Special Education Courses
Special Education: SED
Lower-Division Courses
SED 303. Autism Spectrum Disorder: Truths and Consequences.
Focus on approaches and strategies that help improve the lives of people with ASD. Examines the role research plays in what people know about various claims. Explores how research findings are communicated, and how to best translate research findings into everyday language. The equivalent of three lecture hour a week for one semester.
SED 293, 393. Graduate Seminar in Special Education.
Discussion of critical issues; critiques of literature; development of theories and models regarding disabling conditions. The equivalent of three class hours a week for one semester. Special Education 380 and 393 may not both be counted unless the topics vary. May be repeated for credit when the topics vary. Prerequisite: Graduate standing; twelve semester hours of upper-division coursework in education, psychology, or other behavioral sciences; and consent of instructor.
Topic 17: Instructional Designs Using Assistive Technology. The design of instruction for students with disabilities by using assistive and instructional technologies.
Topic 18: Collaboration. Strategies such as collaborative consultation and teamwork models, which are used to improve learning outcomes for students with diverse learning needs.
Topic 20: Applied Research. Special Education 393 (Topic 5) and 393 (Topic 20) may not both be counted.
Upper-Division Courses
SED 332. Field Experiences in Special Education.
Observation and participation in a variety of educational settings that serve children with disabilities. Two lecture hours and two four-hour sessions of fieldwork a week for one semester. Fieldwork sessions must be arranged between 8:00 AM and noon. Required for all undergraduate students seeking special education certification.
SED 337. Intercultural Communication and Collaboration.
Basic principles of interpersonal and intergroup communication in culturally and linguistically diverse educational settings. Designed to help students understand the relationship between culture, language, and disability using a variety of formats, including discussion, dialogue, journals, simulations, case studies, and field-based assignments. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Required for undergraduate students seeking special education certification. Prerequisite: Admission to the teacher preparation program and consent of the Office of Student Field Experiences.
SED 360, 960. Apprenticeship: Research to Practice.
Supervised practicum in special education classroom teaching, conducted in cooperating schools, as part of the teacher preparation program. Consists of teaching, analysis, and evaluation. Two lecture hours and at least fifteen, thirty, or forty-five hours of fieldwork a week for one semester. Required for undergraduate students seeking special education certification. Offered on the pass/fail basis only. Prerequisite: Admission to the teacher preparation program and consent of the Office of Student Field Experiences.
SED 372. Assessment of Individuals with Mild to Moderate Disabilities.
Assessment and high-stakes testing policies, procedures, and practices in special education; curriculum-based measurement used to monitor academic outcomes for students with disabilities; and principles and procedures used to reduce misidentification of individuals from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds and with limited English proficiency. Assessment data and individualized education plan development is also covered. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Required for students seeking special education certification. Prerequisite: Admission to the teacher preparation program and consent of the Office of Student Field Experiences.
SED 375C. Teaching Individuals with Mild to Moderate Disabilities.
Instructional practices associated with improved outcomes for students with mild to moderate disabilities receiving services in general and special education classrooms, including an emphasis on teaching reading in content areas, such as mathematics, science, and social studies. Three lecture hours and sixteen to twenty internship hours a week for one semester. Required for students seeking special education certification. Prerequisite: Admission to the teacher preparation program and consent of the Office of Student Field Experiences.
SED 376. Foundations and Issues in Special Education.
Key issues affecting decision-making and practices by special education teachers, assessment personnel, and administrators related to the treatment and education of students with disabilities. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Required for students seeking special education certification.
SED 377. Transition and the Exceptional Learner.
An overview of the transitions within the life span, particularly the transition to postsecondary school settings for individuals with disabilities. Designed to help students develop the ability to infuse transition-related topics into curricula, assess transition needs, develop transition plans, and become knowledgeable about existing vocational and community services. Three lecture hours a week for one semester, with fieldwork to be arranged. Required for students seeking special education certification. Prerequisite: Applied Learning and Development 322 and consent of the undergraduate adviser.
SED 378D. Assessment Practices in Autism and Developmental Disabilities.
