This is an archived copy of the 2019-20 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

Degree Requirements

Master of Science in Management

The Master of Science in Management degree is offered in three options: with thesis, with report, and without thesis or report. Depending on the option chosen, between 30 and 36 semester hours of credit are required. All coursework must be logically related and must be approved by the Department of Management Graduate Studies Committee.

Doctor of Philosophy

All students take core and elective courses in the Department of Management that cover organizational behavior, organization theory, strategic management, and qualitative and quantitative research methods topics. Students must also complete at least two courses outside management that support the student's area of study and ongoing research programs.

A key objective in the student’s development as a scholar is writing papers that will be published in top tier academic journals. Students will be required to write and present a first-year paper in the fall semester following their first year. The quality of the student’s work on the project is a factor in evaluating the student’s progress in the degree program.

Students take the comprehensive examination, which assesses their knowledge of research methodology and of their chosen sub-field of management (organizational behavior, organization theory, or strategic management), in the summer at the end of the second year. They then undertake dissertation research as described in Degree Requirements. A well-prepared student generally completes the degree in five years.