This is an archived copy of the 2014-16 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

Graduate Courses

The faculty has approval to offer the following courses in the academic years 2013–2014 and 2014–2015; however, not all courses are taught each semester or summer session. Students should consult the Course Schedule to determine which courses and topics will be offered during a particular semester or summer session. The Course Schedule may also reflect changes made to the course inventory after the publication of this catalog.


Biomedical Engineering: BME

BME 180J, 380J. Fundamentals of Biomedical Engineering.

One or three lecture hours a week for one semester, or as required by the topic. May be repeated for credit when the topics vary. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.

Topic 1: Mathematical Modeling in Biomedical Engineering. Conservation of mass, momentum, energy, and charge; first and second laws of thermodynamics; first- and second-order differential equations; nonlinear differential equations; partial differential equations as applied to biomedical engineering problems. Normally offered in the fall semester only.
Topic 2: Quantitative Systems Physiology and Pathophysiology. Modeling of physiological systems from the molecular and cellular levels to the systems level; focus on the neuromuscular and cardiovascular systems. Normally offered in the fall semester only. Additional prerequisite: An undergraduate physiology course or the equivalent, and consent of instructor.
Topic 3: Principles of Biomeasurement. Principles of signal measurement in the biomedical field; survey of transducers used for chemical, mechanical, electrical, and thermal biomedical measurements; analysis of how signals are converted into digital form; analysis of noise; aliasing; data storage. Normally offered in the fall semester only.
Topic 4: Fields, Forces, and Flows in Physiological Systems. Introduction to mathematical models that integrate different energy domains and length scales, with an emphasis on the coupling between them. Normally offered in the spring semester only. Additional prerequisite: Biomedical Engineering 380J (Topic 1) and 380J (Topic 2).
Topic 5: Biostatistics, Study Design, and Research Methodology. Principles for hypothesis testing; confidence limits; regression analysis; correlation; analysis of variance; experimental design and factorial analysis; discriminate analysis; applications of statistics. Normally offered in the spring semester only. Additional prerequisite: An undergraduate probability theory course or the equivalent, and consent of instructor.
Topic 6: Analysis of Biomedical Engineering Systems I. Quantitative examination of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems from the cell to system levels. Presents the cardiovascular and respiratory systems in three phases: (1) anatomy and physiology; (2) energetics (thermodynamics), cellular processes, and engineering analysis; and (3) engineered devices, instrumentation, and imaging for therapeutics and diagnosis. Additional prerequisite: A course in physiology, proficiency in MATLAB, and consent of the graduate adviser.
Topic 7: Analysis of Biomedical Engineering Systems II. Computational techniques used in biomedical engineering. Students propose and conduct an engineering design study relevant to a selected medical problem. Additional prerequisite: Biomedical Engineering 380J (Topic 6).

BME 080M. Dual MD/PhD Program with UT Medical Branch.

Preclinical medical study at the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston. May not be taken concurrently with another course at the University of Texas at Austin. Prerequisite: Graduate standing and admission to the MD/PhD dual degree program in biomedical engineering.

BME 081. Interinstitutional Enrollment.

Restricted to biomedical engineering students enrolled in courses at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston or the University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center. May not be taken concurrently with another course at the University of Texas at Austin. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in biomedical engineering.

BME 381J. Topics in Cell and Molecular Imaging.

Three lecture hours a week for one semester, or as required by the topic. May be repeated for credit when the topics vary. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in engineering and consent of instructor. Additional prerequisites may vary with the topic and are given in the Course Schedule.

