This is an archived copy of the 2015-16 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit


The faculty has approval to offer the following courses in the academic years 2014–2015 and 2015–2016; however, not all courses are taught each semester or summer session. Students should consult the Course Schedule  to determine which courses and topics will be offered during a particular semester or summer session. The Course Schedule may also reflect changes made to the course inventory after the publication of this catalog.

Pharmacy: PHR

University Courses

PHR 310K. Drugs in Our Society.

Survey of drug development, distribution, and safety, including therapeutic categories of drugs, their actions and abuse potential, and the sociological aspects of drug use. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Pharmacy 310K and 350K may not both be counted. Not open to students in the professional pharmacy curriculum and may not be counted toward the professional elective requirement in pharmacy.

PHR 119L, 219L, 319L, 419L, 519L, 619L. International Learning Seminars.

Discussion of various issues related to the academic, cultural, and personal aspects of completing academic work in international locations. For each semester hour of credit earned, one lecture hour a week for one semester. Pharmacy 119L, 219L, 319L, 419L, 519L, 619L and Undergraduate Studies 119 may not both be counted unless the topics vary. May be repeated for credit when the topics vary. Offered on the letter-grade basis only.

PHR 129L, 229L, 329L, 429L, 529L, 629L. International Learning Seminars.

For each semester hour of credit earned, one lecture hour a week for one semester. Pharmacy 129L, 229L, 329L, 429L, 529L, 629L and Undergraduate Studies 119 may not both be counted unless the topics vary. May be repeated for credit when the topics vary. Offered on the letter-grade basis only. Prerequisite: Upper-division standing.

PHR 338. Introduction to Pharmacology.

Survey of basic concepts and principles in pharmacology. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Required for all preprofessional students in the School of Nursing. May not be counted toward the professional elective requirement in pharmacy. Prerequisite: Credit or registration for Biology 365S, 446L (or 416K), Biomedical Engineering 365R, 365S, or Kinesiology 324K.

PHR 350K. Drugs in Our Society.

Survey of drug development, distribution, and safety, including therapeutic categories of drugs, their actions and abuse potential, and the sociological aspects of drug use. Essay papers required. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Pharmacy 310K and 350K may not both be counted. Not open to students in the professional pharmacy curriculum and may not be counted toward the professional elective requirement in pharmacy. Prerequisite: Upper-division standing.

PHR 160J, 260J, 360J. Basic Study in Pharmaceutical Research for Nonmajors.

Original investigation in any area of the pharmaceutical sciences. For each semester hour of credit earned, three laboratory hours a week for one semester. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor and the dean.

Professional Courses

PHR 320M. Pharmaceutical Marketing.

Concepts of marketing as they apply to the pharmaceutical industry, pharmaceutical products, and the health care environment. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Pharmacy 244C and 144P.

PHR 322H. Experimental Design and Research Methods in Health Care.

Concepts and procedures involved in designing and completing a research project. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Admission to the Pharmacy Honors Program or consent of instructor.

PHR 322P. New Concepts, Topics, and Issues in Pharmacy Practice.

New concerns, topics, and issues in pharmacy practice. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Credit or registration for Pharmacy 364D.

PHR 326C. Community Pharmacy Management.

Advanced concepts in community pharmacy management for the student who plans to become a pharmacy owner or manager. Topics include operational, personnel, and financial management; marketing; layout and design; and the delivery of pharmaceutical care in a community pharmacy setting. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Pharmacy 244C.

PHR 326M. Applied Pharmacy Management.

Examination and application of some of the principles of pharmacy management, with an emphasis on human resource management for the student who is contemplating a career in pharmacy management. Subjects include interviewing and selection techniques, assessing job performance, improving the work environment, leadership skills, management skills, managing medication errors, and quality improvement of pharmacy services. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Pharmacy 244C and 144P.

PHR 329C. Pharmacy Association Management.

An introduction to the principles involved in managing pharmacy associations. Students gain practical experience in a community pharmacy. Nine hours of fieldwork a week for one semester. Pharmacy 329C and 389C may not both be counted. Prerequisite: Pharmacy 244C and 144P and consent of instructor.

PHR 629D. Pharmacy Association Management Residency.

Experience working in a pharmacy association, including active involvement in some managerial aspect of the association. Eighteen hours of fieldwork a week for one semester. Pharmacy 629D and 689D may not both be counted. Prerequisite: Pharmacy 364D and consent of instructor.

PHR 139H. Pharmacy Administration for Honors Students.

Each student conducts an in-depth examination of a selected issue in pharmacy administration. Three laboratory hours a week for one semester. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Admission to the Pharmacy Honors Program and Pharmacy 244C and 144P.

PHR 341C. Pharmaceutical Biochemistry I.

Basic principles of intermediary metabolism, with emphasis on defects in pathways that result in disease and on identification of molecular targets for therapeutic control. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Offered on the letter-grade basis only. Prerequisite: Admission to the professional pharmacy curriculum.

PHR 342C. Physical and Chemical Principles of Drugs.

Fundamental, introductory principles of pharmaceutics, including thermodynamics, kinetics, and other basic chemical principles related to drugs. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Offered on the letter-grade basis only. Prerequisite: Admission to the professional pharmacy curriculum, and credit or registration for Pharmacy 142P.

PHR 242D. Introduction to Patient Care.

Introduction to the profession of pharmacy, including the principle of service. Includes fieldwork in a local eldercare facility. One lecture hour and up to three laboratory hours a week for two semesters; and a minimum of twelve additional hours of fieldwork to be arranged over two semesters. Pharmacy 242D and 249 may not both be counted. Offered on the letter-grade basis only. Prerequisite: For 242DA, admission to the professional pharmacy curriculum; for 242DB, Pharmacy 242DA.

PHR 142H. Professional Development Convocation I.

