This is an archived copy of the 2015-16 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit


Special Requirements of the School

All University students must have a grade point average of at least 2.00 to graduate. Students in the Cockrell School must also have an in-residence grade point average of at least 2.00 in all courses applicable to the degree, the major area of study and required technical courses. “Major area of study” and “required technical courses” are defined in the section “Academic Standards."

A candidate for a degree in engineering must be registered in the Cockrell School either in residence or in absentia the semester or summer session the degree is to be awarded. No later than the date given in the official academic calendar, the candidate must complete an online application form for graduation or graduation in absentia at .

All individual degree programs must include at least forty-eight semester hours of engineering coursework.

Residence Rules

All University students must complete in residence at least sixty semester hours of the coursework counted toward the degree. In the Cockrell School, thirty of these sixty hours must be in the major field or in a field closely related to the major as approved by the major department and the dean.

At least the last twenty-four hours of technical coursework counted toward an engineering degree must be taken while the student is registered as an undergraduate engineering major at the University. A student seeking an exception to this requirement must obtain written approval in advance from the dean. Information about the petition process is available in the Engineering Student Services and Advising Office, located in the Engineering Student Services Building (ESS).

Degree Audit

Each student should review his or her degree audit every semester through IDA , the University’s Interactive Degree Audit system. The degree audit normally provides an accurate statement of requirements, but the student is responsible for knowing the requirements for the degree as stated in a catalog under which he or she is eligible to graduate and for registering so as to fulfill these requirements; see the rules on graduation under a particular catalog. Since the student is responsible for correct registration toward completion of the degree program, he or she should seek an official ruling in the Engineering Student Services and Advising Office before registering if in doubt about any requirement. Avoidance of errors is the main purpose of the degree audit, but it remains the responsibility of the student to fulfill all catalog requirements.

Applying for Graduation

Students must apply for graduation the first semester they are eligible to graduate. Failure to do so will jeopardize the student’s future registration in the Cockrell School. Any subsequent registration must be recommended by the undergraduate adviser and approved by the dean.

A student is considered eligible to graduate if he or she can complete all remaining course requirements by registering for twelve semester hours or fewer.

Any student who does not graduate when eligible must contact the Engineering Student Services and Advising Office, located in the Engineering Student Services Building (ESS) or by phone at (512) 471-4321. The degree auditor will advise the student what steps are needed for future registration and graduation.

Nonresidence Coursework

A student in his or her final semester may not enroll concurrently at another institution in any course, including a distance education course, to be counted toward the degree. In the final semester, the student may also not enroll by extension or correspondence in coursework to be counted toward the degree. All transfer, extension, and correspondence coursework must be added to the student’s official record before his or her last semester.

Final Degree Audit

The student must complete all procedures associated with the final degree audit.

Any student who does not graduate when eligible must contact the Engineering Student Services and Advising Office in the Engineering Student Services Building (ESS). The degree auditor will advise the student what steps are needed for future registration and graduation.

Second Degrees

A student who completes a bachelor’s degree in engineering may receive a second bachelor’s degree in a second engineering discipline if the student (1) completes at least twenty-four hours of approved coursework beyond the work counted toward the first bachelor’s degree; and (2) meets all the requirements of the second degree that he or she did not meet in completing the first degree. No student may receive two bachelor’s degrees in the same discipline of engineering, even if the technical area options are different. For example, a student may receive the degree of Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering and that of Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering but may not receive two Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering degrees. A student may not receive bachelor’s degrees in both architectural engineering and civil engineering.


In addition to the University commencement ceremony held each spring, the Cockrell School holds graduation ceremonies in December and May. August degree candidates who have completed a degree audit and online graduation application may participate in the May graduation ceremony. Information about graduation is available at .

Registration as a Professional Engineer

The practice of engineering has a profound effect on public health, safety, and welfare. Therefore, the commitment to the public good through the licensing or registration provisions available in all states and many foreign countries is an important step in the professional development of an engineer. Becoming licensed in Texas as a professional engineer requires graduation from an approved curriculum in engineering, passage of the examination requirements, and a specific record of an additional four years or more of active practice in engineering work indicating that the applicant is competent to be placed in responsible charge of such work. Additional requirements include good character and reputation.

Engineering students are encouraged to take the Fundamentals of Engineering examination during their last long-session semester and to seek certification as an “engineer in training.”

For additional information, contact the Texas Board of Professional Engineers or the equivalent agency in another state.