This is an archived copy of the 2015-16 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior

Master of Arts
Doctor of Philosophy

For More Information

Campus address: Norman Hackerman Building (NHB) 2.634, phone (512) 471-8490, fax (512) 232-3699; campus mail code: A6500

Mailing address: The University of Texas at Austin; Graduate Coordinator for Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior; School of Biological Sciences; 100 E 24th Street Stop A6500, Austin TX 78712-1598



Areas of Study

The graduate program in ecology, evolution, and behavior encompasses a range of fields. Research ranges from the molecular level to the ecosystem, with approaches that include fieldwork, laboratory analyses, and mathematical modeling.

Graduate Studies Committee

The following faculty members served on the Graduate Studies Committee in the spring semester 2015.

Jeffrey E Barrick
Daniel I Bolnick
Deborah A Bolnick
James J Bull
David Cannatella
Zengjian J Chen
Julia A Clarke
David P Crews
Molly E Cummings
Michael Daniels
Andrew Ellington
Norma L Fowler
Lee A Fuiman
Lawrence E Gilbert
Robin Gutell
Christine V Hawkes
Dean Hendrickson
David M Hillis
Johann Hofmann
Robert K Jansen
Shalene Jha
Thomas E Juenger
Timothy H Keitt
Mark A Kirkpatrick
Mathew A Leibold
Donald A Levin
Craig R Linder
Mikhail V Matz
James D Mauseth
Lauren A Meyers
Ian J Molineux
Nancy A Moran
Ulrich G Mueller
Howard Ochman
Jose L Panero
Camille Parmesan
Steven M Phelps
Eric R Pianka
William H Press
Timothy B Rowe
Michael J Ryan
Sahotra Sarkar
Beryl B Simpson
Michael C Singer
Edward C Theriot
Peter Thomas
Claus O Wilke
Harold H Zakon

Degree Requirements

Master of Arts

The graduate program is focused on the doctoral degree; this degree is designed for those who anticipate careers in research, possibly combined with teaching or other activities. Students seeking only the master’s degree are rarely admitted. If a master’s degree student is admitted, his or her proposed program must be approved by the Graduate Studies Committee. The Master of Arts degree consists of thirty hours of coursework, including Biology 698 or 398R. The coursework must include a minor of six hours of coursework acceptable for graduate credit in another area of study.

Doctor of Philosophy

For the Doctor of Philosophy, preliminary training should have provided a working core of knowledge in general biology and the history of biology; other helpful areas are plant biology, vertebrate and invertebrate zoology, genetics, ecology, evolution, animal behavior, and physiology. Statistics and computational skills are also valuable.

The student must take a two-semester core course in his or her first year in the program. Students take an additional three lecture courses. At least two of these must be taught by ecology, evolution, and behavior faculty. At least one must satisfy a requirement for quantitative skills. Students must also take Biology 384L, Issues in Population Biology, and a minimum of three additional courses that may include seminars or reading courses.