This is an archived copy of the 2015-16 catalog. To
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Human Ecology
- Mathematics:
- Statistics and Data Sciences 302.
- Mathematics 408C, 408N, or Statistics and Data Sciences 332.
- Primary science:
- Twenty-seven semester hours from the School of Human Ecology, including the following:
- One of the following: Human Development and Family Sciences 304, 304H, 313 and 113L, or 313H and 113L.
- Nutrition 306, 312, or 312H.
- Textiles and Apparel 303 or 205 and 105L.
- Fifteen semester hours of upper-division coursework.
- Secondary science:
- Chemistry 301 or 301H.
- Biology 311C.
- Biology 311D, 302, or 302H.