
General Information

This is an archived copy of the 2023-24 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit http://catalog.utexas.edu/.

The School of Information (also called the iSchool) offers the Bachelor of Arts with a major in Informatics, the Bachelor of Science in Informatics, the Master of Science in Information Studies, the Master of Science in Information Security and Privacy and the Doctor of Philosophy with a major in Information Studies degrees. In addition, the School of Information offers a Minor in Informatics designed to complement many other undergraduate degree programs at The University of Texas at Austin. Students also have the option of tailoring the Informatics Minor sequence to focus their studies on Human-Computer Interaction or Digital Humanities. Please contact the advising office in your home department for details about adding a minor. 


The goal of the The University of Texas at Austin's School of Information is to be the premier research and education program for the 21st century field of information. We are changing the future by engaging the present and preserving the past. Research and teaching at the iSchool changes the ways that we interact with information and technology, changes how information can make the world a better and fairer place, and changes the ways we protect and preserve our collective memory. 


At the School of Information, we are committed to making a positive difference in people’s lives through excellence in research, teaching, and public engagement.

Our core values underpin our efforts to shape the field of information for human and social benefit by: 

  • Discovering new and vital knowledge about information 
  • Educating the next generation of leaders in the information professions 
  • Developing new scholars who will advance knowledge 
  • Improving society through service and collaboration 
  • Applying human-centered values to all our work 


  • Information Serves Humanity: We understand that information technologies must serve the needs of people, and that access to reliable and trustworthy information is essential to a functioning civil society.  Educating the next generation of leaders in the information professions 
  • A People-First Perspective: Information technologies and systems must be designed to augment and enhance human and organizational capabilities; doing so requires bringing people into the process from the start.  
  • Technology for Social Good: All emerging technologies raise ethical and social issues that require study, research, and intervention.  
  • An Interdisciplinary Approach: Multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches offer the best hope for building information systems and shaping information practices that will serve the public interest. 


What is now the School of Information was founded in 1948 to educate information professionals. Since that time, the name of the School and of the degrees offered have changed several times, but we have always balanced the values of information access as a human and social benefit with the intellectual and technical skills needed to lead developments in the information age. 

The School has offered a master’s degree program since 1948 and a doctoral degree program since 1970. Undergraduate teaching has been part of the School for many years, and the Informatics major was formally launched in 2021, enabling students to earn a B.A. or a B.S. in Informatics from the School of Information. 


The School of Information provides students with a wide variety of workspaces, labs, and equipment. Some labs are open regular hours and others require a reservation, but all are available for student use and students are encouraged to make full use of them. 

AI Health Lab 

The AI Health Lab is composed of scholars and students from different fields and disciplines. Their research includes, but is not limited to: AI in Health, AI in Medicine, and Data-Driven Science. 

Critical Data Studies (CDS) Lab 

The Critical Data Studies (CDS) Lab explores the sociotechnical dimensions of data technologies in our lives – from scientific research and cultural heritage institutions, to social networking platforms and mobile applications. The CDS Lab focuses on researching how data is collected, named, managed, applied and debated in different contexts. 

Human-AI Interaction Lab 

The Human-AI Interaction lab aims to build just and empowering workplaces and cities by creating technology that supports and strengthens individual and collective human decision-making. We explore psychological understandings of AI and develop human-centered methods and systems for better AI-integrated workplaces, smart communities and cities, and online information. 

Immersive Human Development Lab 

The Immersive Human Development Lab is a space where researchers study people’s psychological and social experiences of technology and media. In particular, they specialize in looking at virtual reality and immersive experiences with special emphasis on how they relate to questions of child and human development. 

The Information eXperience (IX) Lab 

The Information eXperience (IX) Lab is a research facility dedicated to the science of information studies, the empirically-based design of human-information interaction, and the education of students in the process of both. This state-of-the-art lab is used to conduct experiments on human-information processing and usability, accessibility, and other studies of the interaction between humans and information sources. 

The Information Retrieval and Crowdsourcing Lab 

The Information Retrieval and Crowdsourcing Lab was established to advance the state-of-the-art methodologies for search and human computation/crowdsourcing. The aim is to integrate crowdsourcing with automatic algorithms to improve search engine experiences, capabilities, and evaluation. 

The Kilgarlin Information Preservation Lab 

The Kilgarlin Information Preservation Lab contains a large variety of tools and equipment for examination, analysis, photo documentation, and conservation treatment of books and paper. A thorough sample collection, including more than 10,000 photographs and many other materials, is available for student use. 

Information Commons 

The Information Commons is a team of undergraduates, graduate students, and staff who provide resources and services that support learning, research, and community-building activities at the School of Information. Commons facilities are located within all iSchool locations and feature collaboration stations, access to a variety of computing hardware/software, meeting spaces, printing services and equipment check-outs. Support staff are available in all iSchool learning spaces to provide technical assistance, training, and additional access to resources. 

Digitization Suite 

The Digitization Suite is used in digitization coursework. It can also serve as a small classroom for specialized course sessions, and provides a cross section of current and legacy digitization equipment for text, slides, audio, and video. 

Sound Rooms 

The sound rooms are small individual rooms with higher-end equipment where people can record and edit audio, edit movies, create tutorials, or experiment with the latest voice recognition software.  

Student Services 

Our students are a vital part of our scholarly community, and we provide services to facilitate students’ development and enrichment year-round. Our student support staff is available to help majors and non-majors with their academic and career questions. 

Academic Advising 

The academic advisor’s office is responsible for providing information and advice to undergraduate students. The students are also advised to consult their Degree Audit on a regular basis in order to keep track of their own academic progress.  

Career Development 

The iSchool Career Development Office is a collaborative partnership with faculty and staff to empower students to achieve their dreams beyond academics. The Career Development Office supports the students and alumni of the School of Information by offering career development and job search resources, connecting them to employers, mentors, and key professionals.