This is an archived copy of the 2014-16 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering

An unprecedented growth in the building industry, already one of the largest industries in the nation, has created a pressing demand for engineers with specialized training to plan and direct the activities of the industry. This need has been further intensified by the introduction of new materials, new structural systems, and new methods and management techniques. The curriculum in architectural engineering is designed to meet this demand. It offers training in the fundamentals of engineering, with specialization in structures, building energy and environments, or building construction and materials.

This curriculum affords the student the opportunity to attain competence in the structural design of buildings from high-rise to long-span structures and from commercial buildings to complex industrial facilities. Courses in environmental control systems permit graduates to integrate modern electrical, mechanical, and utility distribution systems with the structural and architectural elements of buildings. Courses in construction methods and project management offer the student an opportunity to obtain a versatile background suitable for all areas of the building industry.

The extensive technical requirements, coupled with courses in arts and sciences, provide the architectural engineering student with an opportunity to obtain a background that is ideally suited for careers and positions of responsibility with consulting engineers, general contractors, manufacturers, government agencies, and architecture firms. The curriculum also serves as an excellent springboard to graduate study in the areas of structural engineering, building energy and environments, construction engineering and project management, or construction materials.

Program Outcomes

Graduates of the architectural engineering program are expected to have

  • An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering
  • An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data
  • An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability
  • An ability to function on multidisciplinary teams
  • An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
  • An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
  • An ability to communicate effectively
  • The broad education necessary to understand what impact engineering solutions have in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts
  • Recognition of the need for and an ability to engage in lifelong learning
  • Knowledge of contemporary issues
  • An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice

Program Educational Objectives

Graduates of the architectural engineering program should solve architectural engineering problems within a greater societal context. They should:

  • Act professionally and ethically
  • Apply knowledge, strong reasoning, and quantitative skills to design and implement creative and sustainable solutions
  • Engage in lifelong learning in order to meet the challenges facing the profession
  • Exhibit strong communication, interpersonal, and resource-management skills as leaders in the architectural engineering profession

Dual Degree program in Architectural Engineering and Architecture

A program that leads to both the Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering degree and the Bachelor of Architecture degree is available to qualified students. The program combines the course requirements of both degrees and requires six years for completion. Students who wish to pursue both degrees must apply for admission to the School of Architecture according to the procedures and deadlines established by the school. The program is described in Bachelor of Architecture/ Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering Dual Degree Program ; additional information is available from the undergraduate adviser for architectural engineering.


Course requirements are divided into three categories: basic sequence courses, major sequence courses, and other required courses. In addition, each student must complete the University’s Core Curriculum . In some cases, a course required for the Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering may also be counted toward the core curriculum; these courses are identified below. To ensure that courses used to fulfill the social and behavioral sciences and visual and performing arts requirements of the core curriculum also meet ABET criteria, students should follow the guidance given in ABET Criteria .

In the process of fulfilling engineering degree requirements, students must also complete coursework to satisfy the following flag requirements: one independent inquiry flag, one quantitative reasoning flag, one ethics and leadership flag, one global cultures flag, one cultural diversity in the United States flag, and two writing flags. The independent inquiry flag, the quantitative reasoning flag, the ethics and leadership flag, and one writing flag are carried by courses specifically required for the degree; these courses are identified below. Students are advised to fulfill the second writing flag requirement with a course that meets another requirement of the core curriculum, such as the first-year signature course. Courses that may be used to fulfill flag requirements are identified in the Course Schedule .

Enrollment in major sequence courses is restricted to students who have received credit for all of the basic sequence courses and have been admitted to the major sequence. Requirements for admission to a major sequence are given in Admission and Registration . Enrollment in other required courses is not restricted by completion of the basic sequence.

