Department of Educational Psychology
Educational Psychology: EDP
Lower-Division Courses
EDP 110, 210, 310. Introduction to Educational Psychology.
Principles of psychology, human development, learning, and teaching. One, two, or three lecture hours a week for one semester, with additional laboratory hours to be arranged. May be repeated for credit when the topics vary.
Topic 1 (TCCN: EDUC 1300, PSYC 1300): Individual Learning Skills.
Topic 2: Selected Topics.
Topic 3: Intergroup Dialogue. Group discussion of the definitions and implications of social identities. Topics may include gender, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, physical ability, and age.
Topic 5: Strategic Learning for the Twenty-First Century. Explores a wide range of topics in educational psychology that impact student learning, including theories of cognition and motivation, and applying them to academic work. This course is appropriate for those interested in learning more about basic theories of educational psychology, students at all levels seeking to improve performance in their classes, as well as those experiencing difficulty succeeding academically at the University. Offered on the letter-grade basis only.
EDP 312. Lower-Division Seminar.
Issues and research in various areas of educational psychology and the behavioral sciences. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. May be repeated for credit when the topics vary. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
Topic 1: Issues and Debates in Life Development. Restricted to students in the Longhorn Scholars Program. Additional prerequisite: Consent of the School of Undergraduate Studies.
Upper-Division Courses
EDP 332. Psychological Foundations of Education.
Scientific contributions to the understanding of human behavior and educational processes: cultural influences, processes of learning and socialization, classroom management, development, intellectual functioning, and educational achievement. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
EDP 162, 262, 362. The Individual and Education.
Frames of reference for studying human behavior, self-concepts and individual attributes, individual and cultural nature of human learning, societal impacts on the individual personality, individualization of guidance and teaching. One, two, or three lecture hours a week for one semester. May be repeated for credit when the topics vary. Prerequisite: Upper-division standing; additional prerequisites vary with the topic.
Topic 1: Emergent Views of Intelligent Behavior.
Topic 2: Early Childhood.
Topic 3: Selected Topics.
Topic 4: Mexican Americans in the Schooling Process. Additional prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
Topic 5: Chicano Educational Struggles. Additional prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
Topic 6: Psychology of Race and Racism. Only one of the following may be counted: African and African Diaspora 374D (Topic 8: Psychology of Race and Racism), 372D (Topic 1), Curriculum and Instruction 362 (Topic 6).
Topic 7: Educational Disabilities in Schools.
Topic 8: Mindfulness, Compassion, and the Self. Designed to give students firsthand experiential knowledge of mindfulness and compassion. Subjects include self-compassion, well-being, and self-concept. Additional prerequisite: Psychology 301 or consent of instructor.
Topic 9: Psychology of the African American Experience. Educational Psychology X62 (Topic 9) is same as African and African Diaspora Studies 374D (Topic 11). Examination of the psychology of people of African descent using an African-centered liberatory model. Only one of the following may be counted: African and African Diaspora Studies 374D (Topic: Psychology of the African-American Experience), 374D (Topic 11), Educational Psychology 362 (Topic: Psychology of the African-American Experience), 362 (Topic 9).
Topic 10: Psychology of Women. Only one of the following may be counted: Educational Psychology 362 (Topic: Psychology of Women), 362 (Topic 10), Women's and Gender Studies 345 (Topic: Psychology of Women).
EDP 362T. Tests and Measurements.
Fundamental psychometric concepts; educational and psychological measurement instruments; constructing, administering, scoring, and interpreting tests for educational and individual evaluation. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. May be repeated for credit when the topics vary.
Topic 1: Tests and Measurements--Elementary.
Topic 2: Tests and Measurements--Secondary.
Topic 3: Tests and Measurements--Reading.
Topic 4: Tests and Measurements--Elementary/Secondary/Reading.
EDP 363. Personality and Behavior.
Selected approaches to the study of the dynamics of behavior, its antecedents and its appraisal. Three lecture hours a week for one semester, with additional laboratory hours to be arranged. May be repeated for credit when the topics vary. Prerequisite: Psychology 301 or another introductory behavioral science course.
Topic 1: Selected Topics.
Topic 2: Personality Development.
Topic 3: Human Sexuality.
Topic 4: Dynamics of Interpersonal Communication.
Topic 5: Emotional and Behavioral Disorders. Covers theory and research on several mental disorders with a critical perspective on how social structures and assumptions influence the way we conceptualize and treat mental disorders. Three lecture hours a week for one semester, with additional laboratory hours to be arranged.
Topic 6: Forensic Psychology: Psychological Issues in Legal Contexts. Designed to familiarize students with various psychological roles and influences in the courtroom; case law as related to expert testimony; ethical practice in forensic psychology; and psychological testing and assessment procedures used and considered best practice in various forensic contexts.
EDP 363M. Personality and Mental Health.
