Course Placement and Credit by Examination
Students at the University may earn credit and determine course placement by examination. Many exams are recommended for enrollment in certain courses, while others are optional; most serve as a basis for course credit.
Any current, former, or prospective University student may attempt to earn credit by exam for any required or elective undergraduate course, provided the student has neither passed nor failed that course at the University or at any other collegiate institution. The sole exception to this policy is when a student has received transfer credit for a course with fewer semester hours than the corresponding University course carries; in those instances, the student may earn credit by exam for the University course. Additional eligibility requirements may be established by the academic department awarding credit, with the approval of the dean of the college or school. Information about additional requirements is available from The Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) and from the academic department.
Credit earned by examination satisfies degree requirements in the same way as credit earned by passing a course, except that it does not count as credit earned in residence. Credit earned by examination does not jeopardize eligibility for scholarships that require freshman standing. The student’s official transcript does not reflect unsuccessful attempts to earn credit by examination.
A student’s academic dean may approve an exception to the course placement and credit by exam policies for compelling academic reasons. If the exception involves the student’s eligibility to be tested or to receive credit by exam in a particular course, the exception must also be approved by the department in which the course is offered.
All tests administered at the University for course placement and credit by exam require a fee. Information, including the testing schedule, eligibility requirements, test descriptions, sample questions, and the amount of test fees (including a $20 nonrefundable test registration fee), is available at the CTL Web site .
Claiming placement and/or credit
A student who has earned a credit-eligible score by exam has the option of using the score as a course prerequisite by claiming “placement only,” or by claiming “credit only.” If the student claims credit, the CTL reports the credit to the registrar’s office and the credit becomes part of the student’s academic record. Credit by examination cannot be reported to the registrar for former students who are prohibited from enrolling in Texas public colleges and universities due to noncompliance with Texas Success Initiative regulations. If the student wishes to use the test score as a course prerequisite without claiming credit, he or she may use the qualifying score, after consulting his or her academic advisor, to enroll in the sequent course. In this case, the course does not appear on the student’s academic record. A student who uses a test score for placement may later petition for course credit, but once the score has been used for course credit it may not be changed to placement only.
A fee is assessed for using the test score for either placement or credit. The CTL Web site gives complete instructions for petitioning and paying for placement and/or credit.
Although prospective students may take examinations to establish their eligibility to receive credit or placement, credit is awarded only to officially enrolled students and former students. Enrollment on the twelfth class day of a semester or the fourth class day of a summer term constitutes official enrollment.
In deciding whether to claim credit by exam, students should consider the impact of the credit on their eligibility for a tuition rebate ; the possibility that they will be charged additional tuition if they have excess credit ; and the possibility that they will be ineligible for Texas B-On-Time loan forgiveness if they have excess credit.
Examinations for course placement
Most of the tests mentioned below are given on the University campus immediately before each semester and before the first summer term, and at least once each fall and spring semester. The Writing Section of the SAT Reasoning Test and the ACT Combined English and Writing Test are administered at various sites nationwide.
- Placement in languages. Foreign language placement tests serve not only to determine the level of work appropriate for students but also as the basis for credit by exam, which normally may be earned in lower-division courses. Credit by exam may be used to absolve a high school unit deficiency or to fulfill degree requirements. Language credit that exceeds degree requirements often may be used as elective credit.
For course placement and credit by examination, the University uses the University of Wisconsin College-Level Placement Test in French; the SAT Subject Test in German with Listening plus UT Austin supplemental items; the SAT Subject Test in Korean with Listening plus UT Austin supplemental essay; and UT Austin Tests for Credit in Chinese, Hindi, Japanese, Latin, Russian, and Spanish. Information about the language tests and in some cases, sample questions, are available at the CTL Web site and from the CTL office.
Students who have taken either a College Board Advanced Placement (AP) Examination in Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Latin, or Spanish or any International Baccalaureate (IB) Examination in a foreign language do not need to take the corresponding recommended placement test, because the AP or IB examination results can be used for placement. Students should contact the CTL for information about foreign language tests not listed in this section.
Students with transfer credit in a foreign language are strongly encouraged to take the placement test before enrolling in further coursework in that language; however, in most languages, students with transfer credit are not required to take the placement test.
Students without transfer credit but with knowledge of American Sign Language or a foreign language, however acquired, are strongly encouraged to take the placement test before enrolling in a course in that language.
- Placement in chemistry. The UT Austin Test for Credit in Chemistry 301 is recommended for engineering majors (with the exception of electrical and computer engineering majors) and physics majors who have studied chemistry in high school and who do not have credit for Chemistry 301 or the equivalent. The test is appropriate for any student with a strong background in high school chemistry. Information about the chemistry test, including eligibility requirements and sample questions, is available on the College of Natural Sciences Web site
and from the CTL office.
