
Degree Requirements, Interior Design

This is an archived copy of the 2023-24 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit http://catalog.utexas.edu/.

Graduate handbook information is updated and maintained by each program. Graduate handbooks are available within each program's office and online at https://utexas.box.com/v/UTAustinGraduateHandbooks. Please contact the program with concerns or questions.

Master of Interior Design (first professional)

For students entering with degrees other than professional degrees in interior design or architecture, the Master of Interior Design is a first professional degree, with accelerated graduate professional courses designed to prepare the student for advanced work in interior design; the coursework is prescribed on the basis of the student’s previous college work as shown in transcripts, portfolio, statement of intent, résumé, and references. This program includes 32 hours of qualifying coursework (some course requirements may be waived upon review of transcripts and experience) prior to 50 semester hours of graduate work, including a master’s design studio or a terminal advanced studio. 

A Portfolio Review is administered by the Interior Design Program to evaluate student progress through the Master of Interior Design first professional program. It is a multistage process that allows students to document their work in a cumulative and iterative manner, receive necessary feedback from program faculty about their academic progress, and prepare their portfolios for professional use. The Portfolio Review Process is outlined in detail within the MID Graduate Handbook.

Master of Interior Design (post-professional)

For students entering with a professional degree in interior design, interior architecture, or architecture, the Master of Interior Design is a post-professional degree. This program requires 48 semester hours of graduate work, including a master’s thesis contributing to the knowledge base of interior design or a master’s design studio. 

A Portfolio Review is administered by the Interior Design Program to evaluate student progress through the Master of Interior Design post-professional program. It is a multistage process that allows students to document their work in a cumulative and iterative manner, receive necessary feedback from program faculty about their academic progress, and prepare their portfolios for professional use. The Portfolio Review Process is outlined in detail within the MID Graduate Handbook.