Assessment practices for developing and evaluating educational programs for individuals with autism and developmental disabilities. Considers the theoretical orientations that underlie the major assessment strategies, including standardized, behavioral, and informal practices. Three lecture hours and three hours of fieldwork a week for one semester. Required for students seeking special education certification. Prerequisite: Admission to the teacher preparation program and consent of the Office of Student Field Experiences.
SED 378E. Advanced Early Childhood Intervention.
Designed to assist students in acquiring in-depth knowledge of early childhood intervention, particularly related to services within the state of Texas, including an understanding of the legal policies related to serving young children with disabilities and their families. Three lecture hours and eight hours of fieldwork a week for one semester. Required for students seeking special education certification. Prerequisite: Admission to the teacher preparation program and consent of the Office of Student Field Experiences.
SED 378R. Reading Assessment and Development with Diverse Populations.
The knowledge and skills associated with assessing, instructing, and monitoring the progress of students who experience mild to moderate difficulties with reading, as well as students with dyslexia. The emphasis is on reading, spelling, and writing for kindergarten through grade five. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Offered on the letter-grade basis only. Prerequisite: Admission to the teacher preparation program and consent of the Office of Student Field Experiences.
SED 378S. Teaching Individuals with Autism and Developmental Disabilities.
Assessment and instructional strategies for educating students with autism and other developmental and physical disabilities. Focuses on implementation and evaluation of instructional procedures for teaching a range of adaptive behaviors, such as self-care, and communication, social, and community living skills. Three lecture hours and eight hours of fieldwork a week for one semester. Required for students seeking special education certification. Prerequisite: Admission to the teacher preparation program and consent of the Office of Student Field Experiences.
SED 378T. Topics in Special Education.
Three lecture hours a week for one semester. May be repeated for credit when the topics vary. Prerequisite: Varies with the topic.
Topic 1: Language-Minority Students in Special Education. Additional prerequisite: Applied Learning and Development 322.
Topic 6: Teaching Math to Students with Disabilities. Special Education 378T (Topic: Tchng Math to Studnt Disabil) and 378T (Topic 6) may not both be counted.
Topic 7: Autism Spectrum Disorder. Explore Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) including the nature and diagnosis of ASD, available resources, and evidence-based practice service. Examine strategies implemented by professionals to help families and children navigate their environment and create a more inclusive and supportive environment for persons with ASD. Conducted in Spanish.
SED 379. Seminar in Special Education.
Specialized study in an identified area of interest in education of the exceptional child. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Applied Learning and Development 322 and consent of the undergraduate adviser.
SED 293, 393. Graduate Seminar in Special Education.
Discussion of critical issues; critiques of literature; development of theories and models regarding disabling conditions. The equivalent of three class hours a week for one semester. Special Education 380 and 393 may not both be counted unless the topics vary. May be repeated for credit when the topics vary. Prerequisite: Graduate standing; twelve semester hours of upper-division coursework in education, psychology, or other behavioral sciences; and consent of instructor.
Topic 17: Instructional Designs Using Assistive Technology. The design of instruction for students with disabilities by using assistive and instructional technologies.
Topic 18: Collaboration. Strategies such as collaborative consultation and teamwork models, which are used to improve learning outcomes for students with diverse learning needs.
Topic 20: Applied Research. Special Education 393 (Topic 5) and 393 (Topic 20) may not both be counted.
Graduate Courses
SED 380. Multicultural Special Education.
Study of critical issues in culture, language, and disability. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Special Education 380 and 393 may not both be counted unless the topics vary. Special Education 380 and 395 may not both be counted unless the topics vary. May be repeated for credit when the topics vary. Prerequisite: Graduate standing; twelve semester hours of upper-division coursework in education, psychology, sociology, or other behavioral sciences; and consent of instructor; additional prerequisites vary with the topic.
Topic 1: Language Acquisition and Assessment in Multicultural Special Education. Language acquisition among culturally and linguistically diverse learners in general and special education, with emphasis on effective assessment and instruction.
Topic 4: Assessment in Multicultural Special Education. Cultural and linguistic factors related to the assessment of language-minority students; the best practices in psychoeducational procedures.
