This is an archived copy of the 2021-22 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit


Master of Science in Neuroscience
Doctor of Philosophy

For More Information

Campus address: Norman Hackerman Building Building (NHB) 2.504, phone (512) 471-3640; campus mail code: C7000

Mailing address: The University of Texas at Austin, Institute for Neuroscience, 100 E 24th Street Stop C7000, Austin TX 78712



Facilities for Graduate Work

The Institute for Neuroscience offers excellent opportunities for multidisciplinary graduate study in the neurosciences. Facilities include those maintained by the participating programs in the Colleges of Natural Sciences, Liberal Arts, Pharmacy, Education, Communication, Dell Medical School and in the Cockrell School of Engineering. Institutional support, training grants, and federal and state grants to investigators in the institute provide stipends and support research. Faculty members throughout the institute participate in interdisciplinary seminars, two semester-long broad based neuroscience courses and multiple topically oriented neuroscience courses. The goal of the institute is to train students to employ multidisciplinary approaches in their careers in neuroscience research, teaching and industry. Toward this end, the faculty seeks to provide a diverse, cohesive, and interactive atmosphere and a flexible curriculum that meets the needs of each individual.

Areas of Study

Neuroscience encompasses behavioral, systems, cellular, molecular, and computational approaches to understanding the nervous system. The faculty use a wide variety of state-of-the-art techniques for their studies, including functional magnetic and optical imaging, various behavioral analyses of animals and humans, transmission and scanning electron microscopy, molecular and cellular biophysics, cellular- and systems-level neurophysiology, biochemistry, molecular genetics, and various types of computer modeling. The research-intensive environment emphasizes multidisciplinary investigations. The program offers students both a sound education in neuroscience and a broad research experience.

Graduate Studies Committee

The following faculty members served on the Graduate Studies Committee (GSC) in the spring 2021 semester.

Seema Agarwala
Richard W Aldrich
Nigel S Atkinson
Chandrajit L Bajaj
Dana Harry Ballard
Adela Ben-Yakar
George D Bittner
Darrin H Brager
Steven G Britt
Audrey C Brumback
Frances Anne Champagne
Craig A Champlin
Jessica Alice Church-Lang
Laura Lee Colgin
Lawrence K Cormack
James Patrick Curley
Yvon Delville
Ming-Chieh Ding
Lauren K Dobbs
Juan M Dominguez
Michael Drew
Andrew K Dunn
Joseph Edward Dunsmoor Jr
Christine L Duvauchelle
Johann K Eberhart
Laura K Fonken
Greg Anthony Fonzo
Mike Freedberg
Andrew David Gaudet
Wilson S Geisler III
Nace L Golding
Marcel Goldschen
Rueben A Gonzales
F Gonzalez-Lima
Andrea C Gore
Robbe Lieve Theofiel Goris
Andreana P Haley
Liberty Hamilton
Kristen M Harris
R A Harris
Mary Myleen Hayhoe
Maya L Henry
Johann Hofmann
Mackenzie A Howard
Alexander C Huk
Sara J Hussain
Alexander Huth
Mbemba Jabbi
Daniel Johnston
Theresa A Jones
John S Kuo
Amy Lee
Hongjoo Joanne Lee
Jarrod Alan Lewis-Peacock
Elizabeth Thomas Cox Lippard
Michela Marinelli
Michael Mauk
Roy D Mayfield
Esther Melamed
Robert Messing
S J Mihic
Risto P Miikkulainen
Jose del R Millan
Marie Helene Monfils
Hitoshi Morikawa
Somshuvra Mukhopadhyay
Luis A Natividad
Ian Michael Nauhaus
Hiroshi Nishiyama
Kimberly Nixon
Linda Jeanne Noble
Caitlin A Orsini
David Paydarfar
Franco Pestilli
Steven M Phelps
Jonathan T Pierce
George D Pollak
Alison R Preston
Nicholas J Priebe
Susanne Ressl
Samantha Rose Santacruz
David M Schnyer
William Schwartz
Eyal Seidemann
Eric Senning
Jason B Shear
Max Snodderly
Stephen M Strakowski
James Samuel Sulzer
Thibaud Olivier Taillefumier
Andrew J Watrous
Xuexin Wei
Harold H Zakon
Boris Zemelman

Admission Requirements

The requirements of the Graduate School for admission into a Doctor of Philosophy degree program must be met. However, the qualifications of most admitted applicants exceed these minimum requirements. All applicants must hold a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university, usually in a biological science, chemistry, computer science, experimental psychology, pharmacy, or engineering. Undergraduate preparation should include one year of chemistry, one year of biology, mathematics through calculus, and courses in psychology and physics. However, students without some of these prerequisites may be admitted on the condition that they make up any deficiencies during their first two years of study.