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Computer Science

Master of Science in Computer Science
Doctor of Philosophy

For More Information

Campus address: T. S. Painter Hall (PAI) 5.72B, phone (512) 471-9503, fax (512) 471-7866; campus mail code: D9500

Mailing address: The University of Texas at Austin, Graduate Program, Department of Computer Science, 1616 Guadalupe Street, Ste. 2.408, Austin TX 78701



Facilities for Graduate Work

To provide the most advanced resources for teaching and research, the Department of Computer Science manages its own network and system of more than 1,000 hosts.

A staff of fourteen, under the direction of the department's associate chair for operations, specifies, buys, installs, and maintains this computing infrastructure. Through accounts on the department's UNIX, Windows, and Macintosh workstations, students, faculty members, and staff have access to public laboratories and private equipment.

Many different computer systems are available for research use by faculty members and students in the department. The department operates a general-purpose high-throughput computing (HTC) Linux cluster with over 2,200 cores, Dell PowerEdge checkpoint servers, and a NetApp FAS3270 storage server with twenty-six terabytes. This cluster, as well as all public computing resources, are available to everyone via Condor, a resource management tool for widely distributed systems. There are several hundred Linux machines in public labs, and there are over 100 linux boxes on graduate desks. Several hundred other workstations of varying configurations and platforms are located in private research labs or on researchers' desks.

All departmental computers are networked together using one or ten Gigabits per second Ethernet. The network, managed and maintained by staff, consists of over 100 Cisco switches, with a Cisco 6513 serving as its point of presence and firewall. Network servers include the research-dedicated NetApp FAS3270 with twenty-six terabytes of storage and a NetApp FAS3270 with thirty-eight terabytes of RAIDed disk that is used for home directory service, as well as many other file servers, print servers, and communications servers.

Areas of Study

Graduate study in computer science is offered in the following areas: analysis of algorithms and programs; artificial intelligence; automated reasoning; communication protocols; compilers; computational biology; computational complexity; computational visualization; computer architecture; computer graphics; computer networks; cryptography; data mining; database management; distributed systems; fault-tolerant computing; formal methods; machine learning; mathematical software; mobile and ad hoc networks; natural language processing; neural networks; numerical analysis; operating systems; parallel programming; programming language design and implementation; randomized computation; real-time systems; robotics; scientific computing; secure computing; software construction from components; system modeling; theoretical computer science; and wireless networks.

Graduate Studies Committee

The following faculty members served on the Graduate Studies Committee in the spring semester 2013.

J K Aggarwal
Lorenzo Alvisi
Chandrajit L Bajaj
Dana H Ballard
Don S Batory
Alan C Bovik
Alan K Cline
William R Cook
Michael D Dahlin
Inderjit S Dhillon
Ron Elber
E Allen Emerson
Donald S Fussell
Anna Gal
Vijay K Garg
Joydeep Ghosh
Mohamed G Gouda
Kristen L Grauman
Warren A Hunt Jr
Lizy K John
Adam R Klivans
Simon S Lam
Vladimir Lifschitz
Calvin Lin
Kathryn S McKinley
Risto P Miikkulainen
Daniel P Miranker
Jayadev Misra
Aloysius K Mok
Raymond J Mooney
J S Moore II
Gordon S Novak Jr
Zhigang Pan
Dewayne E Perry
Keshav K Pingali
C Greg Plaxton
Bruce W Porter
William H Press
Lili Qiu
Vijaya Ramachandran
Pradeep Ravikumar
Vitaly Shmatikov
Peter H Stone
Robert A Van De Geijn
Michael H Walfish
Tandy Warnow
Brent R Waters
Andrew B Whinston
Emmett Witchel
Yin Zhang
David I Zuckerman

Admission Requirements

Most entering graduate students have degrees in computer science. Students with degrees in other areas may be considered for admission; if admitted, they may be required to take undergraduate courses in computer science, without credit toward a graduate degree, to satisfy background requirements.