This is an archived copy of the 2022-23 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

The University of Texas Law School Foundation

The University of Texas Law School Foundation was founded in 1952 by Charles I. Francis, Sylvan Lang, Angus G. Wynne, Hines Baker, Dan Moody, Robert E. Hardwick, and Hugh Lamar Stone. These lawyers recognized that private support would be a critical need in order for the School of Law to achieve its full potential. The charge of the Foundation was then, as it is today, to further legal education, legal research, financial assistance to deserving students, and the overall mission of the law school.

The Foundation's Board of Trustees oversees the management of over $275 million in invested endowed funds. Additional endowed funds are managed by The University of Texas Investment Management Company (UTIMCO) and administered by the University for the benefit of the School of Law. The Board also works in cooperation with the University Development Board for the advancement of the general welfare of the University as a whole.

The following trustees served at the time of catalog publication. For a current list of trustees, seeĀ The University of Texas Law School Foundation website.

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