This is an archived copy of the 2019-20 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

Degree Requirements

The student is normally expected to begin coursework in the fall semester.

Master of Arts

The Master of Arts with thesis requires 30 semester hours of coursework, including three hours in Radio-Television-Film 395 which must be taken in the fall semester of the first year, three hours in Radio-Television-Film 380 which must be taken in the spring semester of the first year, and six hours of Radio-Television-Film 698. The Master of Arts with thesis is recommended for students who plan to continue their graduate work after receiving the master’s degree. The Master of Arts with report requires 33 hours of coursework.

Master of Fine Arts

This degree is available in two areas of specialization -- film and digital media production and writing for film and television. It is designed for the student with a demonstrated commitment to production or screenwriting as a professional, artistic, or academic pursuit.

Students who are admitted to the film and digital media production program complete a three-year program that allows them to develop a foundation of production skills by creating works in both traditional and nontraditional forms. Students may choose to complete a coursework-only degree option that requires 60 hours of coursework or they may choose to complete a report degree option that requires 57 hours of coursework and Radio-Television-Film 398R, Master's Report. MFA in film and digital media production students must pass annual reviews of their work and must produce a final film project for public exhibition during the third year. 

Students who are admitted to the writing for film and television program must complete 42 hours of coursework in a program that allows them to explore writing for film and television. Students write original screenplays as well as those adapted from other material. In addition to completing all required coursework, students must complete a final script for their capstone project. 

Doctor of Philosophy

The Master of Arts or an equivalent degree is required for admission to the doctoral degree program. The program requires completion of at least 42 semester hours of coursework beyond the master’s degree; among these hours must be at least nine hours in research-tools courses and 18 hours in the student’s area of specialization, including Radio-Television-Film 395, taken twice, and Radio-Television-Film 380. The student works with a faculty adviser to plan specific course requirements in the area of specialization. In addition to this coursework, the student must pass comprehensive examinations in three academic areas. After successful completion of the comprehensive examinations, the student files an application for candidacy and writes the dissertation.

Upon admission to the graduate program, students must pay a nonrefundable enrollment deposit to indicate that they accept the offer of admission. The deposit is applied to the payment of fees when the student enrolls.

Dual Degree Programs

The Department of Radio-Television-Film offers the following dual degree programs in cooperation with other divisions of the University. More information is available from the graduate adviser in each program.

Field(s) of Study Degree(s)
Business administrationMaster of Business Administration
Latin American studiesMaster of Arts
Middle Eastern studiesMaster of Arts
Public affairsMaster of Public Affairs
Russian, East European, and Eurasian studiesMaster of Arts