Topic 6: Advanced Research Topics in Multicultural Special Education. Current and emerging research on individuals with disabilities who are from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. Provides students with opportunities to review research literature on topics of interest to them, and to explore their writing skills. A process approach to writing is used to familiarize students with the APA guidelines for preparing scholarly manuscripts.
Topic 7: Cross-Cultural Interactions in Multicultural Special Education. Introduction to principles of intercultural communication for educators. Emphasis on strategies for effective cross-cultural communication in a variety of educational settings, including general and special education.
Topic 8: School-Community Relations in Multicultural Special Education. Traditional methods of parent and school relations; emerging and innovative models for communication between the school and the community; the intent of the course is to explore school-community interactions in the context of the dynamics of culture, race, language, politics, history, economics, and religion.
Topic 9: Development of Personnel Preparation and Programming in Multicultural Special Education. Designed to prepare students to develop standards-based multicultural personnel preparation programs that emphasize research-based practices and that improve student outcomes and promote recruitment, retention, and quality of personnel for teaching culturally and linguistically diverse populations with disabilities in pluralistic settings.
Topic 11: Educational Planning for Multicultural Special Education.
Topic 12: Educational Leadership in Multicultural Special Education. Overview of issues affecting equal access to quality education for culturally and linguistically diverse learners with disabilities.
Topic 13: Sociocultural Foundations of Special Education. An in-depth examination of key knowledge, including sociocultural theory and conceptual models, used in teaching culturally and linguistically diverse students with disabilities in special education and inclusive settings.
Topic 15: Addressing Critical Questions in Special Education Using National Datasets. Considers how the federal government and local educational agencies collect a range of data on the educational experiences of children, including those with disabilities and special needs. Analyzes how these large datasets provide a unique opportunity to examine not only macro-level trends in identification rates, racial disparities, and student achievement, but also the influence of school and home contextual factors. Examines how to use these datasets and address important questions in special education today. Explores how to access, prepare, and analyze these datasets. Additional prerequisite: Consent of the graduate adviser.
Topic 16: Second Language Literacy Development and Assessment. Examines essential concepts related to language and literacy. Discussion of past and present sociocultural factors that impact research in terms of both what is researched and how it is researched and the implications of that research on instruction and assessment. Analyzes the socio-cultural foundations of schooling and society to better understand the complex, dynamic interrelationships between culture, language, literacy, and disability.
Topic 17: Diversity and Disability: Contemporary Perspectives.
Topic 18: Cultural and Linguistic Diversity. An overview of issues, problems, and emerging practices related to culturally and linguistically diverse students served in special education. Special Education 380 (Topic 10) and 380 (Topic 18) may not both be counted.
SED 383. Learning Disabilities.
Nature of the characteristics of learning disabilities and their effect on learning; assessment and progress monitoring measures; and individualized, differentiated strategies, interventions, technologies, and materials. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. May be repeated for credit when the topics vary. Prerequisite: Graduate standing; twelve semester hours of upper-division coursework in education, psychology, or other behavioral sciences, including a course in special education; and consent of instructor; additional prerequisites vary with the topic.
Topic 1: Introduction to Learning Disabilities. Basic terms and definitions, the nature of specific learning disorders, theoretical models, and empirical classification systems.
Topic 6: Teaching Students with Dyslexia and Reading Difficulties. Theories and practices associated with dyslexia; terminology, assessment, and remedial strategies are emphasized.
Topic 7: Assessment in Special Education. The basic concepts related to the assessment of exceptional individuals.
Topic 10: Intensive Interventions for Students with Reading Disabilities. Design, implementation, and evaluation of instruction for elementary- and secondary-level students with mild to moderate disabilities who receive special education services for reading. Special Education 383 (Topic 8) and 383 (Topic 10) may not both be counted.
Topic 11: Intensive Interventions for Students with Math Disabilities. Issues in the education of students with mild to moderate disabilities, including assessing students, evaluating instruction and instructional materials, and adapting and implementing instruction with an emphasis on math. Special Education 383 (Topic 9) and 383 (Topic 11) may not both be counted.
SED 383C, 983C. High Incidence Disabled Student Teaching.
