This is an archived copy of the 2015-16 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

Religious Studies

Master of Arts
Doctor of Philosophy

For More Information

Campus address: Burdine Hall (BUR) 406, phone (512) 232-7737; campus mail code: A3700

Mailing address: The University of Texas at Austin, Graduate Program, Department of Religious Studies, 2505 University Avenue Stop A3700, Austin TX 78712


Facilities for Graduate Work

Graduate students in religious studies have access to significant collections of research materials in a number of fields. The Perry-Castañeda Library houses nearly two hundred thousand volumes cataloged under categories pertaining to religious studies. The University Libraries also have extensive microfilm and microfiche holdings of document collections and provide access to important online collections of source materials. University Libraries’ substantial holdings in history, classics, sociology, anthropology, Asian studies, and Middle Eastern studies are invaluable to students studying religion. Special collections in the Harry Ransom Center, the Benson Latin American Collection, and the Dolph Briscoe Center for American History also offer opportunities for research.

Areas of Study

All candidates for graduate degrees are expected to develop a broad competence in the discipline as a whole as well as expertise in their area of concentration. The program offers five concentrations, each with its own specific objectives: religion in Asia; religion in the ancient Mediterranean; religion in Europe and the Middle East; religion in the Americas; and transregional and comparative studies in religion.

Graduate Studies Committee

The following faculty members served on the Graduate Studies Committee in the spring semester 2015.

Robert H Abzug
Marion Enid Bodian
Joel P Brereton
Virginia Garrard Burnett
Matthew J Butler
Alison K Frazier
Oliver Freiberger
Steven J Friesen
Karl Galinsky
Jennifer Graber
Jo Ann Hackett
Jonathan Kaplan
A Azfar Moin
Martha G Newman
Glenn A Peers
Chad Eugene Seales
John W Traphagan
L M White