
Dual Degree Courses

This is an archived copy of the 2023-24 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit http://catalog.utexas.edu/.

MED 801BA, 802BA, 803BA, 804BA, 805BA, 806BA Topics in Business Administration

Designation for courses taken at the McCombs School of Business for fulfillment of MBA dual degree requirements. Prerequisite: Graduate standing and admission to the McCombs School of Business Master of Business Administration Program.

MED 801BE, 802BE, 803BE, 804BE, 805BE, 806BE Topics in Biomedical Engineering

Designation for courses taken at the Cockrell School of Engineering for fulfillment of MS dual degree requirements. Prerequisite: Graduate standing and admission to the Cockrell School of Engineering Master of Science in Engineering degree program.

MED 801ID, 802ID, 803ID, 804ID, 805ID, 806ID Topics in Design Distinction

Designation for courses taken at the College of Fine Arts for fulfillment of Master of Arts in Design dual degree requirements. Prerequisite: Graduate standing and admission to the Master of Arts in Design program.

MED 801ED, 802ED, 803ED, 804ED, 805ED, 806ED Topics in Education

Designation for courses taken at the College of Education for fulfillment of Master of Education dual degree requirements. Prerequisite: Graduate standing and admission to the College of Education Master of Education program.

MED 801HM, 802HM, 803HM, 804HM, 805HM, 806HM Topics in Humanities, Health and Medicine 

Designation for courses taken at the College of Liberal Arts for fulfillment of Master of Arts dual degree requirements. Prerequisite: Graduate standing and admission to the College of Liberal Arts Master of Arts program.

MED 801HT, 802HT, 803HT, 804HT, 805HT, 806HT Topics in Healthcare Transformation

Designation for courses taken for fulfillment of the Master of Science in Health Care Transformation dual degree requirements. Prerequisite: Graduate standing and admission to the Master of Science in Healthcare Transformation program.

MED 801PA, 802PA, 803PA, 804PA, 805PA, 806PA Topics in Public Affairs

Designation for courses taken at the Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs for fulfillment of the Master of Public Affairs dual degree requirements. Prerequisite: Graduate standing and admission to the Master of Public Affairs program.

MED 880BA Financial Accounting

An examination of the information needs of capital market participants in a dynamic and complex socioeconomic system; emphasis on interpretation, measurement, and disclosure of economic events.

MED 801BA Strategic Career Planning

Designation for courses taken at the McCombs School of Business for fulfillment of MBA dual degree requirements. Prerequisite: Graduate standing and admission to the McCombs School of Business MBA Program.

MED 880ED Topics in Learning and Motivation

Topic 1: Psychology of Learning
2: History and Systems of Psychology
Topic 3: Research Practicum in Human Development, Culture, and Learning Sciences
Topic 4: Post Secondary Teaching Practicum
Topic 5: Motivation and Emotion
Topic 6: Instructional Psychology

Topic 7: Academic and Student Affairs in Higher Education

MED 880ID Introduction to Design Thinking

Explores the concepts of design thinking and human-centered design methods, with a focus on design process and problem solving.

MED 881BA Financial Management

An exploration of concepts and techniques employed in investment decision making, working capital management, and financing the activities of a business.

MED 881ED Topics in Psychometrics

Topic 1: Measurement and Evaluation
2: Psychometric Theory and Methods

MED 881ID Design in Health

 Exploration of creative design-based approaches and problem-solving methods and their application to solving contemporary health care challenges.

MED 882BA Statistics

A unified approach to basic concepts in collection, analysis, and interpretation of data, emphasizing capabilities of different statistical methods and business applications. Students use statistical software packages.

