This is an archived copy of the 2015-16 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

Bachelor of Architecture/Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering Dual Degree Program

As a six-year dual professional degree program, the Bachelor of Architecture/Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering is founded upon the mutual interests of both architecture and architectural engineering.

For admission to the dual degree program, a student must meet the Admission Requirements of the School of Architecture and the requirements given in Admission and Registration  for the Cockrell School of Engineering. Students are advised to contact both the School of Architecture and the Cockrell School of Engineering for specific information about the dual degree program.

Students in the dual degree program complete the requirements of the Bachelor of Architecture and the Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering degrees. See the descriptions for the the five-year Bachelor of Architecture  degree program and the Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering for more information.

The following outline of courses is the suggested method for completing the requirements for both degrees simultaneously. Dual degree students must also consult the additional requirements of the Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering degree. Dual degree students are responsible for fulfilling the requirements of both degrees.

A student who follows the suggested arrangement of courses completes all requirements for both degrees at the end of the spring semester of the sixth year.


A total of at least 197 hours of coursework is required for this dual degree program.

All students must complete the University's Core Curriculum  as well as the courses listed in the following table. In some cases, a course that is required for the dual degree program may also be counted toward the core curriculum; these courses are identified below.

ARC 310KDesign I3
ARC 310LDesign II3
ARC 320KDesign III3
ARC 520LDesign IV5
ARC 520MDesign V5
ARC 530TDesign VI5
ARC 560RAdvanced Design (taken twice)10
ARC 560TAdvanced Design5
Visual communication
ARC 311KVisual Communication I3
ARC 311LVisual Communication II3
ARC 221KVisual Communication III2
ARC 361TTechnical Communication3
Professional practice
ARC 362Professional Practice3
Site design
ARC 333Site Design3
ARC 335MConstruction V3
ARC 308Architecture and Society (visual and performing arts)3
ARC 318KWorld Architecture: Origins to 17503
ARC 318LWorld Architecture: The Industrial Revolution to the Present3
ARC 368RTopics in the History of Architecture (taken three times)9
Core Curriculum Requirements
CRP 369KPrinciples of Physical Planning3
ARE 102Introduction to Architectural Engineering1
ARE 217Computer-Aided Design and Graphics2
ARE 323KProject Management and Economics3
ARE 335Materials and Methods of Building Construction3
ARE 346NBuilding Environmental Systems3
ARE 346PHVAC Design3
or ARE 370 Design of Energy Efficient and Healthy Buildings
ARE 465Integrated Design Project4
ARE 366Contracts, Liability, and Ethics3
CH 301Principles of Chemistry I (part II science and technology)3
C E 311KIntroduction to Computer Methods3
C E 311SProbability and Statistics for Civil Engineers3
C E 324PProperties and Behavior of Engineering Materials3
C E 319FElementary Mechanics of Fluids3
C E 329Structural Analysis3
C E 331Reinforced Concrete Design3
or C E 335 Elements of Steel Design
C E 333TEngineering Communication3
C E 357Geotechnical Engineering3
E M 306Statics3
E M 319Mechanics of Solids3
GEO 303Introduction to Geology3
M 408CDifferential and Integral Calculus (mathematics)4
M 408DSequences, Series, and Multivariable Calculus4
M 427KAdvanced Calculus for Applications I4
M E 320Applied Thermodynamics3
PHY 303KEngineering Physics I (physics sequence meets part I science and technology)3
PHY 103MLaboratory for Physics 303K1
PHY 303LEngineering Physics II3
PHY 103NLaboratory for Physics 303L1
Approved mathematics or science elective3
Approved technical electives9
Additional coursework to satisfy the core curriculum24
Total Hours197