Academic Policies and Procedures
Requirements and Policies of the College
All students must fulfill the General Requirements for graduation given in the University section. Students in the Moody College of Communication are also subject to the following requirements and policies:
- All communication majors must have a grade of at least C- in each course taken in the Moody College of Communication that is counted toward the degree; if the course is offered on the pass/fail basis only, the course must have the symbol CR.
- No more than 60 hours of communication coursework may count toward the degree.
- At least 36 semester hours of upper-division coursework must be counted toward the degree.
- Moody College students must complete at least 18 hours of in-residence upper-division coursework.
- No student in the Moody College of Communication may repeat for credit a course in which he or she has earned a grade of C- or better, unless otherwise specified in the catalog.
- A student may declare only one minor or certificate to supplement their Moody major(s); exceptions must be approved by the Dean. Moody students must declare their minor/certificate intentions before they have completed 65% of their degree requirements, as indicated on the Interactive Degree Audit (IDA); exceptions must be approved by the Dean.
Applicability Of Certain Courses
Internship Credit
Some communication degree programs require an internship; in other programs, students may elect to complete an internship. Up to but no more than six semester hours of credit in internship courses may be counted toward the student’s degree.
Physical Activity Courses
Physical activity (PED) courses are offered by the Department of Kinesiology and Health Education. No more than one hour of PED coursework may be counted toward a degree in the Moody College of Communication. This hour shall be counted as a non-major elective and the grade earned will be included in the grade point average.
Music Performance Courses
Music performance courses are offered by the College of Fine Arts under the fields of study ensemble, music, and as individual instruction in a particular instrument. No more than one hour of music performance coursework may be counted toward a degree in the Moody College of Communication. This hour shall be counted as non-major elective and the grade earned will be included in the grade point average.
Transfer Coursework
No more than 12 semester hours of transfer credit may be counted toward a student’s major requirements.
Concurrent Enrollment
No more than 30 percent of the semester hours required for any degree offered in the Moody College of Communication may be taken at another institution while a student is simultaneously enrolled in residence at the university.
Courses Taken on the Pass/Fail Basis
Moody College courses taken on the pass/fail basis cannot be counted toward the degree, unless they are offered only on the pass/fail basis. No course required for the degree and taken in residence may be counted if taken on the pass/fail basis, unless the course is offered only on that basis. However, a student may elect to count up to 15 hours of free elective coursework taken on the pass/fail basis. Credit earned by examination is not counted toward the total number of hours that the student may take pass/fail.
Courses Taken in other Fields of Study
No more than 36 semester hours in a field of study other than the field of study in which the student is majoring may be counted toward a degree in the Moody College.
ROTC Courses
No more than nine semester hours of credit for air force science, military science, or naval science courses may be counted toward any degree in the Moody College of Communication. Such coursework may be counted only as lower-division electives in degree programs that have room for such electives, and only by students who have completed the third and fourth years of the ROTC program. ROTC courses may not be substituted for any specific required course.