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This is an archived copy of the 2013-14 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

Residency Regulations

Under state statutes and Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board rules interpreting them, a student or prospective student is classified as a resident of Texas, a nonresident, or a foreign student. A person who has lived in the state under circumstances specified in the Coordinating Board rules is eligible for classification as a Texas resident. A citizen, a national, or a permanent resident of the United States who does not meet resident criteria is classified as a nonresident. An alien who is not a permanent resident of the United States and has not been permitted by Congress to adopt the United States as domicile while in this country is classified as a foreign student. A person classified as a nonresident or a foreign student may qualify, under certain exceptions specified in the rules, for resident tuition rates and other charges, while he or she continues to be classified as a nonresident or a foreign student. Information about the Coordinating Board’s rules on residency is published by the board at .

A student entering the University for the first time, or reentering after an absence of more than one semester, should carefully review the Coordinating Board rules in order to be prepared to pay the required tuition. Information and advice on residency status is available from the University’s Office of Admissions, (512) 475-7391. Information about establishing residency is published by the Office of Admissions at .

Effect of absence from the University. Students returning to the University after an absence of more than two semesters may be required to file a residency form.

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