Bachelor of Music
Core Curriculum
All students must complete the University’s Core Curriculum . In the process of fulfilling the core curriculum and other degree requirements, all students are expected to complete the Skills and Experience flags:
- Writing: two flagged courses beyond Rhetoric and Writing 306 or its equivalent
- Quantitative Reasoning: one flagged course
- Global Cultures: one flagged course
- Cultural Diversity in the United States: one flagged course
- Ethics and Leadership: one flagged course
- Independent Inquiry: one flagged course
Courses that may be used to fulfill core curriculum and flag requirements are identified in the Course Schedule . They may be used simultaneously to fulfill other requirements, unless otherwise specified. Please note, students may not earn the cultural diversity and global cultures flags from the same course. Students are encouraged to discuss options with a departmental academic adviser.
Voice Performance Major
Major Requirements
- Performance: 26 semester hours, consisting of four semesters of Voice 210, two semesters of Voice 362, Music 420R, Music 460R, Music 210K and approval of the faculty, and Music 223J
- Music literature and music theory: Music 605, 411, 612, 312C, 213M, 213N, 321J, 230L, and three hours chosen from Music 325L, 325M, 331J, 334, 337, 342, 343J, and 379K
- Diction: Music 111E, 311F, 311G, and 311J
- Music pedagogy: Music 271P (Topic 3: Pedagogy: Voice 1)
- Music ensemble: At least eight semester hours of music ensemble courses as explained in Butler School of Music Special Requirements
When taken in residence, Music 312C may also be counted toward the three-semester-hour writing flag portion of the core curriculum English composition requirement Music 334 which may be used to complete requirement 2 is also approved to fulfill the visual and performing arts requirement of the core curriculum and may be used to fulfill both.
Four semester hours chosen from courses either within or outside the Butler School of Music. Additional elective coursework may be needed to provide the total number of semester hours required for the degree.
Total Minimum Requirements
For the BMusic with a major in voice performance: 120 semester hours as outlined above.
Piano Performance Major
Major Requirements
- Performance: With the recommendation of the faculty, given in advance, students may choose either of the following two options.
- Normally suggested for students who wish to emphasize performance: 32 semester hours, consisting of four semesters of Piano 312, two semesters of 362, Music 420R, Music 271P (Topic 1: Pedagogy: Piano 1), 460R, and 222J or 223J
- Normally suggested for students who wish to emphasize pedagogy: 32 semester hours, consisting of four semesters of Piano 312, two semesters of 260, 362, Music 271P (Topic 2: Pedagogy: Piano 2), 460R, 366P, and 222J or 223J
- Music literature and music theory: Music 605, 411, 612, 312C, 213M, 213N, 321J, 325M, 230L; two semesters of 259N; and three hours chosen from Music 325L, 331J, 334, 337, 342, 343J, and 379K
- Music ensemble: Eight semester hours of music ensemble courses as explained in Butler School of Music Special Requirements
When taken in residence, Music 312C may also be counted toward the three-semester-hour writing flag portion of the core curriculum English composition requirement.. Music 334 which may be used to complete requirement 2 is also approved to fulfill the visual and performing arts requirement of the core curriculum and may be used to fulfill both.
Three semester hours to be chosen from courses either within or outside the Butler School of Music. Additional elective coursework may be needed to provide the total number of semester hours required for the degree.
Total Minimum Requirements
For the BMusic with a major in piano performance: 120 semester hours as outlined above.
Organ or Harpsichord Performance Major
Major Requirements
- Performance: 28 semester hours, consisting of four semesters of major instrument course 312, two semesters of major instrument course 362, Music 420R, 460R, and 222J or 223J
- Music literature and music theory: Music 605, 411, 612, 312C, 213M, 213N, 321J, 325L, 325M, 230L, and three semester hours chosen from Music 331J, 334, 337, 342, 343J, and 379K
- Music ensemble: Two semesters of Music 259N and eight semester hours of music ensemble courses as explained in Butler School of Music Special Requirements
When taken in residence, Music 312C may also be counted toward the three-semester-hour writing flag portion of the core curriculum English composition requirement. Music 334 which may be used to complete requirement 2 is also approved to fulfill the visual and performing arts requirement of the core curriculum and may be used to fulfill both.
Four semester hours chosen from courses either within or outside the Butler School of Music. Additional elective coursework may be needed to provide the total number of semester hours required for the degree.
Total Minimum Requirements
For the BMusic with a major in organ or harpsichord performance: 120 semester hours as outlined above.
