This is an archived copy of the 2022-23 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

Student Government

Established in 1902 (as the Students’ Association), Student Government serves as a recognized forum for student opinion. The membership includes every student enrolled at the University; official actions of the organization are carried out by the Executive Board, the Assembly, and the Supreme Court.

Student Government was instrumental in establishing many student services, including University Health Services, the summer orientation program, the shuttle bus system, a walking escort service, a multicultural information center, childcare services, student cable television, and student radio. Student Government also provides input and initiatives to the University administration, the city council, and the state legislature on such matters as minority recruitment and retention, tuition increases, faculty evaluations, class availability, and the quality of undergraduate education. Student Government appoints students to the Faculty Council, the University Unions Board of Directors, and the Student Services Budget Committee, and nominates students to the standing committees of the General Faculty.

Student Government projects cover a wide range of issues; any student may join a committee and work on a project. Elections for president, vice president, and members of the Assembly are held each spring. More information about Student Government is available in the Student Government office located in suite 2.102 of the William C. Powers, Jr. Student Activity Center or at the Legislative Student Organization website.

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