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This is an archived copy of the 2014-15 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

Graduate Courses

The faculty has approval to offer the following courses in the academic years 2013–2014 and 2014–2015; however, not all courses are taught each semester or summer session. Students should consult the Course Schedule to determine which courses and topics will be offered during a particular semester or summer session. The Course Schedule may also reflect changes made to the course inventory after the publication of this catalog.


Energy and Earth Resources: EER

EER 194, 294, 394. Directed Readings in Energy and Earth Resources.

Restricted to students in the energy and earth resources program. Energy, water, and environmental issues related to the exploration, production, and consumption of energy in society. For each semester hour of credit earned, one lecture hour a week for one semester. May be repeated for credit when the topics vary. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.

EER 396. Seminar in Energy and Earth Resources.

Graduate seminar covering a wide range of issues in energy and earth resources. Three lecture hours a week for one semester, with additional hours for some topics. May be repeated for credit when the topics vary. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.

Topic 1: Energy and Earth Resource Economics. Same as Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering 383 (Topic 60: Energy and Earth Resource Economics). Theoretical and applied topics in natural resource economics, including project analysis, production theory, industrial organization, markets and regulation, and environmental economics. Additional prerequisite: Graduate standing in computational and applied mathematics, engineering, or geological sciences. Students seeking to enroll in this course must present technical prerequisites satisfactory to the instructor.
Topic 2: Business, Finance, and Management.
Topic 3: Policy and Law.
Topic 4: Resource Economics and Econometrics.
Topic 5: Geology of Earth Resources. Same as Geological Sciences 386R. Study of geologic, economic, societal, and environmental issues related to the production and consumption of energy, metal, industrial mineral, and water resources. Emphasizes the descriptive geology and origin of earth resources within the context of their overall geologic settings. Three lecture hours and one laboratory hour a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: Energy and Earth Resources 396 (Topic: Geology of Earth Resources), 396 (Topic 5), Geological Sciences 386R, 391 (Topic: Geology of Earth Resources). May not be counted toward a graduate degree in geological sciences or petroleum engineering. Offered on the letter-grade basis only.

EER 698. Thesis.

The equivalent of three lecture hours a week for two semesters. Offered on the credit/no credit basis only. Prerequisite: For 698A, graduate standing in energy and earth resources, at least nine semester hours of coursework in the energy and earth resources program, and consent of the graduate adviser; for 698B, Energy and Earth Resources 698A.

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