Professional development issues and assessments for PharmD students in the first professional year. Includes students' professional and program-specific responsibilities, such as program evaluations, portfolios, and administrative requirements; practice opportunities in pharmacy; and expected areas and levels of professional growth as the student advances through the curriculum. One lecture hour a week for one semester. Offered on the letter-grade basis only. Prerequisite: Admission to the professional pharmacy curriculum.

PHR 142P. Physical and Chemical Principles of Drugs Laboratory.

Problem-based learning exercises to reinforce the material presented in Pharmacy 342C. One lecture hour and three laboratory hours a week for one semester. Offered on the letter-grade basis only. Prerequisite: Admission to the professional pharmacy curriculum, and credit or registration for Pharmacy 342C.

PHR 343C. Function and Anatomy of Human Systems I.

Basic principles of human physiology and anatomy in relation to drug action. Includes cellular and subcellular physiology, membrane transport, electrophysiology, synaptic transmission, and autonomic, neurological, and cardiovascular physiology and anatomy. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Offered on the letter-grade basis only. Prerequisite: Admission to the professional pharmacy curriculum.

PHR 143M. Medicinal Chemistry Principles.

Introduction to medicinal chemistry principles. Topics include drug metabolism and the transition from organic to medicinal chemistry. One lecture hour a week for one semester. Offered on the letter-grade basis only. Prerequisite: Admission to the professional pharmacy curriculum, and credit or registration for Pharmacy 143P.

PHR 143P. Basic Pharmaceutical Sciences Laboratory.

Laboratory exercises to support the basic pharmaceutical sciences courses. One hour of prelaboratory lecture and three laboratory hours a week for one semester. Offered on the letter-grade basis only. Prerequisite: Admission to the professional pharmacy curriculum, and credit or registration for Pharmacy 143M.

PHR 244C. Personnel Management and Patient Behavior.

Concepts and principles of management, and social and behavioral aspects of pharmacy practice. Two lecture hours a week for one semester. Offered on the letter-grade basis only. Prerequisite: Admission to the professional pharmacy curriculum and credit or registration for Pharmacy 144P.

PHR 144P. Personnel Management and Patient Behavior Laboratory.

Issues in pharmacy practice. Students discuss case studies, participate in group presentations, and work in small groups to enhance their communication and teamwork skills. Three laboratory hours a week for one semester. Offered on the letter-grade basis only. Prerequisite: Admission to the professional pharmacy curriculum and credit or registration for Pharmacy 244C.

PHR 345L. Clinical Pharmacokinetics.

Application of pharmacokinetic principles to the determination of proper dosing regimens. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Pharmacy 171P and 371S.

PHR 149H. Pharmaceutics for Honors Students.

Expanded study of the way principles covered in the pharmaceutical curriculum affect drug design, formulation, dosing, and pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics. Three laboratory hours a week for one semester. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Admission to the Pharmacy Honors Program and Pharmacy 252C, 356C, and 156P.

PHR 251C. Pharmaceutical Biochemistry II.

The biosynthesis and function of macromolecules (nucleic acids, lipids, proteins, and carbohydrates); sites of drug action, immunology, and applications of biotechnology and molecular biology to the pharmaceutical sciences. Two lecture hours a week for one semester. Offered on the letter-grade basis only. Prerequisite: Pharmacy 341C.

PHR 151R. Research Opportunities in the Pharmaceutical Sciences.

An introduction to research in all divisions of the College of Pharmacy. Includes ethical issues in research, career paths in research, and topics such as choosing a research mentor or project. One lecture hour and three laboratory hours a week for one semester. Offered on the letter-grade basis only. Prerequisite: Admission to the professional pharmacy curriculum.

PHR 252C. Biopharmaceutics.

Complements the basic pharmaceutics principles covered in Pharmacy 342C. Subjects include core concepts in biopharmaceutics of drugs. Two lecture hours a week for one semester. Offered on the letter-grade basis only. Prerequisite: Admission to the professional pharmacy curriculum.

PHR 152H. Professional Development Convocation II.

Professional development issues and assessments for PharmD students in the first professional year. Student fulfillment of professional and program-specific responsibilities (program evaluations, portfolios, administrative requirements), practice opportunities in pharmacy, and addressing the expected areas and levels of professional growth as the student advances through the curriculum. One lecture hour a week for one semester. Offered on the letter-grade basis only. Prerequisite: Pharmacy 142H.

PHR 253C. Function and Anatomy of Human Systems II.

Continuation of Pharmacy 343C, with emphasis on blood pressure regulation, renal function, digestion, respiration, endocrinology, and reproduction. Two lecture hours a week for one semester. Offered on the letter-grade basis only. Prerequisite: Pharmacy 343C.

PHR 253D. Principles of General Pathology.

An overview of most aspects of general pathology, including cell adaptation and injury, inflammation and tissue healing, immunopathology, neoplasia, infectious desease, cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases, and metabolic disorders. Taught via television and on-site lectures, supplemented by case presentation and specimen demonstrations in cooperation with faculty members of the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. Two lecture hours a week for one semester. Offered on the letter-grade basis only. Prerequisite: Pharmacy 343C and credit or registration for Pharmacy 253C.

PHR 153M. Pharmacology Principles.

Introduction to pharmacology principles. Topics include pharmacology at the cellular and subcellular/receptor levels. One lecture hour a week for one semester. Offered on the letter-grade basis only. Prerequisite: Admission to the professional pharmacy curriculum.

PHR 356C. Pharmaceutics.

General introduction to dosage forms; the technology and pharmaceutical rationale fundamental to their development. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Offered on the letter-grade basis only. Prerequisite: Pharmacy 342C and 142P, and credit or registration for Pharmacy 156P.

PHR 156P. Pharmaceutics Laboratory.

Laboratory course supporting the subjects discussed in Pharmacy 356C. One hour of prelaboratory lecture and three laboratory hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Credit or registration for Pharmacy 356C.

PHR 256R. Advanced Contemporary Compounding.

