Degree Requirements
Master of Arts
Candidates for the master’s degree must complete thirty-six semester hours of coursework and submit a thesis or report for approval by a supervising committee.
The following coursework is required. A course used to fulfill requirement 1 or 2 may not also be used to fulfill requirement 3 or 4.
- Linguistics 380K, 380L, 380M, 381K, 381L, and 381M.
- Six additional hours of advanced coursework in the primary area of interest.
- For those who choose the report option, three additional semester hours in advanced graduate courses in linguistics.
- Six hours in a minor area.
- Linguistics 398R or 698.
The department has no formal language requirement, but the faculty recommends that students have or acquire some familiarity with at least one language other than the native language.
Doctor of Philosophy
Candidates for the doctoral degree in linguistics must complete the following courses: Linguistics 380K, 380L, 380M, 381K, 381L, 381M, and 397. The student must also complete eighteen semester hours of approved advanced coursework in the primary area of interest, optionally including Linguistics 398T, and nine hours of supporting coursework in a minor area.
The department has no formal language requirement, but the faculty recommends that students have or acquire some familiarity with at least one language other than the native language.
Admission to candidacy. To qualify for admission to candidacy for the doctoral degree, a student must complete fifty-four semester hours approved for the Program of Work; submit a qualifying paper for approval by a faculty committee; and complete a paper in a minor area approved for the requirement by the faculty member reviewing the paper.