This is an archived copy of the 2014-16 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

Bachelor of Fine Arts

Core Curriculum

All students must complete the University’s core curriculum . The specific requirements for the Bachelor of Fine Arts consist of prescribed work, major requirements, and electives. In some cases, a course required for a major in the Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) may also be counted toward the core curriculum; these courses are identified below.

Studio Art Major

Prescribed Work

In the process of fulfilling degree requirements, students must complete two courses with a writing flag, one course with a quantitative reasoning flag, one course with a global cultures flag, one course with a cultural diversity flag, one course with an ethics and leadership flag, and one course with an independent inquiry flag. Courses that fulfill flag requirements are identified in the Course Schedule . They may also be used to fulfill other degree requirements.

Major Requirements

  1. Studio art: Sixty semester hours, consisting of
    1. Studio Art 303K, 303L, 304K, and 304L
    2. Twelve semester hours, consisting of three hours from each of the following four areas:
      1. Area A: Drawing, life drawing, painting
      2. Area B: Intaglio, lithography, photography, serigraphy
      3. Area C: Digital-time art, performance art, video art
      4. Area D: Ceramics, metals, sculpture
    3. Thirty-six additional semester hours of studio art, of which at least twenty-four hours must be upper-division
  2. Art history: Twelve semester hours, consisting of
    1. Art History 302 and 304
    2. Six semester hours of upper-division coursework in art history, three semester hours of which may also be counted toward the visual and performing arts requirement of the core curriculum


Six semester hours chosen from courses either within or outside the Department of Art and Art History. Additional elective coursework may be needed to provide the total number of semester hours required for the degree.

Total Minimum Requirements

For the BFA with a major in studio art: 120 semester hours as outlined above.

Design Major

Prescribed Work

In the process of fulfilling degree requirements, students must complete two courses with a writing flag, one course with a quantitative reasoning flag, one course with a global cultures flag, one course with a cultural diversity flag, one course with an ethics and leadership flag, and one course with an independent inquiry flag. Courses that fulfill flag requirements are identified in the Course Schedule . They may also be used to fulfill other degree requirements.

Major Requirements

  1. Studio art: Twelve semester hours, consisting of Studio Art 303K, 303L, 304K, and 304L.
  2. Design: Forty-five semester hours, consisting of
    1. Design 370 with a grade of at least C and approval of the design faculty
    2. Design 371 with a grade of at least C and approval of the design faculty
    3. Thirty-nine additional hours of design, of which at least twenty-four must be upper-division
  3. Art history: Twelve semester hours, consisting of
    1. Art History 302 and 304
    2. Six semester hours of upper-division coursework in art history, three semester hours of which may also be counted toward the visual and performing arts requirement of the core curriculum

Approval of the design faculty is required before the student may begin upper-division design courses. A student with transfer credit in design must have approval of the design faculty before taking upper-division design courses at the University.


Nine semester hours chosen from courses either within or outside the Department of Art and Art History. Additional elective coursework may be needed to provide the total number of semester hours required for the degree.

Total Minimum Requirements

For the BFA with a major in design: 120 semester hours as outlined above.

Visual Art Studies Major

The major in visual art studies is a preprofessional academic program recommended for students seeking teacher certification (early childhood through grade twelve) in art or planning to pursue undergraduate or graduate training for visual art careers in community art programs. Students seeking teacher certification must adhere to current state requirements in addition to the degree requirements described in this catalog. Students should contact the College of Education for current state certification requirements.

Prescribed Work

In the process of fulfilling degree requirements, students must complete two courses with a writing flag, one course with a quantitative reasoning flag, one course with a global cultures flag, one course with a cultural diversity flag, one course with an ethics and leadership flag, and one course with an independent inquiry flag. Courses that fulfill flag requirements are identified in the Course Schedule . They may also be used to fulfill other degree requirements.

Major Requirements

  1. Studio art: Thirty-six semester hours, consisting of
    1. Studio Art 303K, 303L, 304K, and 304L
    2. Twelve semester hours, consisting of three hours from each of the following four areas:
      1. Area A: Drawing, life drawing, painting
      2. Area B: Intaglio, lithography, photography, serigraphy
      3. Area C: Digital-time art, performance art, video art
      4. Area D: Ceramics, metals, sculpture
    3.  Twelve additional semester hours of coursework in studio art, all of which must be upper-division
  2. Art history: Twelve semester hours, consisting of
    1. Art History 302 and 304
    2. Six semester hours of upper-division coursework in art history, three semester hours of which may also be counted toward the visual and performing arts requirement of the core curriculum
  3. Visual art studies: Twelve semester hours of coursework in visual art studies


Twelve semester hours approved by the visual art studies adviser.

Approved Electives

Six semester hours of coursework approved by the visual art studies adviser. Additional elective coursework may be needed to provide the total number of semester hours required for the degree.

Total Minimum Requirements

For the BFA with a major in visual art studies: 120 semester hours as outlined above.

Theatre Studies Major

The major in theatre studies is a preprofessional academic program recommended for students seeking teacher certification in theatre arts. Students seeking teacher certification must adhere to current state requirements in addition to the degree requirements described in this catalog. Students should contact the College of Education for current state certification requirements.

