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HDF 652P HDF 652P. Field Practicum: Early Childhood. 6 Hours.
Designed for students in their last semester. Study and implementation of skills necessary for planning, guiding, and interacting with young children and their families; and for the management of facilities that provide services for young children. One lecture hour and at least twenty laboratory hours a week for one semester. Offered on the letter-grade basis only. Prerequisite: Upper-division standing; a University grade point average of at least 2.00; the following coursework with a grade of at least C- in each course: Human Development and Family Sciences 304 or 304H, 313 or 313H, 113L, and 315L, Statistics and Data Sciences 302 (or Statistics and Scientific Computation 302); Mathematics 408C, 408N, 408R, or Statistics and Data Sciences 332; Human Development and Family Sciences 338, 340, and 466; three additional semester hours of upper-division coursework in human development and family sciences; and consent of instructor. Admission by application only, filed with the Department of Human Development and Family Sciences by May 1 for enrollment in the following spring semester, or by December 1 for enrollment in the following fall semester.