The art and science of compounding pharmaceutical preparations to develop an advanced understanding of formulation, stability, and quality standards of compounded pharmaceuticals. Focuses on pharmaceutical elegance; developing professional judgement based on limited data to assess the stability and efficacy of a compound before dispensing the preparation; the regulations governing compounding, including those outlined by the United States Pharmacopeial Convention, the Pharmacy Compounding Accreditation Board, and other scientific and professional organizations; mechanisms for evaluation and analysis of the quality of a compounded formulation; and marketing and promotion of compounding services. Two lecture hours a week for one semester. Offered on the letter-grade basis only. Prerequisite: Pharmacy 356C and 156P.

PHR 156S. Advanced Contemporary Compounding Laboratory.

Advanced compounding methods with respect to pharmaceutical dosage forms and formulations, with emphasis placed on creating formulations that satisfy unique patient needs, and a discussion of equipment used by compounding pharmacists to formulate preparations that satisfy those needs. Pharmacy 156S builds upon compounding skills taught in Pharmacy 156P. Three laboratory hours a week for one semester. Offered on the letter-grade basis only. Prerequisite: Registration for Pharmacy 256R.

PHR 358. Geriatric Pharmacy Practice.

Social, demographic, ethical, and therapeutic issues concerning pharmaceutical products and care of the elderly. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Pharmacy 665E.

PHR 160K, 260K, 360K. Basic Study in Pharmaceutical Research.

Basic exploration in any area of the pharmaceutical sciences. For each semester hour of credit earned, three laboratory hours a week for one semester. No more than three semester hours may be counted toward the professional pharmacy elective requirement. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Admission to the PharmD program and consent of instructor and the dean.

PHR 161H. Professional Development Convocation III.

Professional development issues and assessments for PharmD students in the second professional year. Student fulfillment of professional and program-specific responsibilities (program evaluations, portfolios, administrative requirements), practice opportunities in pharmacy, and addressing the expected areas and levels of professional growth as the student advances through the curriculum. One lecture hour a week for one semester. Offered on the letter-grade basis only. Prerequisite: Pharmacy 152H.

PHR 161J, 261J, 361J. Basic Studies in the Pharmaceutical Sciences.

Basic exploration in any area of the pharmaceutical and clinical sciences. For each semester hour of credit earned, one lecture hour a week for one semester. May be repeated for credit when the topics vary. Offered on the letter-grade basis only. Prerequisite: Admission to the professional pharmacy curriculum; additional prerequisites vary with the topic.

PHR 262D. Nonprescription Pharmacotherapy and Self-Care I.

Study of nonprescription products and complementary and alternative medicine as it relates to the patient's ability to care for themselves with emphasis on the pharmacist's consultant role in product selection and nonpharmacologic recommendations. Two lecture hours a week for one semester. Offered on the letter-grade basis only. Prerequisite: Admission to the professional pharmacy curriculum.

PHR 362L. Clinical Toxicology.

A course in toxicology that focuses on common poisons and their management; designed for pharmacy students planning to enter general practice. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Admission to the professional pharmacy curriculum.

PHR 163C. Drug Information and Evidence-Based Practice.

Knowledge and skills needed to retrieve and interpret drug information. Interpretation of biomedical literature and an introduction to concepts of evidence-based practice. One lecture hour a week for one semester. Offered on the letter-grade basis only. Prerequisite: Pharmacy 242D, and credit or registration for Pharmacy 262D, 163P, and 665E.

PHR 263K. Veterinary Pharmacy.

Treatment of selected disease states of domestic and exotic animals; veterinary appliances and products, including proprietary pharmaceuticals and biologicals, with their therapeutic indications and uses. Two lecture hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Admission to the professional pharmacy curriculum.

PHR 163P. Drug Information and Evidence-Based Practice Laboratory.

Practical application of the concepts presented in Pharmacy 163C. Includes assignments, projects, and oral presentations. Three laboratory hours a week for one semester. Offered on the letter-grade basis only. Prerequisite: Credit or registration for Pharmacy 262D, 163C, and 665E.

PHR 364D. Pharmacy and the Health Care System.

The health care system in the United States; principles of managed care; application of pricing policies; and an overview of pharmacy services. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Offered on the letter-grade basis only. Prerequisite: Pharmacy 244C and 144P.

PHR 665E. Pharmacotherapeutics I.

An integrated approach (pathophysiology, medicinal chemistry, pharmacology, and therapeutics) to the etiology and treatment of adrenergic-based diseases; cholinergic-based diseases; inflammatory diseases; hypertension; acute and chronic renal disease; and cardiovascular disease, including hyperlipidemia, circulatory problems, thromboembolic disease, myocardial ischemia, myocardial infarction, congestive heart failure, and arrhythmias. Six lecture hours a week for one semester. Offered on the letter-grade basis only. Prerequisite: Credit or registration for Pharmacy 262D, 163C, 163P, and 392S.

PHR 165P. Pharmacotherapeutics I Laboratory.

Problem-based laboratory course that integrates the pathophysiology, medicinal chemistry, pharmacology, and therapeutic aspects of various diseases in order to prepare students to make sound therapeutic decisions. Subjects introduced in Pharmacy 665E. Three laboratory hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Credit or registration for Pharmacy 665E.

PHR 266P. Pharmacy Professional Communications.

Professional communication skills in interacting with patients and other health care professionals. One lecture hour and three laboratory hours a week for one semester, with additional hours to be arranged. Offered on the letter-grade basis only. Prerequisite: Pharmacy 242D (or 249).

PHR 167H. Exploratory Research in Pharmacy.

The student participates in ongoing in-depth research activities in pharmaceutics, medicinal chemistry, toxicology, pharmacology, pharmacy administration, pharmacy practice, or pharmacotherapy. At least seven research hours a week for one semester. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Pharmacy 151R and admission to the Pharmacy Honors Program, or consent of the dean.

