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Appendix J: Prohibition of Campus Violence

The University of Texas at Austin is committed to creating and maintaining an environment that is free from threatening and violent behavior. Such behavior while on University owned or controlled property, or while engaged in official University business, will not be tolerated. The University encourages students, faculty, staff, visitors and contractors to promptly report any emergency or crime to University Police (UTPD). The University will respond promptly, positively, and aggressively to deal with threatening and violent behavior.

  1. General Policy Guidelines

    1. Scope 
      This policy applies to the conduct of any person on University premises or at University sponsored activities, including faculty, students, staff, visitors or contractors while on University owned or controlled property, or while engaged in official University business.
    2. Definitions
      Violent behavior includes any behavior, whether intentional or reckless, which results in bodily injury to one's self, another person and/or damage to property.
      Threatening behavior includes any behavior, whether intentional or reckless, that by its nature would be interpreted by a reasonable person as an intent to harm one's self, another person or damage property belonging to another. Threats may be oral, written, or communicated through conventional mail, electronic, fax, or telephonic means and may be direct or implied.
      Campus violence encompasses threatening and violent behavior. Campus violence can include, but is not limited, to the following:
      • Physically assaulting a person, including slapping, hitting, punching, pushing, poking or kicking; or physical threats to inflict physical harm;
      • Arson, sabotage, equipment vandalism, damaging or destroying property, throwing or hitting objects;
      • Displaying a weapon or an object which appears to be a weapon in a threatening manner; carrying a firearm of any kind onto University-owned or University-controlled property (except those permitted by state law or University policy 8-1060, Campus Carry, of the Handbook of Operating Procedures); or using a weapon to harm someone
      • Using greater physical size/strength to intimidate another; intimidating or threatening gestures, bullying, or hazing
      • Intimidating, threatening, hostile, or abusive language directed toward another person that communicates the intention to engage in violence against that person and leads a reasonable person to expect that violent behavior may occur
      • Stalking another person
    3. Campus Violence Prohibited
      Any person who engages in campus violence while on University owned or controlled property, or while engaged in official University business, may be removed and/or barred from the premises pending the outcome of an investigation.
  2. Procedures

    1. Reporting Immediate Emergencies or Crimes
      Any individual who experiences, is aware of, or witnesses campus violence, or who has reason to suspect that campus violence is occurring that may be of a criminal nature or poses clear and present danger should immediately dial "911." The emergency dispatcher will direct the call to the University of Texas Police Department or the Austin Police Department as appropriate. In addition, the university department head where the incident occurred should be informed.
    2. Reporting Less Immediate Threats
      Every supervisor, administrator and university official is responsible for responding promptly and thoroughly to allegations of campus violence and for reporting such behavior through normal lines of administrative responsibility. For assistance the incident may also be reported directly to the Behavior Concerns Advice Line (BCAL) at (512) 232-5050 or at the website. The caller will be advised how to proceed and/or will be routed to the appropriate resource.
      • Incidents involving staff members shall be directed to the Associate Vice President for Human Resources. The Associate Vice President for Human Resources will contact the appropriate officials and department personnel to address the potential campus violence.
      • Incidents involving students shall be directed to the Office of the Dean of Students. The Office of the Dean of Students will contact the appropriate officials and department personnel to address the potential campus violence.
      • Incidents involving faculty members should be directed to the Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost. The Provost's Office will contact the appropriate officials and department personnel to address the potential campus violence.
    3. Protective or Restraining Orders
      Any member of the University community who takes out a protective or restraining order against another person, or receives a protective or restraining order which lists University owned or leased premises as a protected area, shall provide their supervisor and The University of Texas at Austin Police Department with a copy of such order along with a photograph of the person against whom the order has been issued when possible.
    4. Sanctions
      Individuals who violate this policy may be removed from campus, arrested and be subject to legal action. University employees and students who violate this policy may also be subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.
    5. Filing of False Reports
      Any person who knowingly and intentionally files a false report shall be subject to disciplinary action that may include dismissal, expulsion, and/or legal action.
    6. Documentation and Confidentiality
      The University shall document the report and the investigation. Such documentation shall be retained by The University of Texas at Austin Police Department or the appropriate office listed in II.B. above. Subject to the provisions of the Texas Public Information Act, Chapter 552, Texas Government Code, the University will maintain the confidentiality of the report and the identity of the reporting person during the investigation. The identity of the reporter and perpetrator may become apparent, or disclosed, as a result of the actions taken to resolve the investigation.
    7. Retaliation Prohibited
      A faculty, student, or staff member who retaliates in any way against an individual who has brought a complaint in good faith pursuant to this policy or participated in good faith in an investigation of such a complaint, is subject to disciplinary action, including dismissal.

For assistance: Questions regarding campus violence should be directed to Human Resource Services or the Office of the Dean of Students.

Source: Revised Handbook of Operating Procedures, 8-1010.