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This is an archived copy of the 2012-14 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit


Biochemistry majors must take either Mathematics 408C and 408D or Mathematics 408N, 408S, and 408M; and eight semester hours of physics: either Physics 301, 101L, 316, and 116L; 303K, 103M, 303L, and 103N; or 317K, 117M, 317L, and 117N.

Major: Chemistry 301 or 301H, 302 or 302H, 204 or 317; either 128K, 128L, 328M, and 328N, or 220C, 320M, and 320N; 339K, 339L, 353 or 353M, 455, 369L, and 370.

Minor for biochemistry majors: Either Biology 311C, 311D, and 325 or Biology 315H and 325H; six additional semester hours in biology, three of which are chosen from Biology 328, 339, 345, 361T, 365R or 371M, and 365S; and three additional hours chosen from the preceding list or from Biology 320, 226L and either 326M or 326R, 330, 331L, 335, 344, 346, 347, 349, 360K, 361 and 365W.

Students must earn a grade of at least C- in each mathematics and science course required for the degree, and a grade point average in these courses of at least 2.00.

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