Nature of the characteristics of learning disabilities and their effect on learning; assessment and progress monitoring measures; and individualized, differentiated strategies, interventions, technologies, and materials. For each hour of credit earned, one lecture hour a week for one semester. Offered on the credit/no credit basis only. Prerequisite: Graduate standing; twelve semester hours of upper-division coursework in education, psychology, or other behavioral sciences, including a course in special education; and consent of instructor.
SED 384. Early Childhood Special Education.
Education variables related to educational services and research for young children are investigated in terms of etiology, assessment, curriculum models, educational settings, and interdisciplinary programming. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. May be repeated for credit when the topics vary. Prerequisite: Graduate standing; twelve semester hours of upper-division coursework in education, psychology, or other behavioral sciences, including a course in special education; and consent of instructor; additional prerequisites vary with the topic.
Topic 1: Overview of Early Childhood Special Education. The educational and emotional needs of young disabled children (birth to age six) and the techniques for implementing a "whole child" educational approach to meet the needs of the child and the family.
Topic 3: Parent Education Models. The grief stages of parents; parent involvement models available to promote optimum parent-child and parent-professional relationships.
Topic 4: Practicum in Early Childhood Special Education. Teaching experience with disabled children in a center setting. Assessment and curriculum procedures are applied in developing an appropriate education for an individual child or small groups of children.
Topic 5: Advanced Practicum in Early Childhood Special Education. Teaching experience with a large group of children in a center setting. Program management and evaluation procedures are applied to a total curriculum, so that the student assumes a lead teacher and/or consultant role during training.
Topic 6: Assessment and Programming of Early Childhood Special Education. Experience in assessing a disabled child in a naturalistic setting. Formal and informal assessment procedures for children from birth through age six.
Topic 7: Medical/Educational Overview: Birth to Age Three. Overview of hospital-to-school early intervention techniques for meeting the medical and educational needs of preterm, low-birth-weight, and at-risk children and their parents.
Topic 8: Medical/Educational Parent Education and Involvement: Birth to Age Three. Research, design, and implementation of a functional child-parent program. Students develop their own programs for working with parents of children with specific problems or disabilities.
Topic 9: Medical/Educational Assessment: Birth to Age Three. Experience planning, assessing, and implementing educational programs for at-risk infants and toddlers. Emphasis is on interagency coordination and the use of the transdisciplinary team to meet the family's and the child's needs with a minimum of personnel.
Topic 10: Medical/Educational Programming: Birth to Age Three. Medical information on pre-, peri-, and postnatal effects of medical problems and extended hospital stays. Impact of medical intervention on the infant's and the family's development.
Topic 11: Medical/Educational Practicum in Early Childhood Special Education. Early intervention in a neonatal intensive care unit or on a follow-up team for medically fragile high-risk children.
Topic 13: Early Language Intervention.
Topic 14: Family Support and Intervention.
Topic 16: Medical and Educational Assessment and Intervention.
Topic 17: Functional Motor and Vision Assessment and Intervention.
SED 386. Behavioral Disorders.
Discussion of behavioral disorders, contributory factors; psychological and educational diagnoses applied to educational programming. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. May be repeated for credit when the topics vary. Prerequisite: Graduate standing; twelve semester hours of upper-division coursework in education, psychology, or other behavioral sciences, including a course in special education; and consent of instructor; additional prerequisites vary with the topic.
Topic 10: Introduction to Behavioral Disorders. Introduction to the nature and needs of children with behavior disorders and to effective management methods and teaching strategies. The admission, review, and dismissal process is described and practiced so that students can work as members of an interdisciplinary team.
Topic 11: Positive Behavioral Interventions Support and Classroom Management. Study of the basic principles of human behavior, and the application of those principles to teaching positive behavior support and designing effective classrooms. Designed to prepare teachers and clinicians who will be in general and special education settings with children of all ages with and without disabilities.
Topic 13: Educating Students with Significant Behavioral Support Needs. Designed to provide students with an overview of promising and preferred practices for educating children and youth with emotional and behavioral disorders (EBD). Emphasis on children and youth whose behaviors challenge the prevailing social and educational traditions and values of schools, communities, and families.