PHR 368T. College Teaching Methodology.

Interdisciplinary course intended to provide a foundation of theoretical and practical knowledge relating to teaching at the postsecondary level. Subjects include instructional methods, instructional design, practice teaching, teaching philosophy, instructional technology, and assessment of learning. Includes class discussions and individual consultations. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: Pharmacy 368T, 398T, Pharmacy Graduate Studies 398T. Offered on the letter-grade basis only. Prerequisite: Completion of the second professional year in the College of Pharmacy, or consent of instructor.

PHR 169S, 269S, 369S. Community Service Learning.

Community-based participatory projects designed to connect coursework and community service experiences. Past and present health issues specific to the Texas region (such as United States-Mexico border issues), national and regional health initiatives, service challenges and opportunities, as well as personal/professional identities and responsibilities to the community. Projects developed in consultation with a faculty mentor and a selected community site. Includes an academic service-learning component. For each semester credit hour earned, one lecture hour a week for one semester; with a minimum of two fieldwork hours a week at a service-learning site to be arranged. Pharmacy 269S and 289 may not both be counted. Offered on the letter-grade basis only. Prerequisite: Completion of the second professional year in the College of Pharmacy.

PHR 370C. Communication Skills for Health Professionals.

Designed for pharmacy, pre-pharmacy, premedical, predental, and nursing students. Enhancement of verbal communication skills for professional and public presentations, patient consultations, and interviewing. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Offered on the letter-grade basis only.

PHR 270D. Nutritional Aspects of Clinical Pharmacy.

Explores the interrelationships of nutrition, disease, and drug therapy, including aspects of both normal and clinical nutrition, nutritional deficiencies, and the metabolic consequences or diseases associated with malnutrition. Patient case studies examine both the effects of drug therapy on nutrition and the effects of nutrition on drug therapy. Disease states covered include cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hepatic and renal failure, and anemia. Two lecture hours a week for one semester. Offered on the letter-grade basis only. Prerequisite: Credit or registration for Pharmacy 695F and 395G.

PHR 270M. Inpatient Adult Medicine.

Clinical therapeutic management of adult patients in an inpatient, institutional (primarily hospital) setting. Two lecture hours a week for one semester. Offered on the letter-grade basis only. Prerequisite: Completion of the second professional year in the College of Pharmacy.

PHR 270N. Introduction to Nuclear Pharmacy.

An overview of nuclear pharmacy, a recognized specialty area of pharmacy practice focusing on the compounding and dispensing of radioactive materials for use in nuclear medicine procedures (therapeutic, diagnostic, and imaging). Two lecture hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Pharmacy 252C, 171P, and 371S; or consent of instructor.

PHR 270R. Leadership Skills.

Development of leadership skills associated with team-based therapeutic approaches to healthcare. Designed to enhance skill sets associated with interdisciplinary and interprofessional healthcare teams. Two lecture hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Completion of the second professional year in the College of Pharmacy.

PHR 370S. Interprofessional Community Service Learning.

Integration of community service with contemporary pharmacy practice, with a focus on social justice and social determinants of health care. Weekly online didactic modules, a minimum of fifty hours of service learning practicum with a community partner, and twice monthly group meetings. Offered on the letter-grade basis only. Prerequisite: Completion of the second professional year in the College of Pharmacy.

PHR 271C. Drug Interactions.

Mechanisms, types, examples, and significance of drug interactions in pharmacy practice. Two lecture hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Pharmacy 665E, and credit or registration for Pharmacy 266P (or credit for 366P) or consent of instructor.

PHR 171L. Leadership in Community Service Learning.

Designed for students enrolled in Pharmacy 370S and 381H who elect to serve in a leadership role for the community service-learning project. Involves coordination and organization of responsibilities at each phase of the project, communication with community partners, and additional outreach based on the needs of the community partner. Includes development of a plan and disseminate of the project outcomes. A minimum of six in-person meetings with the instructor, with additional meetings scheduled as needed, including online and by telephone. Prerequisite: Credit or registration for Pharmacy 370S or 381H.

PHR 171P. Integrated Basic and Applied Pharmacokinetics Laboratory.

Problem-based and case-based application of pharmacokinetic principles to specific drugs and patient situations. One lecture hour and three laboratory hours a week for one semester. Offered on the letter-grade basis only. Prerequisite: Credit or registration for Pharmacy 371S.

PHR 371S. Integrated Basic and Applied Pharmacokinetics.

Introduction to pharmacokinetic principles; and the application of principles to specific drugs and patient situations. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Offered on the letter-grade basis only. Prerequisite: Pharmacy 342C, 142p, 252c, 356C, 156P, and credit or registration for Pharmacy 171P, 675E, and 175P.

PHR 172E. Nonprescription Pharmacotherapy and Self-Care II.

A continuation of Pharmacy 262D. The study of nonprescription products and complementary and alternative medicine as it relates to the patient's ability to care for themselves with emphasis on the pharmacist's consultant role in product selection and non-pharmacologic recommendations. One lecture hour a week for one semester. Offered on the letter-grade basis only. Prerequisite: Pharmacy 262D, 392S, and credit or registration for Pharmacy 172P.

PHR 172H. Professional Development Convocation IV.

Professional development issues and assessments for PharmD students in the second professional year. Student fulfillment of professional and program-specific responsibilities (program evaluations, portfolios, administrative requirements), practice opportunities in pharmacy, and addressing the expected areas and levels of professional growth as the student advances through the curriculum. One lecture hour a week for one semester. Offered on the letter-grade basis only. Prerequisite: Pharmacy 161H.

PHR 372K. Hospital Pharmacy.

Basic principles, standards, and procedures involved in providing professional pharmaceutical services in hospitals. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Admission to the professional pharmacy curriculum.

PHR 172P. Nonprescription Pharmacotherapy and Self-Care II Laboratory.

