Graduate Courses
The faculty has approval to offer the following courses in the academic years 2013–2014 and 2014–2015; however, not all courses are taught each semester or summer session. Students should consult the Course Schedule to determine which courses and topics will be offered during a particular semester or summer session. The Course Schedule may also reflect changes made to the course inventory after the publication of this catalog.
German: GER
GER 381. Studies in Germanic Linguistics and Philology.
Three lecture hours a week for one semester. May be repeated for credit when the topics vary. Prerequisite: Graduate standing or consent of instructor.
Topic 2: Introduction to Synchronic Linguistics: German.
Topic 3: Introduction to Diachronic Linguistics: Germanic. Same as Classical Civilization 383 (Topic 2) and Linguistics 383 (Topic 8). Only one of the following may be counted: Anthropology 393 (Topic 16), Classical Civilizations 383 (Topic 2), German 381 (Topic 3), Linguistics 383 (Topic 8).
Topic 14: Introduction to the Sociolinguistics of German.
GER 382M. Topics in Cultural History.
Study of various political, intellectual, artistic, and social movements in the cultures of Germanic countries. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. May be repeated for credit when the topics vary. Prerequisite: Graduate standing or consent of instructor.
GER 382N. Topics in Intellectual History.
An interdisciplinary investigation of the significance of ideological structures of thought in historical contexts. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. May be repeated for credit when the topics vary. Prerequisite: Graduate standing or consent of instructor.
GER 185, 285, 385. Conference Course in Germanic Languages or Literature.
Conference course. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Graduate standing and consent of instructor.
GER 386. Periods in Germanic Literature.
Thorough survey of the principal periods of Germanic literature. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. May be repeated for credit when the topics vary. Prerequisite: Graduate standing or consent of instructor.
Topic 1: German Literature and Culture: Middle Ages through Humanism (800-1450).
Topic 2: German Literature and Culture: Renaissance/Reformation through Baroque (1450-1730).
Topic 3: German Literature and Culture: Enlightenment through Realism (1730-1890).
Topic 4: German Literature and Culture: Naturalism since 1890.
Topic 5: Old Norse Literature and Culture.
Topic 10: Dutch Literature and Culture.
Topic 12: Scandinavian Literature and Culture.
GER 389K. Methods in the Study of Literature and Linguistics.
An introduction to the critical and technical procedures used in Germanic studies, especially bibliographical aids. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. May be repeated for credit when the topics vary. Prerequisite: Graduate standing or consent of instructor.
Topic 1: Fundamentals of Scholarship.
Topic 6: German Rhetoric and Stylistics.
GER 392. Seminar in Germanic Literature and Culture.
Study of problems, topics, writers, genres, and movements in Germanic literature and culture. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. May be repeated for credit when the topics vary. Prerequisite: Graduate standing or consent of instructor.
Topic 1: German Literature and Cinema. Offered on the credit/no credit basis only.
GER 393K. Seminar in Germanic Linguistics and Philology.
Study of linguistic topics in Germanic languages, such as grammar, morphology, phonology, dialectology, syntax, lexicology, sociolinguistics. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. May be repeated for credit when the topics vary. Prerequisite: Graduate standing or consent of instructor.
Topic 1: German Syntax. Same as Linguistics 384 (Topic 4: German Syntax).
Topic 3: The Acquisition of German. Special problems in the acquisition of German or another Germanic language as a first or second language. German 381 (Topic: The Acquisition of German) and 393K (Topic 3) may not both be counted.
Topic 4: Synchronic Linguistics: German Morphology.
Topic 6: Sociolinguistics: Language Contact and Death.
Topic 7: Sociolinguistics: Texas German Dialect.
Topic 8: Sociolinguistics: German Dialectology.
Topic 9: Synchronic Linguistics: Phonetics and Phonology.
Topic 10: Older Germanic Languages and Cultures: Old Norse.
Topic 11: Older Germanic Languages and Cultures: Gothic.
Topic 12: Older Germanic Languages and Cultures: Old High German.
Topic 13: Older Germanic Languages and Cultures: Middle High German.
Topic 14: Older Germanic Languages and Cultures: Old Saxon.
GER 394C. Topics in Comparative, Cultural, or Theoretical Studies.
Topics with a substantial Germanic component or application that fall outside of national-language literary and linguistic studies. May include comparative national approaches to genre, culture, or society; interdisciplinary studies; and surveys or focused studies on approaches to theory or methodology that apply to Germanic studies. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. May be repeated for credit when the topics vary. Prerequisite: Graduate standing or consent of instructor.
GER 397P. Topics in Applied Linguistics and Pedagogy.
Three lecture hours a week for one semester. May be repeated for credit when the topics vary. Prerequisite: Graduate standing or consent of instructor.
GER 698. Thesis.
The equivalent of three lecture hours a week for two semesters. Offered on the credit/no credit basis only. Prerequisite: For 698A, graduate standing in Germanic studies and consent of the graduate adviser; for 698B, German 698A.
GER 398R. Master's Report.
Preparation of a report to fulfill the requirement for the master's degree under the report option. The equivalent of three lecture hours a week for one semester. Offered on the credit/no credit basis only. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in Germanic studies and consent of the graduate adviser.
GER 398T. Supervised Teaching in German.
Analysis of the major foreign language teaching methodologies; curriculum and curricular materials development. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
GER 399R, 699R, 999R. Dissertation.
Offered on the credit/no credit basis only. Prerequisite: Admission to candidacy for the doctoral degree.
GER 399W, 699W, 999W. Dissertation.
Offered on the credit/no credit basis only. Prerequisite: German 399R, 699R, or 999R.