This is an archived copy of the 2018-19 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

Officers of the Administration

The University of Texas at Austin

Gregory L. Fenves, PhD, President
Maurie D. McInnis, PhD, Executive Vice President and Provost
Darrell L. Bazzell, BA, Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
Scott Rabenold, MBA, Vice President for Development 
Leonard N. Moore, PhD, Vice President for Diversity and Community Engagement
Patricia C. Ohlendorf, JD, Vice President for Legal Affairs
S. Claiborne Johnston, MD, PhD, Vice President for Medical Affairs and Dean, Dell Medical School
Daniel T. Jaffe, PhD, Vice President for Research
Soncia Reagins-Lilly, EdD, Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students
Chris Sedore, Vice President and Chief Information Officer
Christopher M. Del Conte, MEd, Vice President and Athletics Director
Christine A. Plonsky, BS, Women's Athletics Director and Executive Senior Associate Athletics Director
Nancy A. Brazzil, BS, Deputy to the President
Jay Dyer, Deputy to the President for Governmental Relations
Harrison Keller, PhD, Deputy to the President for Strategy and Policy
Carlos E. Martinez, JD, Chief of Staff
Gary J. Susswein, MA, Chief Communications Officer


Warn Farnsworth, JD, Dean
Robert M. Chesney, JD, Associate Dean, Academic Affairs
William E. Forbath, PHD, JD, Associate Dean, Research
Eden E. Harrington, JD, Associate Dean, Experiential Education
Elizabeth T. Bangs, JD, Assistant Dean, Student Affairs
Lauren Fielder, JD, Assistant Dean, Graduate and International Programs
Michael G. Harvey, BA, BS, Assistant Dean, Technology
David A. Montoya, JD, Assistant Dean, Career Services
Gregory J. Smith, JD, Assistant Dean, Continuing Legal Education
Elizabeth A. Hilton, Executive Director, Alumni Relations and Development
Jeffrey Toreki, BBA, Executive Director, Accounting 

The University of Texas System

Larry R. Faulkner, PhD, Chancellor ad interim
David E. Daniel, PhD, Deputy Chancellor
Steven W. Leslie, PhD, Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Scott C. Kelley, EdD, Executive Vice Chancellor for Business Affairs
Raymond S. Greenberg, MD, PhD, Executive Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs
Daniel H. Sharphorn, JD, Vice Chancellor and General Counsel
Barry McBee, JD, Vice Chancellor and Chief Governmental Relations Officer
Randa S. Safady, PhD, Vice Chancellor for External Relations
Amy Shaw Thomas, JD, Vice Chancellor for Academic and Health Affairs
William H. Shute, JD, Vice Chancellor for Federal Relations
Stephanie A. Huie, PhD, Vice Chancellor for Strategic Initiatives
David L. Lakey, MD, Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs and Chief Medical Officer