
Stackable Certificate Programs, Community and Regional Planning

This is an archived copy of the 2023-24 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit http://catalog.utexas.edu/.

Stackable graduate certificates are available to degree-seeking and non-degree-seeking graduate students. Some stackable certificates may be awarded following completion of program requirements, while others require simultaneous awarding of the graduate certificate and a graduate degree.

See the Stackable Certificates section of this catalog for additional information and policies related to stackable certificates.

The graduate program for this catalog section offers the following stackable certificate programs. To see a full list of graduate certificates offered at the University, please see the Graduate Study section of the Graduate Catalog.

Community and Regional Planning: Introduction to City Planning

This Community and Regional Planning: Introduction to City Planning stackable graduate certificate provides an overview of the theoretical foundations, specific skills, and practical experience that constitute the context of professional planning. The stackable graduate certificate is open to any University of Texas at Austin degree-seeking graduate student and requires three courses (nine credit hours). All courses required for the stackable graduate certificate are offered in a face-to-face format on the UT Austin campus.

CRP 380FFoundations of Planning (Topic 1: Planning History, Theory, and Ethics)3
CRP 381MFoundational Methods in Planning (Topic 2: Qualitative and Participatory Methods)3
Three hours selected from the following:3
Physical Planning and Design (Topic 5: Garden City to New Community)
Physical Planning and Design (Topic 9: Social Life of Public Places)
Physical Planning and Design (Topic 11: The Future: Views in Planning)
Environment and Natural Resources (Topic 3: Environmental Impact Assessment)
Environment and Natural Resources (Topic 4: Disasters and Resilience: Planning and Response)
Environment and Natural Resources (Topic 7: Introduction to Urban Ecology)
Environment and Natural Resources (Topic 15: Brownfields)
Transportation (Topic 4: Land Use and Transportation Planning)
Transportation (Topic 9: Transportation Planning and Policy)
Transportation (Topic 10: Bicycle and Pedestrian Transit Planning)
Transportation (Topic 11: Megaregional Planning)
Economic and Community Development (Topic 2: Urban Economic Development Policy)
Economic and Community Development (Topic 3: Sustainable Urban Economic Development Planning)
Economic and Community Development (Topic 4: Community Development)
Economic and Community Development (Topic 6: International Sustainable Social Development)
Economic and Community Development (Topic 7: Social, Spatial, and Environmental Justice)
Economic and Community Development (Topic 15: Migratory Urbanism)
Applied Planning Techniques (Topic 5: Urban Geographic Information Systems)
Applied Planning Techniques (Topic 12: Financing Real Estate Projects: Non-Profit and For-Profit)
Infrastructure Planning (Topic 2: Water Resources Planning)
Infrastructure Planning (Topic 7: Race and the Built Environment)
Housing (Topic 3: Affordable Housing Planning and Policy)
Housing (Topic 5: Housing Practice and Public Policy in Latin America)
Historic Preservation (Topic 1: History of American City Building)
Historic Preservation (Topic 2: Preservation History and Theory)
Total Hours9