MED 882ED Topics in Quantitative Methods

Topic 1: Fundamental Statistics

MED 882ID Topics in Storytelling

Topic 1: Brand Storytelling
2: Introduction to Documentary
Topic 3: Design Technologies I
Topic 4: Graphic Design Print/Online
Topic 5: Health Communication: Campaigns and Media
Topic 6: Photography for Reporting Texas

MED 883ED Topics in Biological Basis of Behavior and Learning

Topic 1: Pediatric Psychology

MED 883ID Topics in Business Design

Topic 1: The Business of Design
2: Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Topic 3: Entrepreneurial Growth
Topic 4: Opportunity Identification and Analysis
Topic 5: Intellectual Property
Topic 6: Health Law and Policy

MED 884BA Strategic Career Planning

Issues surrounding career planning, including exploration and implementation. Professional development issues, including self-assessment.

MED 884ED Topics in Human Development

Topic 1: Mindfulness, Compassion, and the Self
2: Individual Through the Life Cycle
Topic 3: Social Psychology
Topic 4: Fundamentals of Behavioral Theory and Interventions

MED 884ID Topics in Service Design

Topic 1: Designing for Human Behavior
2: Healthcare Analytics
Topic 3: Narrative Strategy and Media Design

MED 885BA Operations Management

An introduction to the issues and decisions involved in the production of goods and services. Focuses on designing, operating, controlling, and improving the systems that accomplish production.

MED 885ED Topics in Quantitative Methods with Lab

Topic 1: Statistical Analysis and Experimental Design

MED 885ID Topics in Health Organization Design

Topic 1: Foundations of Organization Behavior and Administration

MED 886BA Marketing Management

An introduction to the marketing perspective on strategy development and to the elements of marketing analysis. Includes the functional decision areas of the marketing manager, such as products and product lines, pricing policies, branding, promotion and advertising, and channels of distribution, and how organizations use these components to create, capture, and sustain value for the firm.

MED 886ID Sketching for Thinking and Communications

Discussion of sketching as the fastest way to convey ideas, both in an ideation session or taking notes in a meeting. Explores the basic elements of sketching to visualize concepts and quickly bring alignment to any team.

MED 886ED Post Secondary Teaching

Practicum in post-secondary teaching.

MED 887ID Introduction to Prototyping

Studies within integrated design.

MED 888ID Healthcare Design

Design techniques, case studies, and team critiques. Seminar component of Integrated Design 692.

MED 889ID Healthcare Design Lab

Team-based, project-focused application of the principles of design to real-world health and wellness challenges. Lab component of Integrated Design 291.

MED 890BA Topics in Business III

Topic 1: Strategies for Networked Economy
2: Financial Planning for Wealth Management
Topic 3: Social and Ethical Responsibility of Business
Topic 4: Healthcare Analytics

MED 891BA Topics in Accounting II

Topic 1: Performance Management and Control
Topic 2: Business Analytics and Decision Modeling

MED 892BA Topics in Management II

Topic 1:Leading People and Organizations
Topic 2: People Analytics

MED 893BA Topics in Management Information Systems III

Topic 1: Predictive Analytics and Data Mining
Topic 2: Independent Study

MED 894BA Topics in Accounting III

Topic 1: Financial Statement Analysis

MED 895BA Topics in Finance

Topic 1: Valuation

MED 896BA Topics in Marketing

Topic 1: Analysis of Markets

MED 897BA Topics in Management III

Topic 1: Strategic Management
Topic 2: Healthcare Tech Commercialization
Topic 3: Entrepreneurial Growth
Topic 4: Innovation Through Design Thinking
Topic 5: Introduction to Entrepreneurship
Topic 6: Advocacy
Topic 7: Healthcare Business Ecosystem
Topic 8: Art and Science of Negotiation
Topic 9: Texas Venture Labs
Topic 10: Management Sustainability
Topic 11: Global Management
Topic 12: New Venture Creation
Topic 13: Global Management Studies

MED 899BA Topics in Law III

Topic 1: Business and Regulatory Aspects of Health Law
Topic 2: Health Justice and Medical Legal
Topic 3: Law for Entrepreneurs
Topic 4: Healthcare Law and Policy