SED 387. Rehabilitation Counseling.
Study of rehabilitation counseling: basic orientation and process and procedures; related biomedical, psychological, and community aspects; specialized programs and field experiences. Three lecture hours a week for one semester; or meetings as required by the topic. May be repeated for credit when the topics vary. Prerequisite: Graduate standing; twelve semester hours of upper-division coursework in education, psychology, sociology, or other behavioral sciences; and consent of instructor; additional prerequisites vary with the topic.
SED 388. Autism and Developmental Disabilities.
An intensive study of the psychological, sociological, physiological, and educational factors relating to the assessment, learning, and teaching of children with autism and other developmental disabilities. Includes affective, cognitive, and psychomotor development of individuals with physical disabilities. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. May be repeated for credit when the topics vary. Prerequisite: Graduate standing; twelve semester hours of upper-division coursework in education, psychology, or other behavioral sciences, including a course in special education; and consent of instructor; additional prerequisites vary with the topic.
Topic 3: Teaching Individuals with Autism and Developmental Disabilities. Development of highly specialized skills needed to teach those with developmental disabilities. Emphasis is on the basic principles of learning that underlie effective instructional strategies and on ways to structure the environment to promote learning.
Topic 5: Enhancing Communication Potential in People with Autism and Developmental Disabilities. Communication intervention for those with developmental disabilities. Designed to help students learn to assess communication behavior and to create intervention programs that enhance existing communication skills and teach new skills. Hands-on experience with a variety of augmentative and alternative communication systems.
Topic 6: Educational Implications of Autism and Developmental Disabilities. Introduction to the learning and behavioral characteristics of those with developmental disabilities, including autism and related developmental disorders. Designed to give students an understanding of the educational needs of those with developmental disabilities and of ways to address those needs through special education and related services.
Topic 7: Challenging Behavior and Developmental Disabilities. The nature, assessment, and treatment of the challenging behaviors that are prevalent in individuals with developmental disabilities, such as aggression, self-injury, property destruction, tantrums, and stereotyped movements.
Topic 8: Research on Inclusion for Students with Autism and Developmental Disabilities. Literature relevant to the inclusion of students with developmental disabilities, including classic readings on the history and philosophy of inclusion; analysis of the evidence supporting current best-practice models. Emphasis on critical reading of empirical studies on the efficacy of inclusive education.
Topic 9: Assessment Research in Autism and Developmental Disabilities. Research related to the assessment of students with developmental disabilities, examined in the context of the theoretical orientations that underlie the major assessment strategies. Includes a review of studies related to the development and validation of contemporary assessment instruments and discussion of the scientific process involved in developing and validating assessment tools.
Topic 10: Advances in the Understanding and Treatment of Autism. Review of recent advances in the understanding and treatment of autism and related developmental disorders. The social forces that shape research and scientific understanding and the political forces that influence the delivery of education and related services, as well as implications for effective leadership in special education.
Topic 11: Intervention Research in Autism and Developmental Disabilities. How research is used to develop interventions for those with developmental disabilities. Students consider the role of basic research and theory in the development of interventions and the use of experimental design to demonstrate the effectiveness of an intervention program, explore the development of empirically validated intervention programs, and undertake qualitative and quantitative reviews of intervention research.
Topic 13: Practicum in Severe and Multiple Disabilities.
Topic 14: Practicum in Professional & Ethical Practices.
SED 389. Special Education Administration.
Study of the content and process of special education administration, including technological forecasting methods, case law as it applies to people with disabilities, management of problem employee styles, and related topics. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. May be repeated for credit when the topics vary. Prerequisite: Graduate standing; twelve semester hours of upper-division coursework in education, psychology, or other behavioral sciences, including a course in special education; and consent of instructor.
Topic 1: Administration of Special Education Programs. Application of principles of administration and leadership to problems associated with special education and instruction for special populations.
Topic 2: Educational Futures. Students are directed toward career goals: affective change toward the future and change processes; acquisition of knowledge about several technological forecasting methods and of skill in the use of one method.