Laboratory practice related to the pharmacist's consultant role in nonprescription product selection (including complementary and alternative medicine) and non-pharmacologic recommendations in self-care; includes fieldwork in a community pharmacy. One lecture hour and three laboratory or fieldwork hours a week for one semester. Offered on the letter-grade basis only. Prerequisite: Credit or registration for Pharmacy 172E, and current intern registration with the Texas State Board of Pharmacy.

PHR 173H. Pharmacology and Toxicology for Honors Students.

Expanded study of principles covered in the pharmacology curriculum that concern mechanisms of action and toxicity of pharmacologic agents on body systems. Three laboratory hours a week for one semester. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Admission to the Pharmacy Honors Program, and credit or registration for Pharmacy 665E or consent of instructor.

PHR 274S. Quality and Patient Safety Interprofessional Education.

Concepts of patient safety and quality improvement. Current and past quality improvement projects are used to demonstrate the model of clinical safety and effectiveness. Reducing and preventing medical errors using the TeamSTEPPS approach; working in interprofessional teams on a quality improvement project. The equivalent of two lecture hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Completion of the second professional year in the College of Pharmacy.

PHR 675E. Pharmacotherapeutics II.

An integrated approach (pathophysiology, medicinal chemistry, pharmacology, and therapeutics) to the pathogenesis and treatment of bacterial, viral, and fungal infections; immunizations against bacterial and viral diseases; and allergies, asthma, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Six lecture hours a week for one semester. Offered on the letter-grade basis only. Prerequisite: Pharmacy 665E and credit or registration for Pharmacy 175P.

PHR 175P. Pharmacotherapeutics II Laboratory.

Problem-based laboratory that integrates the pathophysiology, medicinal chemistry, pharmacology, and therapeutic aspects of various diseases in order to prepare students to make sound therapeutic decisions. Subjects introduced in Pharmacy 665E and 675E. Three laboratory hours a week for one semester. Offered on the letter-grade basis only. Prerequisite: Credit or registration for Pharmacy 675E.

PHR 176E. Interprofessional Ethics.

Explores ethical issues in pharmacy practice and health care, with a focus on the perspectives of professionals in the fields of nursing, law, social work, and medicine. One lecture hour a week for one semester. May include five additional discussion hours. Offered on the letter-grade basis only. Prerequisite: Pharmacy 244C, 144P, 364D, and credit or registration for Pharmacy 172H, 675E, and 175P.

PHR 176P. Experiential Pharmacy Practice and Patient Counseling.

Medication use and dispensing in a practice environment. Counseling skills and techniques for a better understanding of disease states and positive medication outcomes. Three laboratory hours a week for one semester. Offered on the pass/fail basis only. Prerequisite: Current intern registration with the Texas State Board of Pharmacy, and credit or registration for Pharmacy 665E and 266P.

PHR 377H. Institutional Clinical Skills.

Hands-on experience in an institutional practice care facility; examines pharmacy services, hospital pharmacy management, staff interaction, and the flow of information from pharmacy to bedside. Forty hours a week for two weeks. Offered on the pass/fail basis only. Prerequisite: Current intern registration with the Texas State Board of Pharmacy; and Pharmacy 242D, 244C, 144P, 163C, 163P, 364D, 266P, 171P, 371S, 172H, 675E, 175P, 176E, and 277P (or 177G and 177P).

PHR 177K, 277K, 377K. Advanced Study in Pharmaceutical Research.

For each semester hour of credit earned, three laboratory hours a week for one semester. No more than three semester hours may be counted toward the professional pharmacy elective requirement. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Second-professional-year standing and consent of instructor and the dean.

PHR 277P. Introduction to Clinical Skills Laboratory.

Designed to develop the practical skills necessary in a pharmacy setting, with a focus on patient histories, how to read and interpret patient charts, adult immunizations (including APhA certification), and training and certification in CPR from American Heart Association facilitators. Laboratory includes practical application of pharmacy clinical skills. One lecture hour and three laboratory hours a week for one semester. Offered on the letter-grade basis only. Prerequisite: Current intern registration with the Texas State Board of Pharmacy; Pharmacy 266P and 392S; and credit or registration for Pharmacy 675E and 175P.

PHR 278H. Pharmacy Honors Proposal and Tutorial Course.

Honors seminar; development of laboratory research proposal for approval by the Honors Program Committee. One lecture hour and three hours of independent research a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Admission to the Pharmacy Honors Program.

PHR 479H. Pharmacy Honors Thesis and Tutorial Course.

Honors seminar; laboratory research project conducted under the supervision of one or more faculty members. One lecture hour and nine laboratory hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Pharmacy 278H.

PHR 280H. Landmark Studies in Cardiovascular Disease.

Evidence-based clinical studies in support of drug therapy recommendations in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Two lecture hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Second-professional-year standing in pharmacy.

PHR 280L, 380L. Landmark Pharmacotherapy Studies in Primary Care.

Reviewing, evaluating, and applying the results of landmark studies in pharmacotherapy to primary care practice. An examination of disease states encountered in primary care including diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemias, and psychological disorders. For 280L, six laboratory hours a week for one semester; for 380L, nine laboratory hours a week for one semester. Offered on the letter-grade basis only. Prerequisite: Pharmacy 163C, 185P, 695F, and 395G.

PHR 280U. Case Studies in Emerging Infections.

Team-based case study development addressing the assessment and control of recurring, cycling, and newly-emerging infectious diseases. Two lecture hours a week for one semester. Offered on the letter-grade basis only. Prerequisite: Pharmacy 675E and 175P.

PHR 280W. Psychiatric Pharmacy Practice and Drug Treatment of Mental Disorders.

Advanced study in the pathophysiology of selected psychiatric disease states and the clinical presentation, phenomenology, diagnosis, and treatment of these disease states. Two lecture hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Credit or registration for Pharmacy 695F or consent of instructor.

PHR 381H. Interprofessional Health Care for HIV Patient Management.