Topic 1: Laser-Tissue Interaction: Thermal. Same as Electrical Engineering 385J (Topic 9: Laser-Tissue Interaction: Thermal). The thermal response of random media in interaction with laser irradiation. Calculation of the rate of heat production caused by direct absorption of the laser light, thermal damage, and ablation.
Topic 2: Laser-Tissue Interaction: Optical. Same as Electrical Engineering 385J (Topic 16: Laser-Tissue Interaction: Optical). The optical behavior of random media such as tissue in interaction with laser irradiation. Approximate transport equation methods to predict the absorption and scattering parameters of laser light inside tissue. Port-wine stain treatment; cancer treatment by photochemotherapy; and cardiovascular applications.
Topic 3: Biomedical Imaging: Signals and Systems. Same as Electrical Engineering 385J (Topic 18: Biomedical Imaging: Signals and Systems). Physical principles and signal processing techniques used in thermographic, ultrasonic, and radiographic imaging, including image reconstruction from projections such as CT scanning, MRI, and millimeter wave determination of temperature profiles. Additional prerequisite: Electrical Engineering 371R.
Topic 4: Optical Spectroscopy. Same as Electrical Engineering 385J (Topic 23: Optical Spectroscopy). Measurement and interpretation of spectra: steady-state and time-resolved absorption, fluorescence, phosphorescence, and Raman spectroscopy in the ultraviolet, visible, and infrared portions of the spectrum.
Topic 5: Therapeutic Heating. Same as Electrical Engineering 385J (Topic 26: Therapeutic Heating). Engineering aspects of electromagnetic fields that have therapeutic applications: diathermy (short wave, microwave, and ultrasound), electrosurgery (thermal damage processes), stimulation of excitable tissue, and electrical safety.
Topic 6: Noninvasive Optical Tomography. Same as Electrical Engineering 385J (Topic 28: Noninvasive Optical Tomography). Basic principles of optical tomographic imaging of biological materials for diagnostic or therapeutic applications. Optical-based tomographic imaging techniques including photothermal, photoacoustic, and coherent methodologies.
Topic 7: Digital Image and Video Processing. Digital image acquisition, processing, and analysis; algebraic and geometric image transformations; two-dimensional Fourier analysis; image filtering and coding. Additional prerequisite: Credit or registration for Biomedical Engineering 335 or Electrical Engineering 351K.

BME 382J. Topics in Cellular and Biomolecular Engineering.

Three lecture hours a week for one semester, or as required by the topic. May be repeated for credit when the topics vary. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in engineering and consent of instructor.

Topic 1: Cell and Tissue Engineering. Use of case studies to explore pathologies of tissue, current clinical treatment, and the role of engineers in developing new technologies to diagnose and treat these pathologies. Emphasis on the use of quantitative cellular and molecular techniques. Applications of synthetic and natural biomaterials. Additional prerequisite: Biomedical Engineering 380J (Topic 2: Quantitative Systems Physiology and Pathophysiology).
Topic 2: Introduction to Biochemical Engineering. Microorganisms in chemical and biochemical synthesis; genetic manipulation of cells by classical and recombinant DNA techniques; enzyme technology; design of bioreactors and microbial fermentations; and separations of biological products. Normally offered in the fall semester only.
Topic 3: Molecular Sensors and Nanodevices for Biomedical Engineering Applications. Introduction to a variety of methods used to detect biological molecules with optical and electrical transduction mechanisms. Covers the classical approaches to biosensors for the detection of specific molecules in biological systems.
Topic 4: Advanced Engineering Biomaterials. Overview of biomaterials, including prosthetics, ceramics, metal implants, and polymers, with specific emphasis on properties and applications. The immunology of material-tissue interactions and the issues of biocompatibility.
Topic 5: Structured Surfaces, Fabrication, Characterization, and Application. Introduction to fabrication and characterization techniques used to create and analyze microstructured and nanostructured surfaces for biomedical and biotechnology applications. Focuses on the use of self-assembly processes for the fabrication of biological functionality in surface structures.
Topic 6: Biopolymers and Drug/Gene Delivery. Biomedical polymers and their applications in drug delivery and gene therapy. Emphasis on parenteral, mucosal, and topical delivery of biomolecules, and the role of polymers in genetic therapy and DNA vaccination.

BME 383J. Topics in Computational Biomedical Engineering and Bioinformatics.

Three lecture hours a week for one semester, or as required by the topic. May be repeated for credit when the topics vary. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in engineering and consent of instructor. Additional prerequisites may vary with the topic and are given in the Course Schedule.

