This is an archived copy of the 2015-16 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

Registration on the Pass/Fail Basis

In general, students receive letter grades in law courses. The dean may determine that pass/fail grading is preferable for a course. Courses that will be offered only on the pass/fail basisĀ or for which pass/fail grading is an option will be announced before registration. The School of Law may limit the number of credits that a student can accumulate on a pass/fail basis.

A nonlaw graduate student who enrolls in a law school course offered for a letter grade may register on the pass/fail basis if permitted to do so by his or her graduate adviser.

In designated classes only, a law student may change registration in a class from the pass/fail basis to the letter-grade basis or from the letter-grade basis to the pass/fail basis until the deadline given in the Academic Calendar .