Topic 3: Special Education Administration Seminar: Current Issues in Special Education.
Topic 4: Law and Disabilities. An examination of case law that covers definitions, equal educational opportunity, employment, accessibility, freedom of choice, freedom from residential confinement, housing and zoning restrictions, equal access to medical services, procreation, marriage, children, contracts, ownership and transfer of property, voting, and holding public office.
Topic 5: Special Populations. Leadership issues associated with serving school-age children through federal and state "title" programs, including English as a second language, bilingual education, and Chapters I and II. Also covered are alternative schools; programs for juvenile offenders, pregnant students and young mothers, and at-risk students such as those who have potential for suicide; and services for the homeless, the abused, and chemical abusers. Students read the significant literature and develop knowledge and skill in planning and designing delivery models.
SED 293, 393. Graduate Seminar in Special Education.
Discussion of critical issues; critiques of literature; development of theories and models regarding disabling conditions. The equivalent of three class hours a week for one semester. Special Education 380 and 393 may not both be counted unless the topics vary. May be repeated for credit when the topics vary. Prerequisite: Graduate standing; twelve semester hours of upper-division coursework in education, psychology, or other behavioral sciences; and consent of instructor.
Topic 17: Instructional Designs Using Assistive Technology. The design of instruction for students with disabilities by using assistive and instructional technologies.
Topic 18: Collaboration. Strategies such as collaborative consultation and teamwork models, which are used to improve learning outcomes for students with diverse learning needs.
Topic 20: Applied Research. Special Education 393 (Topic 5) and 393 (Topic 20) may not both be counted.
SED 394, 694. Practicum in Special Education.
Supervised field placement in specialized settings serving exceptional children and youth. Conference course; for each semester hour of credit earned, the equivalent of one lecture hour a week for one semester. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Graduate standing and consent of instructor.
SED 395. Independent Study.
Individual research planned, executed, and reported under supervision. Conference course. Special Education 380 and 395 may not both be counted unless the topics vary. May be repeated for credit when the topics vary. Prerequisite: Admission to an approved program of graduate study or to candidacy for the doctoral degree in education, or graduate standing and consent of instructor; additional prerequisites vary with the topic.
Topic 1: Independent Study in Special Education Administration.
Topic 2: Independent Study in Behavioral Disorders.
Topic 4: Independent Study in Learning Disabilities.
Topic 7: Independent Study in Early Childhood Special Education.
Topic 8: Independent Study in Autism and Developmental Disabilities.
Topic 15: Independent Study in Multicultural Special Education.
SED 395D. Doctoral Seminar in Special Education and Rehabilitation Counselor Education.
Three lecture hours a week for one semester. May be repeated for credit when the topics vary. Prerequisite: Admission to an approved program of graduate study or to candidacy for the doctoral degree in education, and consent of instructor; additional prerequisites vary with the topic.
Topic 2: Seminar in Behavioral Disorders.
Topic 3: Seminar in Learning Disabilities.
Topic 5: Early Childhood Special Education.
Topic 6: Autism and Developmental Disabilities.
Topic 7: Multicultural Special Education.
SED 695S. Professional Seminar.
Forum for students to become familiar with the areas of study, research, and professional practice within special education. Students also refine their professional writing and communication skills, critically evaluate current and emerging research in the field, and examine the historical, legal, philosophical, and theoretical foundations of special education. Three lecture hours a week for two semesters. Required of all doctoral students. Prerequisite: For 695SA, graduate standing and admission to the doctoral program in special education; for 695SB, Special Education 695SA.
SED 696. Research Mentoring.
Designed to develop the knowledge and skills students need in order to conduct research. Under the supervision of a three-member committee, students develop a publishable-quality synthesis of the professional literature on a topic related to their research interests. Conference course. Required of all doctoral students prior to admission to candidacy. Offered on the credit/no credit basis only. Prerequisite: For Special Education 696A, graduate standing, completion of specialization core requirements, at least three graduate courses in research methods and data analysis, and consent of the graduate adviser; for Special Education 696B, 696A.
SED 396C. Trends and Issues in Special Education and Rehabilitation Counseling.
