
Chapter 8. The University Unions

This is an archived copy of the 2023-24 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit http://catalog.utexas.edu/.

Subchapter 8–100. General Provisions

Sec. 8–101. Purpose

The University Unions provide cultural, educational, social, and recreational programs, as well as related goods, services, and facilities for The University of Texas at Austin and greater community.

Sec. 8–102. Definitions

In this chapter, unless the context requires a different meaning, the following definitions apply.

  1. “Board” means the Board of Directors of the University Unions.
  2. “Chancellor” means the Office of the Chancellor of The University of Texas System.
  3. “Executive director” means the executive director of the University Unions.
  4. “President” means the chief administrative officer of The University of Texas at Austin.
  5. “Student” means a person enrolled in residence at the University.
  6. “Unions” or “union” means:
    1. the Texas Union; and
    2. the William C. Powers, Jr. Student Activity Center.
  7. “Unions managed facilities" means:
    1. Hogg Memorial Auditorium;
    2. Student Services Building; and,
    3. 2609 University Avenue; and
    4. Levels 1 and 2 of Dobie Twenty21
  8. "E+E" means Campus Events and Entertainment.
  9. "University" means The University of Texas at Austin.
  10. “Vice president” means the vice president for student affairs at The University of Texas at Austin.

Subchapter 8–200. The Board of Directors of the University Unions

Sec. 8–201. Membership
  1. The board has nine voting members. The members are as follows:
    1. Three members of the faculty, appointed by the president for three-year overlapping terms, one to be appointed each year, effective May 1.
    2. Six students, including the Student Government president, the E+E president, and four others as follows:
      1. Two students registered for at least six semester hours during each semester of service, to be selected by the president of Student Government after announcement of the position opening in the Daily Texan and other appropriate media. Appointments will be ratified by a majority vote of the Student Assembly and will become effective May 1, for two-year overlapping terms. Should a vacancy occur during a term, (i) the Student Government president will appoint a new member who will receive proper approval of the Student Assembly before taking a seat on the board; (ii) the new member will become a full voting member of the board immediately.
      2. Two students registered for at least six semester hours during each semester of service, to be elected for one-year terms by the student body during Student Government elections each year. Should a vacancy occur during a term, the chair of the University Unions board of directors will nominate another student who must receive a majority vote of the board. A quorum must be present to approve a new member.
  2. The executive director and an appointee of the vice president are members of the board without a vote.
Sec. 8–202. Officers

The officers of the board are the chair, the vice chair, and the executive director. The chair will be elected each year from the student membership of the board by the voting members of the board to serve a term to extend from the first official board meeting of the fall semester until May 15, the following year or until a new chair is elected. To qualify for election as chair, a student will have at least one year’s experience on either the E+E or the board. This qualification may be waived by a two-thirds vote. Both outgoing and new board members will be eligible to vote for chair. The vice chair of the board will be a student member, chosen each semester by the elected chair. The Student Government president and the E+E president cannot serve as chair of the Board of Directors. The officers of the board will perform the usual duties of their respective offices.

Sec. 8–203. Meetings

The board will meet once a month during each fall/spring semester, setting its own dates for meetings, formulating its own rules of procedure, and setting up and appointing such committees as it may deem necessary and desirable for the proper use of the University Unions’ facilities consistent with the Regents’ Rules and Regulations.

Sec. 8–204. Executive Committee
  1. The board may authorize three of its voting members to serve between meetings as an executive committee.
  2. An executive committee may act for the board only during the period beginning annually on May 15, and ending the first day of registration for the fall semester or during official University semester breaks or holiday periods. All actions taken by the executive committee are subject to ratification by the board.
Sec. 8–205. Duties

The board shall:

  1. recommend rules, regulations, and procedures regarding the operation and use of the unions, advise and consult on rules, regulations, and procedures regarding the operations and use of the Unions managed facilities;
  2. approve the E+E budget, the appointment of E+E officers, all changes in E+E by-laws, and the addition or deletion of any E+E committees;
  3. advise the president, through the vice president, on the selection of the unions’ executive director; and,
  4. be involved in the future development of the unions.

Subchapter 8–300. Review of Board Action

Sec. 8–301. Review by the Vice President
  1. The board will deliver promptly to the vice president of student affairs at least two copies of the minutes of each board or executive committee meeting.
  2. No recommendation of the board or executive committee will have any force or effect until said recommendation has been approved by the vice president and has received such other approval as required.
  3. Every action of the board or of a committee or subcommittee of the board is subject to review by the vice president. The vice president may approve, reverse, or modify each such action.
  4. No budget or budget amendment adopted by the board is effective until it is approved by the vice president through normal budget procedure.
  5. No expenditure will be made by the board unless it is made pursuant to a budget item that has been adopted by the board and has received final approval from the vice president.

