This is an archived copy of the 2015-16 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

Undergraduate Degrees

The University offers the following undergraduate degrees.

Bachelor of ArchitectureBArch
Bachelor of ArtsBA
Bachelor of Arts in ArtBAArt
Bachelor of Arts in Geological SciencesBAGeoSci
Bachelor of Arts in MusicBAMusic
Bachelor of Arts in Theatre and DanceBATD
Bachelor of Business AdministrationBBA
Bachelor of Fine ArtsBFA
Bachelor of JournalismBJ
Bachelor of MusicBMusic
Bachelor of Science and ArtsBSA
Bachelor of Science in AdvertisingBSAdv
Bachelor of Science in Aerospace EngineeringBSAsE
Bachelor of Science in Applied Learning and DevelopmentBSALD
Bachelor of Science in Architectural EngineeringBSArchE
Bachelor of Science in Architectural StudiesBSArchStds
Bachelor of Science in AstronomyBSAst
Bachelor of Science in Athletic TrainingBSAthlTrng
Bachelor of Science in BiochemistryBSBioch
Bachelor of Science in BiologyBSBio
Bachelor of Science in Biomedical EngineeringBSBiomedE
Bachelor of Science in Chemical EngineeringBSChE
Bachelor of Science in ChemistryBSCh
Bachelor of Science in Civil EngineeringBSCE
Bachelor of Science in Communication Sciences and DisordersBSCSD
Bachelor of Science in Communication StudiesBSCommStds
Bachelor of Science in Computer ScienceBSCS
Bachelor of Science in Electrical EngineeringBSEE
Bachelor of Science in Environmental ScienceBSEnviroSci
Bachelor of Science in Geological SciencesBSGeoSci
Bachelor of Science in Geosystems Engineering and HydrogeologyBSGEH
Bachelor of Science in Human Development and Family SciencesBSHDFS
Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary ScienceBSIntrdscSci
Bachelor of Science in Interior DesignBSID
Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology and HealthBSKinHealth
Bachelor of Science in MathematicsBSMath
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical EngineeringBSME
Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory ScienceBSMedLabSci
Bachelor of Science in NeuroscienceBSNeurosci
Bachelor of Science in NursingBSN
Bachelor of Science in NutritionBSNtr
Bachelor of Science in Petroleum EngineeringBSPE
Bachelor of Science in PhysicsBSPhy
Bachelor of Science in PsychologyBSPsy
Bachelor of Science in Public HealthBSPublicHealth
Bachelor of Science in Public RelationsBSPR
Bachelor of Science in Radio-Television-FilmBSRTF
Bachelor of Science in Textiles and ApparelBSTA
Bachelor of Social WorkBSW
Doctor of PharmacyPharmD