An examination of current trends and issues in areas within special education and rehabilitation counselor education that influence policies and procedures in the public schools, teacher preparation programs, and community agencies. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. May be repeated for credit when the topics vary. Prerequisite: Graduate standing; twelve semester hours of upper-division coursework in education, psychology, sociology, or other behavioral sciences; and consent of instructor; additional prerequisites vary with the topic.
Topic 1: Trends and Issues in Early Childhood Special Education.
Topic 2: Trends and Issues in Learning Disabilities/Behavioral Disorders.
Topic 5: Trends and Issues in Special Education Administration.
Topic 7: Trends and Issues in Autism and Developmental Disabilities.
SED 396R. Research Methods and Data Analysis.
Three lecture hours a week for one semester. May be repeated for credit when the topics vary. Prerequisite: Graduate standing, twelve semester hours of upper-division coursework in education, and consent of instructor.
Topic 1: Research Methodology in Special Education.
Topic 2: Single-Subject Research Design. The use of single-subject research designs to make data-based decisions about program effectiveness and student outcomes; integration of applied research into classroom instruction as part of evidence-based professional practice in educating students with severe and multiple disabilities.
Topic 3: Advanced Data Analysis in Special Education.
SED 396T. Directed Research in Special Education.
Three lecture hours a week for one semester. May be repeated for credit when the topics vary. Prerequisite: Graduate standing, twelve semester hours of upper-division coursework in education, and consent of instructor.
Topic 1: Directed Research in Special Education Administration.
Topic 2: Directed Research in Behavioral Disorders.
Topic 4: Directed Research in Learning Disabilities.
Topic 7: Directed Research in Early Childhood Special Education.
Topic 8: Directed Research in Severe and Multiple Disabilities.
Topic 13: Directed Research in Multicultural Special Education.
SED 397C. Advanced College Teaching.
Supervised teaching experience at the college level. The equivalent of three lecture hours a week for one semester. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Graduate standing, admission to an approved program of graduate study or admission to candidacy for the doctoral degree in special education, Special Education 398T, and consent of the graduate adviser.
SED 397P, 697P. Graduate Internship.
Supervised practice in a professional position. The equivalent of three or six lecture hours a week for one semester. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Graduate standing, twelve semester hours of upper-division coursework in education, and consent of instructor.
SED 397S. Supervised Teaching in Special Education.
Instruction in the supervision of student teachers and observers at the undergraduate level. Conference course. Prerequisite: Graduate standing, appointment as a teaching assistant and supervisor of undergraduate student teachers, and consent of instructor.
SED 698. Thesis.
The equivalent of three lecture hours a week for two semesters. Offered on the credit/no credit basis only. Prerequisite: For 698A, graduate standing in special education and consent of the supervising professor and the graduate adviser; for 698B, Special Education 698A.
SED 398R. Master's Report.
Preparation of a report to fulfill the requirement for the master's degree under the report option. The equivalent of three lecture hours a week for one semester. Offered on the credit/no credit basis only. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in special education and consent of the graduate adviser.
SED 398T. College Teaching in Special Education.
Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Required for teaching assistants and assistant instructors. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
SED 399W, 699W, 999W. Dissertation.
May be repeated for credit. Offered on the credit/no credit basis only. Prerequisite: Admission to candidacy for the doctoral degree.
Professional Courses
SED 293, 393. Graduate Seminar in Special Education.
Discussion of critical issues; critiques of literature; development of theories and models regarding disabling conditions. The equivalent of three class hours a week for one semester. Special Education 380 and 393 may not both be counted unless the topics vary. May be repeated for credit when the topics vary. Prerequisite: Graduate standing; twelve semester hours of upper-division coursework in education, psychology, or other behavioral sciences; and consent of instructor.
Topic 17: Instructional Designs Using Assistive Technology. The design of instruction for students with disabilities by using assistive and instructional technologies.
Topic 18: Collaboration. Strategies such as collaborative consultation and teamwork models, which are used to improve learning outcomes for students with diverse learning needs.
Topic 20: Applied Research. Special Education 393 (Topic 5) and 393 (Topic 20) may not both be counted.