Subchapter 8–400. The Executive Director of the University Unions

Sec. 8–401. Duties of the Executive Director
  1. The executive director is administratively responsible to and will report periodically to the vice president, serves as the chief executive official in the unions, and is responsible for the operation of the union and union managed facilities, programs, and activities. The executive director will:
    1. coordinate all functions involving union and union managed facilities and the interests of the various groups served by the facilities;
    2. employ, supervise, and direct the work of all subordinate employees; and,
    3. be a member of all committees without vote.
  2. Annually, on or before November 15, the executive director will submit to the board a report of union activities for the year. Copies of the report will be distributed to the vice president and to others as the vice president may direct.

Subchapter 8–500. The University Unions Campus Events and Entertainment

Sec. 8–501. Purpose

E+E is chartered by the University Unions to organize and present a program of activities and events for the University student body in areas of general interest.

Sec. 8–502. Members and Officers
  1. E+E is composed of the various committees, their chairs, and the officers of E+E.
  2. E+E has a president elected by the student body in the general student elections in the spring of each year and such other officers as approved by the University Unions Board.
Sec. 8–503. Duties

E+E is the decision making, coordinating, evaluating, and recommending body of the union’s activities and events program. E+E will

  1. coordinate the union's activities and events program;
  2. evaluate the union activities and events program, and recommend changes to its components; and,
  3. recommend to the board actions, policies, and procedures affecting the union activities and events program.
Sec. 8–504. Review of E+E Actions by the Board

All actions of E+E are subject to review by the board.

Subchapter 8–600. Creative 40 Acres at Hogg Memorial Auditorium

Sec. 8–601. Purpose

The Creative 40 Acres at Hogg Memorial Auditorium is the result of a partnership between the College of Fine Arts and the Division of Student Affairs and will serve as a center of creative engagement for students, staff, and faculty.

Sec. 8–602. The Creative 40 Acres Advisory Committee

The Creative 40 Acres Advisory Committee exists to provide informed input to the committee chair on specific objectives as the initiative is being developed. This committee is a recommending body to the University Unions Board of Directors.

Sec. 8–603. Membership

The committee can have up to eleven voting members. The desired membership is as follows:

  1. Two members of the College of Fine Arts faculty;
  2. Five students, including representation from the Student Government, the Senate of College Councils, College of Fine Arts, and the University Unions Campus Events and Entertainment; and,
  3. Four staff members, including representation from the School of Undergraduate Studies, Student Activities, Hogg Memorial Auditorium, and University Unions.
Sec. 8–604. The Creative 40 Acres Chair

The chair of the Creative 40 Acres at Hogg Memorial Auditorium is the University Unions Executive Director or his/her designee. He/she is responsible for reporting periodically to the University Unions Board of Directors and for the development of the Creative 40 Acres initiative. The chair will:

  1. Facilitate meetings; and,
  2. Present recommendations from the committee to the Board of Directors.

The committee will meet twice a semester during during each fall/spring semester, setting its own dates for meetings, formulating its own rules of procedure, and setting up and appointing such committees as it may deem necessary and desirable for the purpose of developing the initiative.

Subchapter 8–700. Union and Union Managed Facilities

Sec. 8–701. Reservations and Use of Union and Union Managed Facilities
  1. Union and Union managed facilities are reserved primarily for use by students, faculty members, and staff members.  
  2. In accordance with recommendations developed by the board, the executive director or the executive director’s representative may permit special persons, groups, or organizations to reserve and use portions of Union managed facilities when the intended use does not interfere with regular union programs or activities. The executive director may charge a reasonable rental fee for use of Union managed facilities by such persons, groups, or organizations. The executive director will permit persons, groups, or organizations officially designated as guests of the University by the president, the chancellor, or the Board of Regents to use union facilities without cost. All requests for the use of union facilities are subject to prior reservations, therefore, requests should be made as early as possible.
Sec. 8–702. Policy against Discrimination

No person or organization will be excluded from participation in or denied the benefits of union facilities, services, and programs on any basis prohibited by applicable law, including, but not limited to, race, color, religion, national origin, age, disability, citizenship, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.

Sec. 8–703. Naming and Recognition

The vice president for student affairs shall consult with and seek the advice of the University Unions Board of Directors on all naming or recognition initiatives for the facilities listed in this section as being under the purview of the Board.