Interprofessional teamwork, health literacy, treatment guidelines, patient safety, and medication reconciliation in the care of patients with the human immunodeficiency virus. Conducted at an HIV clinic in Texas. Students complete six hours of required Web-based instruction before beginning the clinical component. Six hours of online lecture and a minimum of fifty hours of fieldwork in one semester. Offered on the letter-grade basis only. Prerequisite: Completion of the second professional year in the College of Pharmacy.

PHR 281U. Case Studies in Diabetes Management.

Designed to provide students with the skills and knowledge to serve as primary care providers in the area of diabetes management. Use of a case approach to discuss the management of patients with diabetes mellitus. Specific treatment modalities and management issues for the child, adolescent, adult, and elderly diabetic patient. Two lecture hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Credit or registration for Pharmacy 395G and consent of instructor.

PHR 282D. Pharmacy Business Plan Development.

The fundamentals of writing a pharmacy business plan, including the mission statement, objectives, description of products and services, legal structure, location analysis, layout and design, pro forma financial statements, staffing, market analysis and strategies, and promotion and advertising plans, culminating in submission of the plan for national competition. Two lecture hours a week for one semester. Offered on the letter-grade basis only. Prerequisite: Pharmacy 326C and completion of the second professional year in pharmacy, or consent of instructor.

PHR 182H. Professional Development Convocation V.

Professional development issues and assessments for PharmD students in the third professional year. Student fulfillment of professional and program-specific responsibilities (program evaluations, portfolios, administrative requirements), practice opportunities in pharmacy, and addressing the expected areas and levels of professional growth as the student advances through the curriculum. One lecture hour a week for one semester. Offered on the letter-grade basis only. Prerequisite: Pharmacy 172H.

PHR 282Q. Pediatric Pharmacotherapy.

Pathophysiology and pharmacotherapy of selected pediatric diseases. Designed to expose students to pediatric pharmacy as a potential area of focus, and to prepare them for a potential residency or practice in providing pharmaceutical care in a pediatric setting. Two lecture hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Completion of the first professional year in the College of Pharmacy.

PHR 383E. Development of Interprofessional Education for Collaborative Practice.

A collaboration between students in pharmacy, nursing, social work, and medicine in the development of educational modules addressing interprofessional education in collaborative practice relating to error disclosure, service learning, healthcare quality improvement, and preprofessional introduction to interprofessional education competencies. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Offered on the letter-grade basis only. Prerequisite: Completion of the second professional year in the College of Pharmacy.

PHR 183F. Basic Intravenous Admixtures.

Basic principles of injectable and other sterile dosage forms; methods of preparation and evaluation that meet current pharmacy practice standards. One lecture hour a week for one semester. Offered on the letter-grade basis only. Prerequisite: Pharmacy 356C, 156P, and credit or registration for Pharmacy 183G.

PHR 183G. Basic Intravenous Admixtures Laboratory.

Basic laboratory principles in the preparation and evaluation of injectable and other sterile dosage forms. One lecture hour and three laboratory hours a week for one semester. Offered on the letter-grade basis only. Prerequisite: Pharmacy 356C, 156P, and credit or registration for Pharmacy 183F.

PHR 283H. Advanced Pharmacotherapeutics.

Advanced study of organ systems; pharmacotherapy and clinical pharmacokinetics. Two lecture hours a week for one semester. May be counted as a pharmacy honors elective. Prerequisite: Admission to the PharmD program.

PHR 283U. Multidisciplinary Pain Management.

Problem-based instruction to help health professions students acquire knowledge and skills in the care of patients with acute and chronic pain. Taught by faculty members in medicine, pharmacy, and nursing. Two lecture hours a week for one semester. Offered on the letter-grade basis only. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

PHR 384D. Antimicrobics: Mechanism of Action and Clinical Use.

Mechanisms of antimicrobial activity and the development of bacterial resistance, and their relationship to clinical therapy. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Pharmacy 384D and 484H may not both be counted. Offered on the letter-grade basis only. Prerequisite: Pharmacy 675E and 175P.

PHR 284E. Pharmacy Law.

State and federal pharmacy laws. Two lecture hours a week for one semester. Offered on the letter-grade basis only. Prerequisite: Completion of the second professional year in the College of Pharmacy.

PHR 184H. Antimicrobics: Advanced Inquiry.

Designed to give students additional insight, beyond Pharmacy 384D, into the development of antimicrobial agents and the interactions of these agents with each other, the pathogen, and the patient. Students explore a self-selected topic for research and presentation. Conference course, with at least fifteen additional hours to be arranged. Offered on the letter-grade basis only. Prerequisite: Registration for Pharmacy 384D.

PHR 185P. Pharmacotherapeutics III Laboratory.

Problem-based laboratory that integrates the pathology, medicinal chemistry, pharmacology, and therapeutic aspects of various diseases in order to prepare students to make sound therapeutic decisions. Subjects introduced in Pharmacy 665E, 675E, 695F, and 395G. Three laboratory hours a week for one semester. Offered on the letter-grade basis only. Prerequisite: Pharmacy 675E and 175P, and credit or registration for Pharmacy 695F and 395G.

PHR 285Q. Fluid and Electrolyte Therapy.

Clinical management of disorders of fluid, electrolytes, and acid-base balance in patients with normal and abnormal homeostatic mechanisms; includes basic concepts of parenteral nutrition support. Two lecture hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Credit or registration for Pharmacy 185P, 695F, and 395G.

PHR 285V. Mexican Drugs and Products.

Analysis of Mexican pharmacy practice, drugs, and products; implications for the pharmacist in the United States. Two lecture hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Credit or registration for Pharmacy 185P, 695F, and 395G.

PHR 386G. Spanish for the Pharmacy Professional.

Intermediate communication skills in Spanish. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Completion of the second professional year in the College of Pharmacy, and one year of college-level Spanish or consent of instructor.