- Placement in mathematics. Students whose degree programs allow credit for Mathematics 305G may take the SAT Subject Test in Mathematics Level 1 or Level 2 to earn credit. Students in the College of Natural Sciences, Cockrell School of Engineering, McCombs School of Business, and Jackson School of Geosciences are required to take the UT Austin Math Assessment before enrolling in a calculus class. Students in other colleges that need calculus for their major should also take the UT Austin Math Assessment. For more information on the UT Austin Math Assessment, please visit the College of Natural Sciences Web site .
Additional examinations
The following tests serve as bases for placement and credit by examination at the University.
- Placement in rhetoric and writing. A student must have an eligible score on the ACT Combined English and Writing Test or the Writing Section on the SAT Reasoning Test to receive credit for Rhetoric and Writing 306. A score on the Advanced Placement (AP) Examination in English Language and Composition or transfer credit for Rhetoric and Writing 306 may also be used for credit and placement. Additional information is available from the CTL.
International students whose native language is not English must submit satisfactory scores on the Internet-based Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL iBT) for admission to a lower-division rhetoric and writing course. -
College Board SAT Subject Tests. In addition to the Mathematics Level 1 or Level 2 Tests, the University grants credit on the basis of the SAT Subject Tests in German with Listening, Korean with Listening, Latin, and Physics.
College Board Advanced Placement (AP) Examinations. Credit is granted to students who have earned satisfactory scores on the College Board Advanced Placement Examinations in art (art history and studio art), biology, chemistry, Chinese, computer science, English, European history, French, German, human geography, Japanese, Latin, macroeconomics, mathematics, microeconomics, music theory, physics, psychology, Spanish, statistics, United States government and politics, United States history, and world history. The AP Examination in government and politics is supplemented with test items on Texas government; these additional items are administered only at the University. Advanced Placement Examinations are different from the SAT Subject Tests and are offered only once each year, in May, at specific high schools across the country. More information about AP Examinations is published by the College Board .
College-Level Examination Program (CLEP). The CLEP examinations in American government, American literature, calculus, college algebra, English literature, principles of macroeconomics, principles of microeconomics, introductory psychology, and introductory sociology are used as bases for credit by examination. The tests in American government, American literature, and English literature are supplemented with items prepared by University faculty members; these items are available only on the University campus. Information about locally prepared items may be obtained from the CTL. All CLEP examinations used by the University as a basis for credit by exam are given on campus on an ongoing basis. The University also serves as a national testing center for other CLEP examinations.
International Baccalaureate (IB) Higher-Level Examinations. Credit is granted by the University to students who earn satisfactory scores on the IB Higher-Level Examinations in Arabic, biology, chemistry, Chinese, computer science, Danish, Dutch, economics, English, French, geography, German, Hebrew, Hindi, history (concentrations in Africa, the Americas, Europe, and Islamic history), Italian, Japanese, Korean, mathematics, Norwegian, philosophy, physics, Portuguese, psychology, Russian, social and cultural anthropology, Spanish, Swedish, and visual arts.
International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma. Students who have earned an IB diploma are awarded credit based on scores of 4 or higher on IB Higher-Level (HL) and Standard-Level (SL) examinations as described by Texas Education Code section 51.968. Before claiming the credit, students should consider the impact of these hours on their eligibility for a tuition rebate ; the possibility that they will be charged additional tuition if they have excess credit ; and the possibility that they will be ineligible for Texas B-On-Time loan forgiveness if they have excess credit. Each student is strongly encouraged to discuss these issues with an academic advisor in his or her college before claiming credit. The student and advisor should also discuss the student’s academic preparation for sequent courses based on IB test scores. Credit by exam is awarded as described below to students who have earned an IB diploma and who are admitted as freshmen.
- All students who submit satisfactory scores on the IB-HL Examinations listed in item 5 above receive credit by exam, whether or not they have also earned the IB diploma.
- Students who submit scores of 4 or higher on HL exams in the subjects listed in item 5 or in other IB subjects receive credit by exam if they have also earned the IB diploma.
- Students who submit scores of 4 or higher on IB-SL Examinations receive credit by exam if they have also earned the IB diploma.
- UT Austin tests for credit in biology, chemistry, computer science, government, Hindi, history, Latin, physics, and Polish. Eligible students can earn credit for specified courses in these fields. Descriptions of the tests and test schedules are available at the CTL Web site
and from the CTL office.
- Other credit by examination. With the approval of the appropriate academic dean and department chair or program director, a student may take an examination in any undergraduate course offered by the University for which he or she has reason to feel qualified. A candidate may apply to take course examinations only after registering as a student at the University. Exams are given at the convenience of the administering department. A student who earns a satisfactory score will receive credit for the course.
Application forms for course exams are available at the CTL office. A student who intends to apply for an exam over a first-year course should obtain a course outline from the department that offers the course; only students who have the equivalent in knowledge or training of that presented in the outline should apply for the exam.