Graduate Degrees
The Graduate School offers the following degrees.
Degree | Abbreviation |
Master of Arts | MA |
Master of Architecture | MArch |
Master of Business Administration | MBA |
Master of Education | MEd |
Master of Fine Arts | MFA |
Master of Global Policy Studies | MGlobalPolStds |
Master of Interior Design | MID |
Master of Landscape Architecture | MLA |
Master of Music | MMusic |
Master in Professional Accounting | MPA |
Master of Public Affairs | MPAff |
Master of Science in Accounting | MSAcc |
Master of Science in Applied Physics | MSApplPhy |
Master of Science in Architectural Studies | MSAS |
Master of Science in Business Analytics | MSBA |
Master of Science in Community and Regional Planning | MSCRP |
Master of Science in Computational Science, Engineering, and Mathematics | MSCSEM |
Master of Science in Computer Science | MSCompSci |
Master of Science in Economics | MSEcon |
Master of Science in Energy and Earth Resources | MSEER |
Master of Science in Engineering | MSE |
Master of Science in Finance | MSFin |
Master of Science in Geological Sciences | MSGeoSci |
Master of Science in Health Behavior and Health Education | MSHBHEd |
Master of Science in Historic Preservation | MSHP |
Master of Science in Identity Management and Security | MSIMS |
Master of Science in Information, Risk, and Operations Management | MSIROM |
Master of Science in Information Technology and Management* | MSITM |
Master of Science in Information Studies | MSInfoStds |
Master of Science in Kinesiology | MSKin |
Master of Science in Management | MSMan |
Master of Science in Marine Science | MSMarineSci |
Master of Science in Marketing | MSMkt |
Master of Science in Neuroscience | MSNeurosci |
Master of Science in Nursing | MSN |
Master of Science in Nutritional Sciences | MSNS |
Master of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences | MSPS |
Master of Science in Social Work | MSSW |
Master of Science in Statistics | MSStat |
Master of Science in Sustainable Design | MSSD |
Master of Science in Technology Commercialization | MSTC |
Master of Science in Textile and Apparel Technology | MSTAT |
Master of Science in Urban Design | MSUD |
Doctor of Audiology | AuD |
Doctor of Education | EdD |
Doctor of Musical Arts | DMA |
Doctor of Nursing Practice | DNP |
Doctor of Philosophy | PhD |
*Master's program pending final approval at time of publication