PHR 287H. Community Care Clinical Skills.

Clinical work in a community-based pharmacy practice setting. Includes medication therapy management training, participation in the development of patient care plans, the ability to develop and conduct a public health project, carry out patient exercises, and complete prescription management activities such as patient counseling. Five to six hours of fieldwork a week for one semester. Offered on the pass/fail basis only. Prerequisite: Current intern registration with the Texas State Board of Pharmacy; and Pharmacy 163C, 163P, 364D, 266P, 172E, 172P, 176E, 277P (or 177G and 177P), and 392S.

PHR 187J, 287J, 387J. Advanced Problems in Pharmacy Education.

Laboratory course examining professional education issues and techniques for students exploring an academic career. At least three, six, or nine laboratory hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Completion of all first-year professional coursework and consent of the dean.

PHR 390T. Pharmacy International Exchange.

Work in an exchange program with international colleges and schools of pharmacy as partners. Examination of similarities and differences between pharmacy education, professional practice, and/or research in the hosting country and in the United States. Forty hours of fieldwork a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Completion of the first professional year in the College of Pharmacy and consent of instructor.

PHR 390V. Patient Safety.

Ways to ensure patient safety, prevent misadventures, and develop policy associated with patient safety and misadventure prevention. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Pharmacy 361J (Topic: Patient Safety and You) and 390V may not both be counted. Offered on the letter-grade basis only. Prerequisite: Pharmacy 266P.

PHR 290W. Health Leadership.

Develops skills necessary to identify and establish professional goals, build and lead teams, delegate effectively, resolve conflicts, network for career advancement, document leadership experiences/abilities on curriculum vitae and in recommendation letters, and demonstrate leadership abilities during job interviews. Two lecture hours a week for one semester. Pharmacy 261J (Topic: Health Leaders) and 290W may not both be counted. Offered on the letter-grade basis only.

PHR 391W. Leadership and Advocacy in Pharmacy.

Admission to the professional pharmacy curriculum. A discussion forum for exploring current legislative and regulatory issues influencing the pharmacy profession. Focuses on retrieving legislative and regulatory information, interpreting legislation, regulations and their potential impacts, engaging in discussion on various perspectives of the issues and presenting information on legislation and regulations that impact pharmacy practice. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Pharmacy 361J (Topic: Leadership and Advocacy in Pharmacy) and 391W may not both be counted. Offered on the letter-grade basis only.

PHR 292G, 392G. Herbal and Botanical Supplements.

Examination of the scientific data underlying the use of herbs and other complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). An evidence-based approach to learning about the most commonly used herbs, nutritional supplements, homeopathy, acupuncture, massage, and other CAM modalities, including studies of popular uses, clinical indications, pharmacological effects, mechanisms of action, side effects, contraindications, and common dosage guidelines. Discussion of the legal, regulatory, and ethical aspects, in addition to analyzing manufacturing quality issues and counterfeit products. For each semester hour of credit earned, one lecture hour a week for one semester. Offered on the letter-grade basis only. Prerequisite: Credit for Pharmacy 262D, 163C, and 172E.

PHR 192H. Professional Development Convocation VI.

Professional development issues and assessments for PharmD students in the third professional year. Student fulfillment of professional and program-specific responsibilities (program evaluations, portfolios, administrative requirements), practice opportunities in pharmacy, and addressing the expected areas and levels of professional growth as the student advances through the curriculum. One lecture hour a week for a semester. Offered on the letter-grade basis only. Prerequisite: Pharmacy 182H.

PHR 392S. Patient Assessment Skills Laboratory.

Introduction to patient assessment techniques and to the skills needed to provide pharmaceutical care. Two lecture hours and three laboratory hours a week for one semester. Offered on the letter-grade basis only. Prerequisite: Current intern registration with the Texas State Board of Pharmacy, and Pharmacy 253C and 253D.

PHR 693C. Ambulatory Care Pharmacy Practice.

Analysis of pharmacotherapy, evaluation of drug use, and synthesis of rational drug regimens in the context of ambulatory patient care. Forty laboratory hours a week for at least six weeks, with additional hours to be arranged. Offered on the pass/fail basis only. Prerequisite: Current intern registration with the Texas State Board of Pharmacy and completion of all didactic and laboratory coursework prior to the fourth professional year in the College of Pharmacy; during the fall and spring semesters, concurrent enrollment in two of the following: Pharmacy 693E, 693N, 693P, 693S, 694C, 694E, 694S, or 695E.

PHR 693E. Elective in Pharmacy Practice I.

Experience in pharmacy practice, research, or administration. Forty laboratory hours a week for at least six weeks, with additional hours to be arranged. Offered on the pass/fail basis only. Prerequisite: Current intern registration with the Texas State Board of Pharmacy and completion of all didactic and laboratory coursework prior to the fourth professional year in the College of Pharmacy; during the fall and spring semesters, concurrent enrollment in two of the following: Pharmacy 693C, 693N, 693P, 693S, 694C, 694E, 694S, or 695E.

PHR 693N. Advanced Hospital Pharmacy Practice.

Analysis of pharmacotherapy, evaluation of drug use, synthesis of rational drug regimens, and dispensing of medications in the context of institutional patient care. Forty laboratory hours a week for at least six weeks, with additional hours to be arranged. Offered on the pass/fail basis only. Prerequisite: Current intern registration with the Texas State Board of Pharmacy and completion of all didactic and laboratory coursework prior to the fourth professional year in the College of Pharmacy; during the fall and spring semesters, concurrent enrollment in two of the following: Pharmacy 693C, 693E, 693P, 693S, 694C, 694E, 694S, or 695E.

PHR 693P. Advanced Community Pharmacy Practice.

