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Journalism 320D with a grade of at least C, and admission to a journalism area of concentration.
J 375. Magazine Editing and Publishing.
Restricted to journalism majors. Advanced magazine design and layout; critical analysis of the magazine in society. Three lecture hours and two laboratory hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: Journalism 375, 376D, 377D. Prerequisite: Journalism 330 and 319 (or 336) with a grade of at least C in each.
J 376D. Newspaper Editing and Layout.
Restricted to journalism majors. Advanced newspaper typography, layout, and editing. Graphics techniques and production processes; planning content and format of newspapers; copydesk management. Three lecture hours and two laboratory hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: Journalism 375, 376D, 377D. Prerequisite: Journalism 330 and 319 (or 336) with a grade of at least C in each.
J 377D. Print Design.
Advanced print design and layout. Graphics techniques and production processes; planning content and format of newspapers and magazines. Three lecture hours and two laboratory hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: Journalism, 375, 376D, 377D. Prerequisite: Journalism 319 (or 336) with a grade of at least C, credit with a grade of at least C or registration for Journalism 330, and admission to a journalism area of concentration.
J 379. Journalism Independent Study.
Restricted to journalism majors. Designed to give students the opportunity to pursue special studies for which separate courses have not been organized. The equivalent of nine laboratory hours a week for one semester. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Journalism 310F and 311F with a grade of at least B in each, and consent of the director of the school.
J 379H. Honors Tutorial Course.
Restricted to journalism majors. Conference course of intensive study, planned by Journalism Honors Committee; research and the writing of a substantial paper on a special journalism topic. Individual instruction. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Admission to the Journalism Honors Program and consent of the director of the school.
J 379P. Photojournalism Research Projects.
Restricted to journalism majors. Designed to give photojournalism students the opportunity to pursue special studies for which separate courses have not been organized. The equivalent of nine laboratory hours a week for one semester. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Admission to a journalism area of concentration and consent of the director of the school.