The University offers courses in the following fields of study. The abbreviations are used in catalogs, course schedules, and student records. For Medical courses, please see the courses section in the Medical School Catalog. For Law courses, please see the courses section in the Law School Catalog.
Not all courses are taught each semester. Consult the Course Schedule to determine which courses and topics will be offered during a particular semester. The Course Schedule reflects changes made to the course inventory after the publication of this catalog.
A full explanation of course numbers is given in the Credit Value and Course Numbers section.
- A I - Artificial Intelligence
- AAR - Applied Archaeology
- AAS - Asian American Studies
- ACC - Accounting
- ACF - Actuarial Foundations
- ADV - Advertising
- AED - Art Education
- AET - Arts and Entertainment Technologies
- AFR - African and African Diaspora Studies
- AFS - Air Force Science
- AHC - Ancient History and Classical Civilization
- ALD - Applied Learning and Development
- AMS - American Studies
- ANS - Asian Studies
- ANT - Anthropology
- ARA - Arabic
- ARC - Architecture
- ARE - Architectural Engineering
- ARH - Art History
- ARI - Architectural Interior Design
- ART - Studio Art
- ASE - Aerospace Engineering
- ASL - American Sign Language
- AST - Astronomy
- B A - Business Administration
- BAX - Business Analytics
- BCH - Biochemistry
- BDP - Bridging Disciplines
- BEN - Bengali
- BGS - Business, Government, and Society
- BIO - Biology
- BME - Biomedical Engineering
- C C - Classical Civilization
- C E - Civil Engineering
- C L - Comparative Literature
- C S - Computer Science
- CDI - Critical Disability Studies
- CGS - Cognitive Science
- CH - Chemistry
- CHE - Chemical Engineering
- CHI - Chinese
- CLD - Communication and Leadership
- CLS - Cultural Studies
- CMS - Communication Studies
- COE - Computational Engineering
- COM - Communication
- CON - Conducting
- CRP - Community and Regional Planning
- CRW - Creative Writing
- CSE - Computational Science, Engineering, and Mathematics
- CTI - Core Texts and Ideas
- CZ - Czech
- D S - Decision Science
- DAN - Danish
- DCH - Dutch
- DES - Design
- DEV - Developmental Studies
- DSC - Data Science
- E - English
- E M - Engineering Mechanics
- E S - Engineering Studies
- ECE - Electrical and Computer Engineering
- ECO - Economics
- EDC - Curriculum and Instruction
- EDP - Educational Psychology
- EEE - Earth Energy Engineering
- EER - Energy and Earth Resources
- ELP - Educational Leadership and Policy
- EMA - Energy Management
- ENM - Engineering Management
- ENS - Ensemble
- ESL - English as a Second Language
- EUS - European Studies
- EVE - Environmental Engineering
- EVS - Environmental Science
- G E - General Engineering
- GEO - Geological Sciences
- GER - German
- GK - Greek
- GOV - Government
- GRG - Geography
- GRS - Graduate School
- GSD - German, Scandinavian, and Dutch Studies
- H E - Human Ecology
- H S - Health and Society
- HCT - Health Care Transformation
- HDF - Human Development and Family Sciences
- HDO - Human Dimensions of Organizations
- HEB - Hebrew
- HED - Health Education
- HHM - Humanities, Health, and Medicine
- HIN - Hindi
- HIS - History
- HMN - Humanities
- I - Informatics
- I B - International Business
- ILA - Iberian and Latin American Languages and Cultures
- INF - Information Studies
- IRG - International Relations and Global Studies
- ISP - Information Security and Privacy
- ITC - Italian Civilization
- ITD - Integrated Design Courses
- ITL - Italian
- L A - Liberal Arts
- LAH - Liberal Arts Honors
- LAL - Indigenous Languages of Latin America
- LAR - Landscape Architecture
- LAS - Latin American Studies
- LAT - Latin
- LEB - Legal Environment of Business
- LIN - Linguistics
- LTC - Language Teaching and Coordination
- M - Mathematics
- M E - Mechanical Engineering
- M S - Military Science
- MAL - Malayalam
- MAN - Management
- MAS - Mexican American Studies
- MDV - Medieval Studies
- MEL - Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures
- MES - Middle Eastern Studies
- MFG - Manufacturing Systems Engineering
- MIS - Management Information Systems
- MKT - Marketing
- MLS - Medical Laboratory Science
- MNS - Marine Science
- MOL - Molecular Biology
- MSE - Materials Science and Engineering
- MUS - Music
- N - Nursing
- N S - Naval Science
- NE - Nanoengineering
- NEU - Neuroscience
- NOR - Norwegian
- NSC - Natural Sciences
- NTR - Nutrition
- P A - Public Affairs
- P L - Public Leadership
- P R - Public Relations
- P S - Physical Science
- PBH - Public Health
- PED - Physical Education
- PGE - Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering
- PGS - Pharmacy Graduate Studies
- PHL - Philosophy
- PHM - Pharmacy PharmD
- PHY - Physics
- POL - Polish
- POR - Portuguese
- PRC - Portuguese Civilization
- PRF - Performance
- PRS - Persian
- PSF - Public Safety
- PSY - Psychology
- R E - Real Estate
- R M - Risk Management
- R S - Religious Studies
- RBT - Robotics
- REE - Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies
- RHE - Rhetoric and Writing
- RIM - Race, Indigeneity, and Migration
- ROM - Romanian
- RTF - Radio-Television-Film
- RUS - Russian
- S C - Serbian/Croatian
- S S - Social Science
- S W - Social Work
- SAL - South Asian Languages
- SAN - Sanskrit
- SCI - Science
- SDS - Statistics and Data Sciences
- SED - Special Education
- SEL - Slavic and Eurasian Languages
- SLH - Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences
- SOC - Sociology
- SPC - Spanish Civilization
- SPN - Spanish
- STA - Statistics
- STC - Science and Technology Commercialization
- STM - Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Education
- STS - Science, Technology, and Society
- SUS - Sustainability Studies
- SWA - Swahili
- SWE - Swedish
- T C - Tutorial Course
- T D - Theatre and Dance
- TAM - Tamil
- TEL - Telugu
- TUR - Turkish
- TXA - Textiles and Apparel
- U D - Urban Design
- UGS - Undergraduate Studies
- UKR - Ukrainian
- URB - Urban Studies
- URD - Urdu
- UTL - UTeach-Liberal Arts
- UTS - UTeach-Natural Sciences