This is an archived copy of the 2022-23 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

Quantity of Work Rule

The policies described in this section apply to to undergraduate, graduate, Pharm.D., and law students.

Full-Time and Half-Time Enrollment

A student’s enrollment status is determined by the number of credit hours for which the student is enrolled in residence in a semester. University Extension semester-based coursework is included in the total along with in-residence coursework. Semesters include multiple subterms. Fall and Winter Terms are subterms included in Fall Semester enrollment while Spring and May Terms are subterms included in Spring Semester enrollment. First Term, Second Term, Nine-Week Term, and Summer Term are subterms included in Summer Semester enrollment. The following table shows the minimum number of hours required.1

Enrollment Status

Fall or Spring 

  Undergraduates Graduate students Pharm.D. students Law students
Full-time12 hours9 hours9 hours10 hours
Half-time6 hours5 hours5 hours5 hours


  Undergraduates Graduate students Pharm.D. students Law students
Full-time12 hours3 hours3 hours6 hours
Half-time6 hours2 hours2 hours3 hours

A student is also considered to be enrolled full-time if enrolled in a cooperative engineering course, taking a reduced course load because of a documented disability, or enrolled in a specific course that carries no hours of credit. An undergraduate enrolled in at least six hours of coursework in the student's semester of graduation may also be considered full-time; the student’s dean must submit a request to the registrar’s office that the student’s enrollment status be changed from half-time to full-time.

Course Load Reduction. Approval of requests for course load reductions are always the prerogative of the academic dean when medical reasons are given. Applications to request consideration of a course load reduction should be submitted to Disability and Access. Disability and Access will request a recommendation from the UHS executive director and chief medical officer. Once the executive director and chief medical officer signs the application, UHS will submit it to the appropriate dean's office for a final decision.

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