Degree Requirements
Graduate handbook information is updated and maintained by each program. Graduate handbooks are available within each program's office and online at Please contact the program with concerns or questions.
Master in Professional Accounting
The core of the Master in Professional Accounting (MPA) curriculum consists of 25 semester hours of coursework. Four of the core courses may be waived if the student has completed equivalent undergraduate work. In addition to the core, students complete 18 hours in more specialized courses.
Depending on their undergraduate backgrounds, students must earn from 30 to 43 semester hours of credit to complete the program; all MPA students must complete at least 19 semester hours in accounting. Students must complete at least two long-session semesters in residence in the MPA program. In order to graduate, the student’s overall, MPA, and accounting grade point averages must each be at least 3.00.
Master of Science in Accounting
The Master of Science in Accounting is offered only to students who are enrolled in the doctoral program in accounting. This degree is offered in three options: with thesis, with report, and without thesis or report. The thesis option requires at least 30 semester hours of credit; the report option, at least 33 hours; and the option without thesis or report, at least 36 hours. All coursework must be logically related, and the student’s entire program must be approved by the student’s primary advisor and the graduate advisor. The Graduate Studies Committee’s approval is not required.
Doctor of Philosophy
The coursework for the doctoral degree includes four non-accounting core courses, five accounting seminars, and at least five courses in two supporting fields outside accounting. Students also write first-year and second-year research papers. Those without teaching experience complete Business Administration 398T and teach an entry-level accounting course. Four or five years are generally needed to complete the coursework and dissertation phases of the degree program.