This is an archived copy of the 2021-22 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

Dual Degrees

Dual Degree Programs

During the Growth Year, a nine-month Innovation, Leadership and Discovery block will give students the opportunity to individualize experiences toward long-term goals. Students can choose to pursue one of several dual degree programs. All dual degree programs should be accomplished within the four years of medical school.

In dual degree programs, the degrees are awarded simultaneously. To enter a dual degree program, the student must be accepted by both of the individual programs. Students who wish to enter a dual degree program that involves the MD degree should contact the Admissions Office in the Dell Medical School first. Dual degree programs are offered in the following fields.

Field(s) of Study Degree(s)
Biomedical engineeringMaster of Science in Engineering
Business administrationMaster of Business Administration
DesignMaster of Arts
Educational psychologyMaster of Education
Health care transformationMaster of Science in Health Care Transformation
Public affairsMaster of Public Affairs

Dual Degree Programs with Other Institutions

The dual degree programs listed above lead to two University degrees; in other programs, students pursue degrees from the University and from another school at the same time.

Doctor of Medicine/Master of Public Health

The Dell Medical School offers a dual degree program with the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston School of Public Health leading to the Doctor of Medicine from the University and the Master of Public Health from the center. Applicants must apply separately and be admitted to both the Doctor of Medicine program at the University and the Master of Public Health at the center. Students accepted into the dual degree program complete the program of work in both schools. The degrees are conferred separately by each institution. Additional information is available from the director of admissions at the Dell Medical School.