Topic 1: Network Thermodynamics in Biophysics. Modeling and simulation methods for nonlinear biological processes, including coupling across multienergy domains; practical implementation by bond graph techniques. Additional prerequisite: Mechanical Engineering 344 or consent of instructor.
Topic 2: Musculoskeletal Biomechanics. Synthesis of properties of the musculotendon and skeletal systems to construct detailed computer models that quantify human performance and muscular coordination. Additional prerequisite: Mathematics 341 and Kinesiology 395 (Topic 36: Biomechanics of Human Movement).
Topic 4: Biomechanics of Human Movement. Same as Kinesiology 395 (Topic 36: Biomechanics of Human Movement). Additional prerequisite: Kinesiology 326K, two semesters of calculus, and one semester of college physics (mechanics), and consent of instructor.
Topic 5: Introduction to Nonlinear Dynamics in Biological Systems. Same as Kinesiology 395 (Topic 63: Introduction to Nonlinear Dynamics in Biological Systems). Basic concepts of nonlinear mathematics and their application to biological systems. Additional prerequisite: Two semesters of college-level calculus and consent of instructor.
Topic 6: Genomic Signal Processing and Bioinformatics. Exploration of technologies such as sequencing, DNA microarrays, and protein mass spectrometry for high throughput acquisition of molecular biological data. Mathematical analysis and modeling of these data, and biological and medical predictions made by these analyses and models. Additional prerequisite: Knowledge of Mathematica, MATLAB, or a programming language.
Topic 7: Data Mining. Analyzing large data sets for interesting and useful information; online analytical processing, finding association rules, clustering, classification, and function approximation; scalability of algorithms and real-life applications.
Topic 8: Systems Biology. The biological function of genetic and biochemical networks from a quantitative perspective. Students use mathematical tools to model network modules, such as biological switches, oscillators, and amplifiers. Discusses recent papers on a variety of biological problems that can be addressed with a systems biology approach. Additional prerequisite: Biology 311C and Mathematics 427K; Chemistry 369 or an introductory course in biochemistry, and knowledge of MATLAB, are recommended.

BME 384J. Topics in Instrumentation.

Three lecture hours a week for one semester, or as required by the topic. May be repeated for credit when the topics vary. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in engineering and consent of instructor. Additional prerequisites may vary with the topic and are given in the Course Schedule.

Topic 1: Biomedical Instrumentation I. Same as Electrical Engineering 385J (Topic 31: Biomedical Instrumentation I). Application of electrical engineering techniques to analysis and instrumentation in biological sciences: pressure, flow, temperature measurement; bioelectrical signals; pacemakers; ultrasonics; electrical safety; electrotherapeutics.
Topic 2: Biomedical Instrumentation II: Real-Time Computer-Based Systems. Same as Electrical Engineering 385J (Topic 17: Biomedical Instrumentation II: Real-Time Computer-Based Systems). Design, testing, patient safety, electrical noise, biomedical measurement transducers, therapeutics, instrumentation electronics, microcomputer interfaces, and embedded systems. Four structured laboratories and an individual project laboratory.
Topic 3: Biosignal Analysis. Same as Electrical Engineering 385J (Topic 15: Biosignal Analysis). Theory and classification of biological signals such as EEG, EKG, and EMG. Data acquisition and analysis procedures for biological signals, including computer applications.
Topic 4: Bioelectric Phenomena. Same as Electrical Engineering 385J (Topic 3: Bioelectric Phenomena). Examines the physiological bases of bioelectricity and the techniques required to record bioelectric phenomena both intracellularly and extracellularly; the representation of bioelectric activity by equivalent dipoles and the volume conductor fields produced.
Topic 5: Projects in Biomedical Engineering. Same as Electrical Engineering 385J (Topic 32: Projects in Biomedical Engineering). An in-depth examination of selected topics, such as optical and thermal properties of laser interaction with tissue; measurement of perfusion in the microvascular system; diagnostic imaging; interaction of living systems with electromagnetic fields; robotic surgical tools; ophthalmic instrumentation; noninvasive cardiovascular measurements. Three lecture hours and six laboratory hours a week for one semester. Additional prerequisite: Biomedical Engineering 384J (Topic 1) or Electrical Engineering 385J (Topic 31).
Topic 6: Neurophysiology/Prosthesis Design. Same as Electrical Engineering 385J (Topic 33: Neurophysiology/Prosthesis Design). The structure and function of the human brain. Discussion of selected neurological diseases in conjunction with normal neurophysiology. Study of neuroprosthesis treatments and design philosophy, functional neural stimulation, and functional muscular stimulation.