Basic Sequence Courses
Architectural Engineering
ARE 102Introduction to Architectural Engineering1
ARE 217Computer-Aided Design and Graphics2
CH 301Principles of Chemistry I (part II science and technology)3
Civil Engineering
C E 311KIntroduction to Computer Methods3
C E 311SProbability and Statistics for Civil Engineers3
C E 319FElementary Mechanics of Fluids3
Engineering Mechanics
E M 306Statics3
E M 319Mechanics of Solids3
M 408CDifferential and Integral Calculus (mathematics; quantitative reasoning flag)4
M 408DSequences, Series, and Multivariable Calculus4
PHY 303KEngineering Physics I (part I science and technology; quantitative reasoning flag)3
PHY 303LEngineering Physics II (part I science and technology; quantitative reasoning flag)3
PHY 103MLaboratory for Physics 303K1
PHY 103NLaboratory for Physics 303L1
Rhetoric and Writing
RHE 306Rhetoric and Writing (English composition)3
Undergraduate Studies
UGS 302First-Year Signature Course (some sections carry a writing flag)3
or UGS 303 First-Year Signature Course
Major Sequence Courses
Architectural Engineering
ARE 320KIntroduction to Design I3
ARE 320LIntroduction to Design II3
ARE 323KProject Management and Economics3
ARE 335Materials and Methods of Building Construction3
ARE 346NBuilding Environmental Systems3
ARE 346PHVAC Design3
or ARE 370 Design of Energy Efficient and Healthy Buildings
ARE 465Integrated Design Project (independent inquiry flag)4
ARE 366Contracts, Liability, and Ethics (ethics and leadership flag)3
Civil Engineering
C E 324PProperties and Behavior of Engineering Materials3
C E 329Structural Analysis3
C E 331Reinforced Concrete Design3
or C E 335 Elements of Steel Design
C E 333TEngineering Communication (writing flag)3
C E 357Geotechnical Engineering3
Approved technical electives9
Other Required Courses
M 427KAdvanced Calculus for Applications I (quantitative reasoning flag)4
GEO 303Introduction to Geology3
M E 320Applied Thermodynamics3
Approved architectural history elective (visual and performing arts)3
Approved mathematics or science elective3
Remaining Core Curriculum Courses
E 316LBritish Literature (humanities)3
or E 316M American Literature
or E 316N World Literature
or E 316P Masterworks of Literature
American and Texas government6
American history6
Social and behavorial science3
Total Hours126

Technical Electives

Technical electives in architectural engineering are listed in three areas of specialization below. Nine semester hours must be chosen from the following approved technical elective courses or selected with the approval of the department undergraduate adviser. Lower-division courses may not be used as technical electives.

Area 1, Structures

Architectural Engineering 345K, Masonry Engineering
Architectural Engineering 362L, Structural Design in Wood
Civil Engineering 331, Reinforced Concrete Design or 335, Elements of Steel Design
Civil Engineering 360K, Foundation Engineering (carries an independent inquiry flag)
Civil Engineering 362M, Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design (carries an independent inquiry flag)
Civil Engineering 362N, Advanced Steel Design (carries an independent inquiry flag)
Civil Engineering 363, Advanced Structural Analysis
Civil Engineering 375, Earth Slopes and Retaining Structures
Engineering Mechanics 339, Advanced Strength of Materials

Area 2, Building Energy and Environments

Architectural Engineering 346P, HVAC Design or 370, Design of Energy Efficient and Healthy Buildings
Architectural Engineering 371, Energy Simulation in Building Design
Architectural Engineering 372, Modeling of Air and Pollutant Flows in Buildings
Civil Engineering 341, Introduction to Environmental Engineering
Mechanical Engineering 339, Heat Transfer
Mechanical Engineering 374F, Fire Science
Mechanical Engineering 374S, Solar Energy Systems Design
Mechanical Engineering 379N, Engineering Acoustics

Area 3, Construction and Materials 

Architectural Engineering 358, Cost Estimating in Building Construction
Civil Engineering 351, Concrete Materials
Mechanical Engineering 349, Corrosion Engineering
Mechanical Engineering 378K, Mechanical Behavior of Materials
Mechanical Engineering 378P, Properties and Applications of Polymers