Tuition and Fees
Policies governing the payment and refund of tuition, fees, and other charges are approved by the Board of Regents of The University of Texas System and comply with applicable state statutes. All charges are subject to change by legislative or regental action and become effective on the date enacted. For clarification of any matter relating to payment or refund of charges, a student should contact the office or administrative unit that originated the charge or refund.
Financial Responsibility
Students must sign a Financial Responsibility Statement (FRS) each semester prior to registration, and are expected to meet financial obligations to the University when they are due. Tuition is due on the date given in the academic calendar and can be found on My Tuition Bill. Students are not entitled to attend classes unless the tuition bill has been paid in full or in accordance with an installment plan. Failure to comply with tuition payment deadlines may result in the cancellation of registration. Other charges are due within 10 days after the bill is issued by the University, or according to any payment instructions on the bill. If the student does not pay the amount owed by the due date, the University may bar the student from registration and may withhold official transcripts and diplomas.
Payment of registration fees must be made in full each semester by the payment deadline(s), or late fees will be assessed. Methods of payment include personal check, eCheck, electronic funds transfer, cash, money orders, cashiers check, or credit card (subject to a 2.3% convenience fee). Payments for larger amounts, the difference to be paid in cash to the student, cannot be accepted. All checks must be drawn on United States banks in United States dollars; collection charges that result from checks drawn otherwise are charged to the student.