Prescribed Work

In the process of fulfilling degree requirements, students must complete two courses with a writing flag, one course with a quantitative reasoning flag, one course with an ethics and leadership flag, one course with a global cultures flag, one course with a cultural diversity flag, and one course with an independent inquiry flag. Courses that fulfill flag requirements are identified in the Course Schedule . They may also be used to fulfill other degree requirements.

Major Requirements

  1. Theatre and dance core: Eighteen semester hours, consisting of Theatre and Dance 311, 313C, 314C, 314P, 317C, and 317D
  2. Theatre studies emphasis: At least thirty-three semester hours, consisting of
    1. Acting and directing: Theatre and Dance 313D, 323C, and 323D
    2. Design and technical production: Theatre and Dance 314M; and nine semester hours chosen from topics of Theatre and Dance 354T, including one course in each of the following three areas: costume, lighting, and scenery
    3. Theatre studies: Theatre and Dance 326C, 326D, and 326E
    4. Theatre and Dance 351T (Topic: Creative Drama II)
  3. Nine additional semester hours of coursework in theatre and dance, of which at least six hours must be upper-division, with no more than three hours in production courses

Approved Electives

Eighteen semester hours of coursework approved by the theatre studies adviser. Additional elective coursework may be needed to provide the total number of semester hours required for the degree.

Total Minimum Requirements

For the BFA with a major in theatre studies: 120 semester hours as outlined above.

Dance Major

The option in Dance Studies is a preprofessional academic program recommended for students seeking teacher certification in dance. Students seeking teacher certification must adhere to current state requirements in addition to the degree requirements described in this catalog. Students should contact the College of Education for current state certification requirements.

Prescribed Work

In the process of fulfilling degree requirements, students must complete two courses with a writing flag, one course with a quantitative reasoning flag, one course with an ethics and leadership flag, one course with a global cultures flag, one course with a cultural diversity flag, and one course with an independent inquiry flag. Courses that fulfill flag requirements are identified in the Course Schedule . They may also be used to fulfill other degree requirements.

Major Requirements

  1. Theatre and dance core: Fifteen semester hours, consisting of Theatre and Dance 311, 312M, 314P, 317M, and 317N
  2. Dance technique:
    1. Contemporary dance technique: Twelve semester hours, consisting of two semesters of Theatre and Dance 312C and two semesters of 312D
    2. Ballet technique: Twelve semester hours, consisting of two semesters of Theatre and Dance 312F and two semesters of 312G
  3. Movement composition: Theatre and Dance 312N
  4. Dance performance and repertory: Two semesters of Theatre and Dance 222P
  5. Somatics/anatomy: Four semester hours, consisting of Theatre and Dance 112 and 352
  6. Dance emphasis: Eleven semester hours, consisting of Theatre and Dance 332M, 332N, 232P, and 332R
  7. Option in either Dance or Dance Studies:
    1. For Option in Dance: Twenty-two semester hours, consisting of two semesters of Theatre and Dance 322E, two semesters of 322J, and ten semester hours chosen from 212P, 112T, 212T, 312T, 232Q, 332S, 152T, 252T, and 352T
    2. For Option in Dance Studies: Twenty-one semester hours, consisting of three semesters of Theatre and Dance 352T and twelve hours of approved electives

To fulfill the degree requirements in dance technique, the student must achieve a suitable level of proficiency and obtain the approval of the dance faculty. At the discretion of the dance faculty, a student may be required to repeat specific dance technique courses in addition to those required for the degree. The student must be registered for dance technique each long-session semester in residence. To continue in this degree program, the student must pass an annual evaluation by the dance faculty. Students whose progress in dance technique is judged unsatisfactory by the faculty will be dismissed from the program.


Elective coursework may be needed to provide the total number of semester hours required for the degree.

Total Requirements

For the BFA with a major in dance: at least 124 or 125 semester hours as outlined above.

Acting Major

Prescribed Work

In the process of fulfilling degree requirements, students must complete two courses with a writing flag, one course with a quantitative reasoning flag, one course with an ethics and leadership flag, one course with a global cultures flag, one course with a cultural diversity flag, and one course with an independent inquiry flag. Courses that fulfill flag requirements are identified in the Course Schedule . They may also be used to fulfill other degree requirements.

Major Requirements

  1. Theatre and dance core: Eighteen semester hours, consisting of Theatre and Dance 311, 314M, 314P, 317C, 317D, and 324P
  2. Acting Emphasis: At least forty-eight semester hours, consisting of
    1. Lower-division acting emphasis: Theatre and Dance 313C, 313D, 313E, 313F, 313G, 313K, 313L, 313M, and 313N
    2. Upper-division acting emphasis: Theatre and Dance 323F, 323G, 321P or 323P, 353C, 353D, 353Q, and 353K or 353T

Approved Electives

Twelve semester hours of approved electives within the Department of Theatre and Dance chosen from the following:

  1. Industry Internship: Theatre and Dance 372, 672, or 972
  2. Theatre and Dance 353E, 353R, 353T, or additional upper-division semester hours in the Department of Theatre and Dance approved by the acting adviser

Total Minimum Requirements

For the BFA with a major in acting: at least 120 semester hours as outlined above.