This is an archived copy of the 2014-16 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit


The general rules governing withdrawal from the University are given in the General Information Catalog . In addition, the following rules apply to the School of Law.

A person who has earned fewer than nine semester hours of credit in the School of Law, has withdrawn, and then wishes to resume studies, must reapply for admission to the School of Law. The reapplication for admission is handled and evaluated as if it were an initial application. If the dean determines that the student withdrew for good cause, his or her eligibility for admission is judged by the standards in effect at the time of the previous admission.

A student who has withdrawn from the School of Law after receiving nine or more semester hours of credit may return to the school if he or she was in good standing at the time of withdrawal. Such a student is not subject to the admission selection process; however, he or she must submit an application for readmission to the School of Law.