Exposition of theories of personality, research literature on mental health and character development, applications of principles and theories to the educative enterprise; applications of personality theory to the guidance of children and youth. Three lecture hours a week for one semester, with additional laboratory hours to be arranged. May be repeated for credit when the topics vary. Prerequisite: Six semester hours of upper-division coursework in education or other behavioral sciences.
Topic 1: Character Development.
Topic 2: School Promotion of Mental Health.
Topic 3: Adolescent Development. Addresses contemporary adolescent development in relation to major transitions, contextual influences, and psychosocial tasks, with additional emphases on aspects of adolescent identity development. Application to education and teaching adolescents is stressed.
Topic 4: Life Span Adjustment.
Topic 5: Life Span Development of Black Women. Same as African and African Diaspora Studies 321N and Women's and Gender Studies 340 (Topic 41). The psychological and social issues that affect the life span development of Black women. Discusses issues such as socioeconomic status, political climate, social norms, gender and ethnic identity, mental health, family dynamics, academic achievement, and social adjustment. Only one of the following may be counted: African and African Diaspora Studies 321N, 372D (Topic: Life Span Development of Black Women), 374D (Topic: Life Span Development of Black Women), Educational Psychology 363M (Topic 5), Women's and Gender Studies 340 (Topic: Life Span Development of Black Women), 340 (Topic 41). Additional prerequisite: Psychology 301 or another introductory behavioral science course.
Topic 6: Introduction to Life Span Development. Physical, social, and cognitive development in humans. Educational Psychology 363M (Topic: Introduction to Life Span Development) and 363M (Topic 6) may not both be counted.
EDP 367. Studies in Counseling and Psychotherapy.
Nature of the counseling process, dynamics of behavior change, client-counselor roles and relationships; an experiencing of the group process as a basis for studying dynamics of individual and group behavior. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. May be repeated for credit when the topics vary. Prerequisite: Completion of ninety semester hours of coursework, twelve semester hours of upper-division coursework in behavioral sciences, and consent of instructor.
Topic 1: Introduction to Individual Counseling and Psychotherapy.
Topic 2: A Multicultural Approach to Counseling and Psychotherapy. Major theories of counseling, client-counselor roles and relationships, history and development of multicultural counseling as an area of study, cultural competency, and the impact of culture on the counseling process.
Topic 3: Substance Abuse Counseling and Theories. Studies in biological mechanisms of categories of commonly abused substances and treatment approaches to addiction. Includes discussion of other forms of addiction, including food, sex, and internet, and addiction in diverse populations.
EDP 169K, 269K, 369K, 469K. Upper-Division Seminar.
Issues and research in various areas of educational psychology and the behavioral sciences examined in relation to human development. One, two, three, or four lecture hours a week for one semester. May be repeated for credit when the topics vary. Prerequisite: Six semester hours of upper-division coursework in education or other behavioral sciences, and consent of instructor.
Topic 1: Career Planning. Additional laboratory hour to be arranged.
Topic 2: Resident Assistant Development.
Topic 3: Students and Community Involvement.
Topic 4: Selected Topics.
Topic 5: Sorority and Fraternity Leadership Issues. Designed to facilitate development of leaders within University sororities and fraternities. Includes leadership skills development in areas such as academics, risk management, social justice, and community service. Additional prerequisite: Consent of the Office of the Dean of Students.
Topic 6: Minority Student Leadership Issues. Educational Psychology X69K (Topic 6) is same as African and African Diaspora Studies 348C. Exploration of racial identity development and the psychological impact of racism on all students, regardless of ethnicity. For each semester hour of credit earned, one lecture hour a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: African and African Diaspora Studies 348C, 374D (Topic: Minority Student Leadership Issues), Educational Psychology 369K (Topic: Minority Student Leadership Issues), 369K (Topic 6). Additional prerequisite: Six semester hours of upper-division coursework in education or other behavioral sciences, and consent of instructor.
Topic 7: Socially Responsible and Ethical Student Leadership. Additional prerequisite: Consent of the Office of the Dean of Students.
Topic 8: Training Procedures in Intergroup Dialogue. Designed to develop the foundational skills and knowledge required to facilitate discussions in a culturally diverse group, particularly intergroup dialogues. Topics include social identity and group development; prejudice and stereotyping; intergroup communication; conflict intervention; and community-building techniques.
Topic 9: Practicum in Facilitating Intergroup Dialogue. Additional prerequisite: Consent of the Office of the Dean of Students.
Topic 10: Educational Neuroscience. Explores the interactions between neurobiological processes and education, examining how cognitive neuroscience can inform and guide educational practice, as well as how the impact of the educational experience on brain development and functioning can increase understanding of functional neural systems.
EDP 371. Introduction to Statistics.
Measures of central tendency and variability; correlation and regression; probability and statistical inference; analysis of variance; nonparametric statistics. Three lecture hours a week for one semester, with additional laboratory hours to be arranged.
EDP 379L. Problems in Educational Psychology.
Supervised individual research on selected problems in educational psychology. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Educational Psychology 310 or another introductory behavioral science course.