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Petroleum Engineering

Master of Science in Engineering
Doctor of Philosophy

For More Information

Campus address: Chemical and Petroleum Engineering Building (CPE) 2.502, phone (512) 471-3161, fax (512) 471-9605; campus mail code: C0300

Mailing address: The University of Texas at Austin, Graduate Program, Department of Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering, 200 East Dean Keeton, Austin TX 78712-1585.




This program is designed to educate engineers to solve problems related to exploring and recovering subsurface resources such as oil and gas. The program allows students to take courses in a broad range of areas, including computational geosystems engineering, drilling engineering, environmental and geosystems engineering, formulation evaluation, petroleum economics, production engineering, and reservoir engineering.

Once students have chosen a degree option, they may choose to work closely with a faculty member conducting research in their area of interest. The program offers a doctoral degree based on a combination of coursework and research, and a master’s degree based on either a thesis or a report, or on coursework alone.

Facilities for Graduate Work

Excellent facilities for graduate research in petroleum and geosystems engineering are available in the Chemical and Petroleum Engineering Building. In addition to departmental offices and classrooms, the building houses over 40,000 square feet of laboratory space, providing unique capabilities for studies in production logging, vertical and inclined flow in wells, artificial lift, core flooding for enhanced oil recovery, subsurface environmental remediation, drilling, stimulation, rock mechanics, well log digitizing and interpretation,  PVT analysis, reservoir simulation development and application, and unconventional resources. Additional laboratory space at the J. J. Pickle Research Campus is used for research. A machine shop is maintained to fabricate and support research equipment.

In addition to the facilities of Information Technology Services, students have access to a host of computers housed in the Department of Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering, including numerous PCs, workstations, and supercomputing facilities at the Texas Advanced Computing Center . Excellent library facilities include the Mallet Chemistry Library, the McKinney Engineering Library, the Walter Geology Library, and the Kuehne Physics Mathematics Astronomy Library.

Graduate Studies Committee

The following faculty members served on the Graduate Studies Committee in the spring semester 2013.

Matthew T Balhoff
Steven L Bryant
Hugh C Daigle
Mojdeh Delshad
David DiCarlo
Kenneth E Gray
Larry W Lake
Mark W McClure
Kishore Mohanty
Quoc P Nguyen
Jon E Olson
Tadeusz W Patzek
Gary A Pope
Masa Prodanovic
Kamy Sepehrnoori
Mukul M Sharma
Sanjay Srinivasan
Carlos Torres-Verdin
Eric Van Oort
Mary F Wheeler

Admission Requirements

All prospective degree candidates must have a background satisfactory for study of advanced petroleum engineering as determined by the Graduate Studies Committee. For students without this background, such as those without degrees in engineering or in the petroleum-related fields, the Graduate Studies Committee will recommend a program of coursework designed to prepare the student for graduate study. Complete requirements for admission are available at