Conditional Admission
Almost all of the students who are admitted to the Graduate School have qualifications equal to or better than the minimum standards outlined in Graduate Admission Requirements . However, a Graduate Studies Committee may recommend, with the consent of the graduate dean, that a student be admitted to the Graduate School with conditions. The Graduate Studies Committee may require the student to maintain a certain grade point average or to take a certain number of semester hours of coursework. A conditionally admitted student may also be required to remedy deficiencies in undergraduate preparation by taking upper-division or graduate courses. The graduate advisor notifies the student of these conditions at the time of admission. The Graduate Studies Committee petitions the graduate dean for removal of conditions once the conditions have been met.
A student who does not fulfill the conditions within the specified time may be barred from subsequent registration in the Graduate School. If the student changes his or her major before the conditions have been fulfilled, the conditions remain in effect unless the graduate advisor for the new program, on behalf of the Graduate Studies Committee, petitions the graduate dean and receives approval for them to be changed.
Students admitted with conditions are not eligible to be graduate student academic employees, except under rare and unusual circumstances and with the approval of the graduate dean.