Harp Performance Major
Major Requirements
- Performance: 28 semester hours, consisting of four semesters of Harp 312, two semesters of 362, Music 420R, 460R, and 222J
- Music literature and music theory: Music 605, 411, 612, 312C, 213M, 213N, 321J, 230L; three semester hours chosen from Music 331J, 334, 337, 342, 343J, and 379K; and two courses chosen from the following: Music 214C, 325L, 325M, 226J, and 226K
- Music ensemble: Two semesters of Music 259N and eight semester hours of music ensemble courses as explained in Butler School of Music Special Requirements
When taken in residence, Music 312C may also be counted toward the three-semester-hour writing flag portion of the core curriculum English composition requirement. Music 334 which may be used to complete requirement 2 is also approved to fulfill the visual and performing arts requirement of the core curriculum and may be used to fulfill both.
Four to six semester hours to be chosen from courses either within or outside the Butler School of Music. Additional elective coursework may be needed to provide the total number of semester hours required for the degree.
Total Minimum Requirements
For the BMusic with a major in harp performance: 120 semester hours as outlined above.
Orchestral Instrument Performance Major
This program is offered in the following instruments: violin, viola, violoncello, double bass, flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, saxophone, trumpet, French horn, euphonium, trombone, tuba, percussion, and guitar.
Major Requirements
- Performance:
- Thirty semester hours, consisting of four semesters of major instrument course 312, two semesters of major instrument course 362, Music 420R, 460R, 222J, and 210K and approval of the faculty
- For violin majors, proficiency in viola equivalent to Viola 201 and approval of the faculty
- For euphonium majors, proficiency in trombone equivalent to Trombone 201 and approval of the faculty
- Music literature and music theory:
- Music 605, 411, 612, 312C, 213M, 213N, 321J, 226J, and 230L
- Two semesters of either Music 259N or 259W
- One of the following options, chosen with the consent of the undergraduate adviser:
- Two additional semesters of Music 259N or 259W
- One semester of Music 325L, 325M, 331J, 334, 337, 342, 343J, or 379K
- Three hours chosen from Music 325L, 325M, 331J, 334, 337, 342, 343J, or 379K
- Music ensemble: Eight semester hours of music ensemble courses as explained in Butler School of Music Special Requirements
When taken in residence, Music 312C may also be counted toward the three-semester-hour writing flag portion of the core curriculum English composition requirement. Music 334 which may be used to complete requirement 2 is also approved to fulfill the visual and performing arts requirement of the core curriculum and may be used to fulfill both.
Two or three semester hours chosen from courses either within or outside the Butler School of Music. Additional elective coursework may be needed to provide the total number of semester hours required for the degree.
Total Minimum Requirements
For the BMusic with a major in orchestral instrument performance: 120 semester hours as outlined above.
Jazz Major
This program is offered in the following instruments: double bass, drum set, guitar, piano, saxophone, trombone, and trumpet.
Major Requirements
- Music literature and music theory: Music 605, 411, 612, 312C, 213M, 213N, 321J, 226J, 228G, 228J, 228L, 328M, 230L, 343J, and 319D; majors and principals in instruments other than piano must also complete Music 228K.
- Music ensemble: Eight semester hours of music ensemble courses as explained in Butler School of Music Special Requirements
- For concentration in Performance:
- Piano: 22 semester hours, consisting of:
- Two semesters of Piano 212 and two semesters of Piano 212J with faculty approval; or four semesters of Piano 212J with faculty approval
- Two semesters of Piano 362J
- Music 420J
- Music 460J
- Drum set: 24 semester hours, consisting of:
- Two semesters of Percussion 212 and two semesters of Drum Set 212J with faculty approval; or four semesters of Drum Set 212J with faculty approval
- Two semesters of Drum Set 362J
- Music 210J with faculty approval
- Music 420J
- Music 460J
- Other instruments: 24 semester hours, consisting of:
- Two semesters of principal instrument course 212 and two semesters of principal instrument course 212J with faculty approval; or four semesters of principal instrument course 212J with faculty approval
- Two semesters principal instrument course 362J
- Music 210J with faculty approval
- Music 420J
- Music 460J
- Piano: 22 semester hours, consisting of:
- For concentration in Composition:
- Piano: 23 semester hours, consisting of:
- Music 214C
- Three semesters of Music 228P
- Two semesters of Piano 212 and two semesters of Piano 212J with faculty approval; or four semesters of Piano 212J with faculty approval
- Piano 362J
- Music 420J
- Other instruments: 25 semester hours, consisting of:
- Music 214C
- Three semesters of Music 228P
- Two semesters of principal instrument course 212 and two semesters of principal instrument course 212J with faculty approval; or four semesters of principal instrument course 212J with faculty approval
- Principal instrument course 362J
- Music 210J with faculty approval
- Music 420J
- Piano: 23 semester hours, consisting of:
Each student must also complete a recital of compositions and/or arrangements. This recital is given in the senior year and must be approved by the jazz faculty.
When taken in residence, Music 312C may also be counted toward the three-semester-hour writing flag portion of the core curriculum English composition requirement.
For emphasis in performance: two to four semester hours chosen from courses either within or outside the Butler School of Music. Additional elective coursework may be needed to provide the total number of semester hours required for the degree.
