This is an archived copy of the 2015-16 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

Business Honors Program Suggested Arrangement of Courses

First Year
First TermHoursSecond TermHours
B A 101H11M 408L, 408D, or 408S4
RHE 3063ECO 304L3
Psychology/sociology/anthropology3B A 324H3
UGS 302 or 3033MIS 301H3
M 408K, 408C, or 408N4Visual and performing arts3
ECO 304K3 
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Second Year
First TermHoursSecond TermHours
ACC 311H13ACC 312H13
GOV 310L3STA 371H13
B A 151H11FIN 357H3
STA 309H3GOV 312L3
Science and technology part I3Science and technology part I3
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Third Year
First TermHoursSecond TermHours
MAN 336H23O M 335H3
Free elective3Free elective3
American history3E 316L, 316M, 316N, or 316P3
Science and technology part II3Upper-division business elective3
MKT 337H3Nonbusiness elective3
 15 15
Fourth Year
First TermHoursSecond TermHours
B A 353H3MAN 374H13
LEB 323H3Free elective3
American history3Upper-division business elective3
Upper-division nonbusiness elective3Nonbusiness elective3
Upper-division business elective3Upper-division nonbusiness elective3
 15 15
Total credit hours: 121

 This course must be taken within the year and semester it is listed under.


 This course is only offered in the fall semester.