BME 385J. Topics in Biomedical Engineering.

Three lecture hours a week for one semester, or as required by the topic. Biomedical Engineering 385J and 387J may not both be counted unless the topics vary. May be repeated for credit when the topics vary. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in engineering and consent of instructor.

Topic 12: Biomedical Heat Transfer. Heat transfer in biological tissue; determination of thermodynamic and transport properties of tissue; thermal effects of blood perfusion; cryobiology; numerical modeling methods; clinical applications. Normally offered in the fall semester only. Additional prerequisite: Mechanical Engineering 339, Chemical Engineering 353, or the equivalent.
Topic 35: Ten Unsolved Questions in Neuroscience.
Topic 36: Engineering Applications of Immunology and Disease Pathology.
Topic 37: Functional Imaging: Principles, Approaches, and Applications.
Topic 38: The Synaptic Basis for Learning and Memory. Abstract models and biophysical models of synaptic plasticity. Includes guest lectures from experimentalists working in this field.

BME 386. Seminars in Biomedical Engineering.

The equivalent of three class hours a week for one semester. Any number of topics may be taken for credit, and, with consent of instructor, any topic may be repeated for credit. Some topics are offered on the credit/no credit basis only; these are identified in the Course Schedule. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in biomedical engineering, or graduate standing and consent of instructor.

Topic 1: Nanobiotechnology Research.
Topic 2: Biomedical Imaging and Informatics Research.
Topic 3: Stem Cell Basics.

BME 387J. Topics in Biomedical Engineering.

Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Taught by distance learning methods. Biomedical Engineering 385J and 387J may not both be counted unless the topics vary. May be repeated for credit when the topics vary. Prerequisite: Graduate standing. Additional prerequisites vary with the topic and are given in the Course Schedule.

BME 396. Research Internship.

Students participate in research in an industry, clinic, or academic laboratory setting selected with the approval of the faculty adviser. At least twenty hours of fieldwork a week for one semester. May be counted only once toward either the master's or the doctoral degree. Offered on the credit/no credit basis only. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.

BME 197, 297, 397, 597, 697. Research Problems.

Problems selected by the student with approval of the faculty adviser. For each semester hour of credit earned, three laboratory hours a week for one semester. Offered on the credit/no credit basis only. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in biomedical engineering.

BME 197E. Professional Responsibilities in Imaging.

One lecture hour a week for one semester. Offered on the credit/no credit basis only. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.

BME 197N. Integrated Biomedical Engineering Seminar.

Designed to support students' professional development as well as their broad understanding of the biomedical engineering research enterprise. One lecture hour a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.

BME 197R, 297R, 397R. Imaging Research Seminar.

For each semester hour of credit earned, one lecture hour a week for one semester. Offered on the credit/no credit basis only. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.

BME 197S. Graduate Seminar in Biomedical Engineering.

The equivalent of one lecture hour a week for one semester. May be repeated for credit. Offered on the credit/no credit basis only. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.

BME 698. Thesis.

The equivalent of three lecture hours a week for two semesters. Offered on the credit/no credit basis only. Prerequisite: For 698A, graduate standing in biomedical engineering and consent of the graduate adviser; for 698B, Biomedical Engineering 698A.

BME 398R. Master's Report.

Preparation of a report to fulfill the requirement for the master's degree under the report option. The equivalent of three lecture hours a week for one semester. Offered on the credit/no credit basis only. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in biomedical engineering and consent of the graduate adviser.

BME 399R, 699R, 999R. Dissertation.

Offered on the credit/no credit basis only. Prerequisite: Admission to candidacy for the doctoral degree.

BME 399W, 699W, 999W. Dissertation.

Offered on the credit/no credit basis only. Prerequisite: Biomedical Engineering 399R, 699R, or 999R.