For emphasis in composition: one to three semester hours chosen from courses either within or outside the Butler School of Music. Additional elective coursework may be needed to provide the total number of semester hours required for the degree.
Total Minimum Requirements
For the BMusic with a major in jazz: 120 semester hours as outlined above.
Composition Major
Major Requirements
- Performance: At least six semester hours, consisting of two semesters of Piano 201 or Piano 210 and approval of the faculty, and Music 222J or 223J.
- Music literature and music theory: Music 605, 411, 612, 312C, 213M, 213N, 321J, 325L, 325M, 226J, 226K, 230L, 364L, and three semester hours chosen from Music 331J, 334, 337, 342, 343J, and 379K.
- Composition: Three semesters of Music 224G, at least three semesters of 224J and approval of the music theory and composition faculty, 319D, and three semester hours chosen from Music 350S, 329E, 329F, 329G, 329J, and 329M. Fulfillment of this requirement signifies the completion of original compositions of a quality and a quantity sufficient to present the composition recital described below. At the discretion of the music theory and composition faculty, a student may be required to complete more than three semesters of Music 224J.
- Recital: Music 160C. Upon approval of the music theory and composition faculty, a composition major must present a recital of his or her works. The recital must be approximately thirty minutes in length and must consist of works approved by the student’s composition instructor. It is normally given during the student’s last semester of Music 224J. It is graded by a jury of designated music theory and composition faculty members. The student must receive from the jury an average grade of at least B- for the recital; if the average grade is less than B-, the student, upon approval of the music theory and composition faculty, must present another composition recital.
- Music ensemble: Eight semester hours of music ensemble courses as explained in Butler School of Music Special Requirements .
When taken in residence, Music 312C may also be counted toward the three-semester-hour writing flag portion of the core curriculum English composition requirement. Music 334 which may be used to complete requirement 2 is also approved to fulfill the visual and performing arts requirement of the core curriculum and may be used to fulfill both.
One to four semester hours to be chosen from courses either within or outside the Butler School of Music. Additional elective coursework may be needed to provide the total number of semester hours required for the degree.
Total Minimum Requirements
For the BMusic with a major in composition: 120 semester hours as outlined above.
Music Studies Major
The major in music studies is a preprofessional academic program recommended for students seeking teacher certification in music or intending to pursue graduate preparation for careers in areas such as music and human learning, music therapy, music management, music merchandising, music publishing, and community music development. Students seeking teacher certification must adhere to current state requirements in addition to the degree requirements described in this catalog. Students should contact the College of Education for current state certification requirements.
Major Requirements
- Performance: 12 to 14 semester hours, consisting of four semesters of principal instrument course 210; two semesters of principal instrument course 260 and approval of the faculty; and Music 210K, or equivalent proficiency, and approval of the faculty. Music 210K or equivalent proficiency is required of all music studies majors, regardless of principal instrument. In addition to these requirements, the student must make a recital appearance as described in Butler School of Music Special Requirements .
- Music theory and literature: Music 605, 411, 612, 312C, 213M, 213N, 230L; two semester hours chosen from 226G, 226J, and 226N; and 321J, 325L, 325M, 331J, 334, 337, 342, 343J, or 379K. The choice of upper-division music literature course must be approved by the student’s adviser.
- Conducting: Four semester hours, consisting of either Music 222J and 222K, or 223J and 223K.
- Choral or instrumental music techniques, literature, and performance practices: Seventeen semester hours in one of the following areas of emphasis.
- Choral music emphasis:
- Music 354C, 354F, 255V, and 356G.
- Music 354D or three semester hours approved by the music studies adviser.
- Two semester hours chosen from Music 255D (strings), 255E (brasses), and 255F (woodwinds).
- One semester hour chosen from Music 115D (violin), 115E (trumpet), 115F (clarinet), 115G, and 155C. The course used to fulfill this requirement must involve the study of a family of instruments different from that used to fulfill the preceding requirement.
- Instrumental music emphasis: Music 354C or 354F; 155C, 255D, 255E, 255F, and 356J; and, with the approval of the music studies adviser, four semester hours chosen from 115D, 115E, 115F, and 255M.
- Choral music emphasis:
- Music ensemble: Eight semester hours of music ensemble courses as explained in Butler School of Music Special Requirements.
When taken in residence, Music 312C may also be counted toward the three-semester-hour writing flag portion of the core curriculum English composition requirement. Music 334 which may be used to complete requirement 2 is also approved to fulfill the visual and performing arts requirement of the core curriculum and may be used to fulfill both.
Approved Electives
Eight to 10 semester hours of coursework approved by the music studies adviser. Additional elective coursework may be needed to provide the total number of semester hours required for the degree.
Total Minimum Requirements
For the BMusic with a major in music studies: 120 semester hours as outlined above.