Analysis of pharmacotherapy, evaluation of drug use, synthesis of rational drug regimens, and dispensing of medications in the context of community-based patient care. Forty laboratory hours a week for at least six weeks, with additional hours to be arranged. Offered on the pass/fail basis only. Prerequisite: Current intern registration with the Texas State Board of Pharmacy and completion of all didactic and laboratory coursework prior to the fourth professional year in the College of Pharmacy; during the fall and spring semesters, concurrent enrollment in two of the following: Pharmacy 693C, 693E, 693N, 693S, 694C, 694E, 694S, or 695E.

PHR 693S. Selective in Pharmacy Practice I.

Analysis of pharmacotherapy, evaluation of drug use, and synthesis of rational drug regimens in a selected pharmacy practice environment. Forty laboratory hours a week for at least six weeks, with additional hours to be arranged. Offered on the pass/fail basis only. Prerequisite: Current intern registration with the Texas State Board of Pharmacy and completion of all didactic and laboratory coursework prior to the fourth professional year in the College of Pharmacy; during the fall and spring semesters, concurrent enrollment in two of the following: Pharmacy 693C, 693E, 693N, 693P, 694C, 694E, 694S, or 695E.

PHR 693W. Elective International Pharmacy Experience.

Competitive placement for an international advanced pharmacy experience. Forty laboratory hours a week for at least six weeks, with additional hours to be arranged. Offered on the pass/fail basis only. Prerequisite: Current intern registration with the Texas State Board of Pharmacy and completion of all didactic and laboratory coursework prior to the fourth professional year in the College of Pharmacy.

PHR 694C. Acute Care Pharmacy Practice.

Analysis of pharmacotherapy, evaluation of drug use, and synthesis of rational drug regimens in the context of acute patient care. Forty laboratory hours a week for at least six weeks, with additional hours to be arranged. Offered on the pass/fail basis only. Prerequisite: Current intern registration with the Texas State Board of Pharmacy and completion of all didactic and laboratory coursework prior to the fourth professional year in the College of Pharmacy; during the fall and spring semesters, concurrent enrollment in two of the following: Pharmacy 693C, 693E, 693N, 693P, 693S, 694E, 694S, or 695E.

PHR 694E. Elective in Pharmacy Practice II.

Experience in pharmacy practice, research, or administration. Forty laboratory hours a week for at least six weeks, with additional hours to be arranged. Offered on the pass/fail basis only. Prerequisite: Current intern registration with the Texas State Board of Pharmacy and completion of all didactic and laboratory coursework prior to the fourth professional year in the College of Pharmacy; during the fall and spring semesters, concurrent enrollment in two of the following: Pharmacy 693C, 693E, 693N, 693P, 693S, 694C, 694S, 695E.

PHR 394F. Pharmacoeconomics.

Terms, concepts, procedures, methods, problems, and strengths associated with pharmacoeconomics. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: Pharmacy 393T, 394F, Pharmacy Graduate Studies 393T. Offered on the letter-grade basis only. Prerequisite: Pharmacy 364D or consent of instructor.

PHR 194P. Advanced Pharmacotherapeutics Laboratory.

Using classroom simulations, provides students with opportunities to practice their skills in interacting with patients and other healthcare professionals and communicating information regarding contemporary therapeutic regimens. One lecture hour and three laboratory hours a week for one semester. Offered on the letter-grade basis only. Prerequisite: Pharmacy 185P, 695F, and 395G.

PHR 694S. Selective in Pharmacy Practice II.

Analysis of pharmacotherapy, evaluation of drug use, and synthesis of rational drug regimens in selected pharmacy practice environments. Forty laboratory hours a week for at least six weeks, with additional hours to be arranged. Offered on the pass/fail basis only. Prerequisite: Current intern registration with the Texas State Board of Pharmacy and completion of all didactic and laboratory coursework prior to the fourth professional year in the College of Pharmacy; during the fall and spring semesters, concurrent enrollment in two of the following: Pharmacy 693C, 693E, 693N, 693P, 693S, 694C, 694E, or 695E.

PHR 695E. Elective in Pharmacy Practice III.

Experience in pharmacy practice, research, or administration. Forty laboratory hours a week for at least six weeks, with additional hours to be arranged. Offered on the pass/fail basis only. Prerequisite: Current intern registration with the Texas State Board of Pharmacy and completion of all didactic and laboratory coursework prior to the fourth professional year in the College of Pharmacy; during the fall and spring semesters, concurrent enrollment in two of the following: Pharmacy 693C, 693E, 693N, 693P, 693S, 694C,694E, or 694S.

PHR 695F. Pharmacotherapeutics III.

An integrated approach (pathophysiology, medicinal chemistry, pharmacology, and therapeutics) to the etiology and treatment of neurological, psychiatric, and developmental disorders. Also includes therapeutics of pain management, anesthesia, chemical dependence, and oncology. Six lecture hours a week for one semester. Offered on the letter-grade basis only. Prerequisite: Pharmacy 675E and 175P, and credit or registration for Pharmacy 185P and 395G.

PHR 395G. Pharmacotherapeutics IV.

An integrated approach (pathophysiology, medicinal chemistry, pharmacology, and therapeutics) to the etiology and treatment of hormonal disorders and gastrointestinal disorders. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Offered on the letter-grade basis only. Prerequisite: Pharmacy 675E and 175P, and credit or registration for Pharmacy 185P and 695F.

PHR 295R. Advanced Evidence-Based Practice.

Research methodology and biostatistical concepts as they relate to the interpretation and critical evaluation of biomedical literature. Designed to build upon the material covered in Pharmacy 163C. Two lecture hours a week for one semester. Offered on the letter-grade basis only. Prerequisite: Pharmacy 163C, 163P, 185P, 695F, and 395G.

PHR 396D. Pharmacotherapeutics of Special Populations.

Topics include geriatrics, pediatrics, pharmacogenomics, transplant patients, and under-served populations. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Offered on the letter-grade basis only. Prerequisite: Pharmacy 371S, 171P, 172E, 172P, 185P, 695F, and 395G.