Class Syllabi
Each instructor must provide students with a syllabus on the first day that the class meets. The syllabus must include the following:
- The course number and title
- The instructor’s name, office location, and office hours
- If there are teaching assistants for the class, their names, office locations, and office hours
- An overview of the class, including prerequisites, the subject matter of each lecture or discussion, and the academic/learning goals for the course and how they will be assessed
- Grading policy, including the means of evaluation and assignment of class grades, including whether plus and minus grades will be used for final class grade and whether attendance will be used for determining the final class grade
- A brief descriptive overview of all major course requirements and assignments, along with the dates of exams and assignments that count for 20 percent or more of the class grade
- A list of required and recommended materials, such as textbooks, image collections, audio and audiovisual materials, supplies, articles, chapters, and excerpts as appropriate, identified by author, title, and publisher
- Final exam date and time (when available)
- The class Web site, if any
- A notice that students with disabilities may request appropriate academic accommodations from the Division of Diversity and Community Engagement, Services for Students with Disabilities
Listing of office hours and location is not required for the publicly available version of the syllabus on the University's main Web site . This public version is in response to HB 2504, passed in the eighty-first Legislative Session (2009). Additional advice for faculty members on the preparation of syllabi is provided by the Center for Teaching and Learning.