This is an archived copy of the 2022-23 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

Race, Indigeneity, and Migration


Twenty-seven semester credit hours, including 15 upper-division and 18 in residence.  

  1. Three semester hours of Race, Indigeneity, and Migration 301
  2. Six semester hours of gateway courses:
    1. Three hours of Historical Foundations chosen from African and African Diaspora Studies 301, Asian American Studies 301, American Studies 315O, History 317L (Topic 8: Introduction to Native American Histories), Mexican American Studies 301, Women's and Gender Studies 303, or 305
    2. Three hours of Race, Indigeneity, and Migration 350
  3. Nine semester hours, chosen from an approved list, in one of the following tracks. At least three of these hours must include a course that offers training in "tools":
    1. Critical and comparative race
    2. Migration and refugee flows
    3. Indigeneity
    4. Gender, Sexuality and Justice
    5. Teaching Race, Indigeneity, and Migration
  4. Six additional semester hours, chosen from any course offered from any of the tracks listed above
  5. Three hours of the capstone course Race, Indigeneity, and Migration 378

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